Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1078: : As if reborn

The night sky like ink is dotted with countless stars.

A crescent moon, exuding silver-white moonlight, poured over this small mountain village.

In order to express their gratitude, these villagers deliberately took out their best things to entertain Lin Fan and Wang Jianmin.

For them, they are already lucky to be rescued.

It was as if they were born again.

You know, in the cave for more than two months, they lived a life where they could not survive or die.

Don’t know the time, don’t know the weather, and don’t know what happened outside.

They were just in the dark cave, reading the seconds and waiting to die.

Yes, it is a kind of waiting to die, and it is countless times more terrifying than death.

After all, it was someone else who was imprisoned in that cave for a long time without seeing the time. He was in the dark for a long time, and it would gradually collapse.

Fortunately, the people in that cave are the villagers of the whole village.

Relatively speaking, the situation is better, after all, they can support and encourage each other.

When Lin Fan and Yang Xin walked out of the room, they saw several tables slowly being placed in the compound.

On the table, there are various farmer’s delicacies, many of which are mountain products and game.

"Leader Wang, Mr. Lin, thank you for your help so that we can escape the dark black hole. If you are more grateful, let's not say much. Our villagers owe you all this life!" The village chief took the lead. Stand up with a wine glass.

As soon as the voice fell, the others also raised their glasses and got up.

It can be seen that these villagers are all grateful to Wang Jianmin from the bottom of their hearts.

Wang Jianmin and more than a dozen people from the ad hoc team hurriedly got up and smiled and said, "You are welcome, this is originally our job!"

After the words fell, everyone was grateful and drank the wine in the glass.

It's not so much a dinner, it's more like a thank-you banquet.

Everyone ate and drank, and when they were almost drinking, they started to vomit again.

With tears on their faces, they are all grateful for their ability to come back alive again.

At the same time, they also realized another problem, that is, decades ago, they did what they did to drive the mother and daughter into the mountain and let them fend for themselves.

Although these people were present, none of them had experienced those things that year.

But they have a constant relationship with their elders and ancestors.

For this, they are also deeply guilty.

"Did they ask about anything during the day? For example, the murderer who trapped them in the cave, was he the lunatic who lived in the ancestral hall?" Lin Fan turned around and said to Yang Xin gently.

Hearing this, Yang Xin was shocked: "How do you know that it is that lunatic?"

"Simply, that madman is not among these people, and since the appearance of that madman, I have always suspected him. If I didn’t guess wrong, the tablets in the ancestral hall were probably worshipped by him. That is to say , This lunatic is likely to have something to do with the mother and daughter back then... What I want to know more is whether the woman back then has a son!" Lin Fan said lowly.

Hearing these words, Yang Xin was completely stunned.

Because most of Lin Fan's guesses were made by him.

As Lin Fan said, the murderer who trapped the villagers in the cave this time was the lunatic, and the two non-character tablets enshrined in the ancestral hall were indeed made by the lunatic.

As for the relationship between the madman and the woman, no one can tell.

I heard from the local villagers that the lunatic came to the village for more than ten years.

Although he is called a lunatic, he is not really mad, but some methods of doing things are weird.

Over time, everyone called him a lunatic.

"Xiao Fan, if you don’t come to be a criminal policeman, this is a huge loss to our criminal policeman. Or you can consider it and come to our criminal police team. An assistant, how about?" Yang Xin said with a smile.

Lin Fan was taken aback and said with a smile: "Forget it, your job, I still won't grab your job, but if you have anything in the future, you can come to me as much as possible. As long as I can help, I will definitely help. you!"

Yang Xin nodded, but there was a flash of ruddy on his cheeks.

In fact, from the first time she saw Lin Fan, she had a very special feeling for Lin Fan.

You know, girls like her.

The only thing that can impress her are those who are truly capable and powerful.

And Lin Fan is exactly this kind of person.

It's just that Yang Xin has always suppressed this feeling in his heart.

In her opinion, meeting with Lin Fan as little as possible will calm her mind.

However, the opposite is true...

"I heard that your Dayang Island is about to be built?" Yang Xin asked with a smile.

Lin Fan nodded: "Well, it's almost the same, in about two months, it will be completed!"

"Hehe, then, at that time, can I also travel to your island?" Yang Xin said.

"Of course, if you want, you can live there for a long time!" Lin Fan smiled.

However, just as they spoke.

On a small hill not far away, a pair of resentful eyes were staring at them.

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