Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1079: : Female men are also gentle

This meal was eaten until ten o'clock in the evening.

Since these villagers were rescued, their emotions have been quite agitated.

And after investigation by Wang Jianmin and the task force.

It was found that among these villagers, no one was missing and no one was injured.

It can only be said that they were all imprisoned in the cave behind the ancestral hall, but they were not harmed.

In this way, Wang Jianmin and the others were relieved.

At the same time, Lin Fan went to find the two savages again.

It turns out that these two savages can't speak at all, and their IQs are generally low.

It is equivalent to the intelligence of a normal person between five and seven years old.

Lin Fan frowned, when everyone went to sleep in their respective homes.

He stood alone under a plum tree in the middle of the village.

This plum tree is a symbol of this village.

It seemed that it was the name of their village, that's why a plum tree was planted here.

"Xiao Fan, why don't you go to sleep?"

At this moment, Yang Xin's voice came from behind.

Lin Fan turned around and saw Yang Xin's face with a slight smile.

In the moonlight, a faint ray of silver light shone down, but to eliminate the strong and indifferent that Yang Xin had previously disguised.

Coupled with Yang Xin's already pretty face, it made her look like a goddess.

Lin Fan smiled and nodded: "Maybe it's a bit too much sleep during the day, and now I can't sleep, how about you, why don't you go to rest?"

Yang Xin walked to Lin Fan and looked up at the towering mountain not far away.

It was like a giant beast with teeth and claws, hibernating there, waiting for an opportunity to retaliate against the village.

"I don't know, I can't sleep even when I lie down. I always feel that something is about to happen. Maybe it's an occupational disease of a criminal policeman all the year round. In such a strange place, I'm always unsure!" Yang Xin said with a smile.

Lin Fan smiled lightly, what is unreliable in a strange place.

If you don't guess wrong, something will happen tonight.

You know, the murderer behind the kidnapping of the villagers has not been found yet.

He was observing everything in the village secretly, waiting for an opportunity to move.

Of course, Lin Fan did not say this.

"I don't quite understand why everyone says that you are a female man? Several times I have contacted you, but I didn't find out how man you are, on the contrary, it is similar to other ordinary girls!" Lin Fan said without words.

Yang Xin was taken aback, and quickly turned around and asked, "Really?"

Lin Fan nodded: "You know, I never lie to people, let alone you are a policeman, how dare I lie to you!"

An excited smile flashed across Yang Xin's face.

Looking up at Rumo's sky, it's almost fifteen.

The moon is getting round a little bit, and the moonlight is getting brighter.

"I have wanted to be a criminal police since I was a child, and want to catch many criminals. Maybe this is a dream that many children have had when they were young? To be precise, this is a kind of heroic complex in the subconscious.. .... But, in the end, how many can really persist?" Yang Xin said with a smile.

"Well, then why do you stick to it?" Lin Fan asked with a smile and turned his head.

"Am I? You might not believe it, I am an orphan, an orphan without a father and no mother!" A bitterness flashed across Yang Xin's face, and it seemed so desolate under the moonlight.

The smile on Lin Fan's face gradually disappeared, and when Yang Xin said this, he also thought of himself.

An orphan who has traveled from other worlds, thought he could get the warmth of his family here.

In the end, he still couldn't escape the fate of being an orphan.

It seems that in my life, I am destined to endure these.

No matter in any world, nothing can be changed.

"My parents are both policemen. When I was very young, they went out on missions together. As a result, I have never seen them come back since then. They are very bloody, right? But this is true. I I didn’t know what I was thinking at that time. I was not sad or sad. I just vowed silently in my heart that I will become a policeman when I grow up and catch all the criminals..." Yang Xin's eyes , A tear flashed.

Lin Fan didn't speak, as it was said that silence is better than sound.

Being a serious listener here quietly is better than talking about chicken soup for the soul.

"My sojourn’s aunt’s house has always been very nice to me. She has a daughter, my cousin. At that time, we two wanted to be admitted to the police academy. In the end, I was the only one who won, and she failed. So I became a policeman and walked into the Criminal Police Team a little bit... Hee hee, I’m afraid you don’t believe it, what is the Criminal Police Team? It’s a place where men mix, and I’m a girl. Girls who have recently graduated, if they want to gain a foothold here, they have to fight hard..." Yang Xin said with a smile.

"So, you slowly become a female man?" Lin Fan asked.

Yang Xin nodded: "Yes, but I like this title very much. She can tolerate my fear, tolerate my weak side, tolerate... I miss my parents, and in front of outsiders, I can pretend to be I am very strong, and I am never soft in the face of prisoners, but whenever I return home, I will remove all my disguise, curl myself into a corner, and be myself..."

Listening to Yang Xin's narration, Lin Fan was also moved.

A girl can do this, better than most men.

Lin Fan stared straight into the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

Yang Xin turned around and saw Lin Fan's appearance.

The smile wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said, "Why, it scares you? Hehe, I don't know why, I will tell you so much today, maybe..."

"No!" Lin Fan shook his head, "We are in trouble!"

Yang Xin was taken aback, and quickly looked up.

Not far from the other side, a dozen sturdy wild boars appeared.

Each eye was scarlet, staring at Lin Fan and Yang Xin in anger!

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