Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 934: : Shopping

Lin Fan didn't know that his name had just appeared on the dark web, and it was quickly eliminated.

What he didn't even know was that his life was worth 10 million euros.

To know this price, it is equivalent to a sky-high price on the dark web.

If Lin Fan knew this, he didn't know whether he should cry or laugh. In the eyes of some people, he was very valuable.

At the same time, the Royal theme park, Russell's office.

The time had just passed less than ten minutes. A woman dressed up as an enchanting woman threw the computer directly on the ground.

Snapped! As soon as the computer fell, there was a loud noise.

"Miss Xiao, what are you?" Russell was shocked and hurried up to ask.

"Huh, it's a group of unopened guys. I paid 10 million euros to buy the name of Lin Fan. The dark web deleted my mission message!" said the enchanting woman.

"What? Those lunatics on the dark web, don't Chengdu like money? This is 10 million euros, and they are not even moved?" Russell was also surprised.

"Well, I don't know what those international killers are thinking in their heads. Lin Fan, a mere mere person, scared them like this, but they dare not do this business, it does not mean that others dare not do it, as long as the money is in place. , Still worry about things being done? Ha ha!" The enchanting woman said with a sneer.

As a result, just when her voice fell.

There was a sudden ringing of the phone, she picked it up and saw a slight curve of her mouth.


"Boss, the target has gone out. They are shopping in the mall in the city, do you want to do it?" A man on the phone said coldly.

"Oh? Going out? Haha, what a good opportunity, didn't that Lin Fan follow?" The woman said with a smile.

"No, only a few girls!"

"Well, very good, then you should find an opportunity to handle this matter properly. When it is done, your benefits will be indispensable!"


In a few words, the call was hung up.

The woman had an angry expression just now, and it quickly turned cloudy.

Russell stood beside him, although he was a little strange, but he was even more afraid of the woman in front of him.

They all say that offending anyone, don’t offend a woman, a woman really wants to be cruel, she is really a terrible creature.

Now Russell believes this sentence completely. The woman in front of him is really doing everything to deal with Lin Fan.

"Huh, Lin Fan? Xiao Shiyu? Let's just wait for a good show!" The woman said with a sneer.

"Miss Xiao, let's next..." Russell said quickly.

"You don't need to do anything, just wait here normally, and open when it's open!" the woman said softly.

"Yes, understand!" Russell nodded.

Immediately, he dared not stop here, and quickly turned and walked towards the office door.

It seemed that at this moment, he became very panic in his heart, just thinking about leaving this place as soon as possible, leaving the woman in front of him, if you take a step slower, I am afraid that he will be hurt...

At the same time, in a large shopping mall in Feng City.

Lu Yingxue and her three roommates, as well as the little fox, Linda and Lin Shu, were shopping here.

After more than two hours, they did not look tired at all. Instead, they were full of energy and had a lot of fun.

"Yingxue, let's go over there and have a look!"

"Ah, the clothes over there are so beautiful, let's go and take a look!"

The smiling faces of several girls seemed very sunny and lively...It is precisely because of this that they also attracted the attention of many men.

You know, whether it's Lu Yingxue or Little Fox, as well as Jin Miaomiao, Linda, and Lin Shu, they are all beautiful women.

Put it in any place, it is a well-deserved goddess.

But at this time, so many goddesses appear in the same place, how can it not be surprising?

"Oh, just walking around, I'm really tired, Yingxue, why don't we find a place to take a break?" Jin Miaomiao said.

"Hmm, I'm a bit hungry too, go eat something first?" Sun Qiong nodded.

"Hmph, you know how to eat, you just take a stomach when you go out?" Zhang He said next to him.

"Zhang He, you only have a stomach, can't people be hungry? Wouldn't it be uncomfortable if you didn't make trouble for a day?"

"I'm not looking for trouble, just tell the truth!"

Yes, without a few words, Zhang He and Sun Qiong, the two enemies, started fighting each other again.

But for such a situation, everyone is not surprised.

And no one went to persuade them to fight, they quarreled a few words on their own, and they would be fine soon.

"I know there is a good restaurant nearby, why don't we go there?" Lu Yingxue said with a smile.

"Yes, when we finish eating, we are looking for a place to take a stroll!"

"Yes, I have been in the zoo all day, and I haven't been out for a long time. If I don't stroll around, I wonder if I will be isolated from the world!" Lin Shu said with a smile.

After discussing, the girls walked out of the mall together, and walked towards the restaurant not far away under countless pairs of eyes secretly watching.

This restaurant looks very upscale, and the decoration is also very elegant.

There are two floors in total. Under the leadership of the waiter, several girls walked directly towards the second floor.

There is no private room here. They are near the window, looking for a larger table to sit down.

The staple food here is mainly Western food.

So the girls ordered some steak, pasta, and salad.

But they didn't order any red wine. They will continue to go shopping later, and drinking might delay things.

However, they were only halfway through the meal.

Several people came up from downstairs. There were five people in total, all of which looked a bit like a gangster.

Since they came up, their eyes have not moved away from Lu Yingxue and the other girls.

After a while, they just sat down.

Two men stood up and walked towards Lu Yingxue and the others.

He said with a smirk: "Oh, how many beauties are eating? How about we make up a table? After eating, brothers will take all the beauties and find a place to have fun?"

"That's it, it's just you girls, how boring!" said a **** with a smile.

Seeing them, the girls not only didn't have any fear, but they all laughed.

Zhang He smiled and said, "Yingxue, you are good everywhere in Fengshi, but this shameless **** is a bit too much!"

"Hahaha, I agree with these words, they are all shameless bastards, can't even eat, but come pick up girls?" Sun Qiong laughed.

Hearing their conversation, the few gangsters who came to strike up a conversation changed their expressions instantly.

One of them said with a gloomy face: "Who are you talking about? Have the ability to say it again?"

When the voice fell, Linda stood up and said with a cold face: "Go away, give you three seconds to disappear from my eyes, otherwise..."

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