Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 935: : The Grim Fairy

In the city center, in a restaurant that looks slightly high-end.

In the aisle on the second floor, several gangsters lay there all around, screaming like a pig from time to time.

These people were just those who wanted to molest Lu Yingxue and Jin Miaomiao.

In the end, Linda was the only one who beat them all down easily.

There is not even a chance to fight back.

This is not surprising, knowing that Linda is a killer herself, dealing with a few small gangsters is not a problem at all.

However, this scene stunned the rest of the restaurant.

There were also a few men who wanted to talk to each other in the past. After seeing this scene, all of them were scared and sweated behind them.

Fortunately, they weren't too anxious, otherwise, there would be a few others lying on the ground.

"Yingxue, where are we going when we finish eating?" Sun Qiong seemed to have nothing happened, letting those gangsters scream on the ground.

"Let's find a mall, I haven't visited enough just now!" Zhang He answered.

"Yeah, I heard that there is a fashion department store nearby. The clothes sold in it are all this year's popular models. Why don't we go there and take a look?" Lu Yingxue smiled.

"Yes, I finally came out once, I don't want to go back so early!" The little fox nodded repeatedly.

"Hmm, yes, it's still early, we can go shopping more!"

Several girls decided on their shopping plans while eating.

During the whole process, he didn't pay attention to a few gangsters on the ground.

When they were about to leave, these gangsters got up from the ground with painful faces.

One of them directly took out the phone and dialed a number.

Soon, the phone was connected: "Hello? Boss, we missed our hands. Those **** are too powerful. I, we are not rivals at all... Yes, yes, yes, those few Among the girls, there is a girl with good skills, other girls? I don’t know, just that girl, I gave all of our brothers down, and there is no chance to meet other people's methods, um, I was wrong, Yes, boss, I understand..."

Hanging up the phone, this guy has a gloomy expression on his face.

You don't need to ask to know that he was scolded on the phone just now.

"Brother Bao, how is it, what did the boss say?" a little gangster asked, frowning.

"What else can you say? Give me a harsh word so that we don't have to intervene in this matter, but before he arranges for someone to come over, let us follow them first, and don't get caught!" the man said.

"Huh? Stalking? Brother Bao, if we were to let those girls find out, wouldn't we want to..." When I remembered how they were beaten up by Linda just now, a few people were on their bodies. Some are aching.

"Nonsense, do you think I want to? But this is the boss's order, you dare not listen?" Brother Bao stared.

Hearing this, several people were speechless.

If you go stalking, you will be beaten severely by a few girls. If you don’t go stalking, let the boss know about this, but it’s not as simple as being beaten.

It is also very likely that it will affect his life.

The boss's fierceness, they knew very well in their hearts, they all shuddered when they thought of this place.

"In fact, it's okay. Isn't it just tracking? It's not asking for trouble. As long as we are careful and don't let those stinky ladies find out, there will be no trouble..." Brother Bao said lowly.

"That's all right, let's go now, I know the name of the mall they went to!" said one of the bullies gritted their teeth.

When things have reached this point, their only way is to bite their teeth.

Otherwise, if you really defy the boss's order, the end will be 10,000 times worse than it is now.

A few people briefly discussed, and then they hurriedly left the restaurant and walked quickly to the mall Lu Yingxue and the others said.

Not long after they left, some of the people who were eating in the restaurant all had a dumb expression on their faces.

Brother Bao and the others did not lower their voices.

Moreover, the restaurant is very quiet, so it is easy for other people to hear clearly.

As a result, when they had just left, the rest of the diners started talking in low voices.

"Are these people sick? Go and follow after being beaten?"

"That's right, I am embarrassed to tease those girls without looking at my own virtues?"

"Huh, the boss, thought you were making a movie here?"

"Don't talk, don't talk, eat quickly, be careful that the wall has ears..."

Of these discussions, Brother Bao certainly wouldn't know.

At this moment, Lu Yingxue and the girls, who were full of food and drink, came to a fashionable department store again.

The scale is not very large, it only has three floors, but the decoration inside is very novel and unique, and the clothes sold inside are also the most popular styles.

Although they are not brand-name clothes, they still attract many girls to hang out here.

Lu Yingxue and the others were no exception. After they came here, looking at the dazzling array of clothes in front of them, they all became extremely happy.

Especially Sun Qiong, it was like coming to a paradise outside the world.

Every time you reach a stall, you must stop and take a closer look.

If you meet someone you really like, you have to give it a try.

In this way, time passed in a hurry, and the sky gradually dimmed in the blink of an eye.

However, they didn't notice at all. In the crowd not far away, there were still a few people who were quietly following behind, looking for an opportunity to attack them.

"Yingxue, Miao Miao, what do you think of me wearing this one?" Sun Qiong said with a smile.

"Sun Qiong, you have to try on clothes for a day, if you want me to say it is almost all right!" Jin Miaomiao said.

"Just try not to buy, what's the point!" Zhang He said disdainfully.

"Cut, you have to buy the right one if you want to buy it. How to buy if you don't choose? Sister Fox, Sister Linda, Sister Lin Shu, please help me take a look!" Sun Qiong said with a smile.

"Well, actually I think it's the previous dress, which is more suitable for you!" Lin Shu said with a smile.

"Is it the one before? Actually, I think so too. It's a pity that we have already walked over. Or...or are we going back to have a look?" Sun Qiong nodded.

"What? Go back? I'm not going with you anymore. I'm going to collapse on this big day. I want to go back to the zoo, I want to eat, I want to rest..." Zhang He complained.

"Oh, good Zhang He, just go over together, just this time, just once, Zhang He..."

Unexpectedly, this time Zhang He and Sun Qiong did not confuse each other. Instead, Sun Qiong was still acting coquettishly.

Zhang He rolled his eyes and said, "Go, go, go with you, really a grinning little fairy!"

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