Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 936: : Not the way to the zoo

At 7 o'clock in the evening, when Lu Yingxue and the others walked out of the mall, the sky was already completely dark.

There are many taxis parked on the roadside, and there are many young men and women across the street, smiling while walking.

Now the weather is getting a little bit warmer, and many people have ended their hibernation mode.

After school and get off work, I always like to go out and stroll around.

For these people, the rich and exciting nightlife has just begun.

However, Lu Yingxue and the girls don't really have much energy to go to nightlife.

After walking around the street for a day, now they are all very tired.

At this moment, they also miss their spacious and comfortable bed in the zoo...

In the taxi, because they did not drive out, they could only split into two cars and walk to the zoo.

Among these girls, Sun Qiong is probably the most energetic one.

It seemed that she would always have endless energy. Now, whether it was Lu Yingxue or Jin Miaomiao, they all looked exhausted. Only Sun Qiong was the only one with a look that was still unfinished.

"Hehe, I am so happy today, I finally bought some clothes that I like!" Sun Qiong said with a smile while sitting in the car.

"Yes, yes, you are happy, we are all very tired, and we won't go shopping with you in the future!" Jin Miaomiao complained.

"That's it, it's so good for shopping, we have to go thinner, and she has nothing to do!" Lu Yingxue also said with a smile.

"Hehe, you don't know, I have always liked shopping since I was a child, and many of my friends have been cried by me when I walked around!" Sun Qiong said proudly.

Hearing this, Zhang He, who hadn't said a word, couldn't help but speak.

"This is not surprising, you deserve to have no friends!"

"You, you don't have any friends, I have many friends, you think they are all the same as you, viper, and cold..."

"My pleasure!"

"I'm happy too, hum!"

Ever since, the two girls sat in the car and started fighting each other.

Regarding this situation, Lu Yingxue and the others are not surprised. This is basically a stage that is staged every day and every moment.

Everyone saw a lot, listened a lot, and slowly became immune.

However, the driver who was driving, frowned and laughed.

"You young people, what is so noisy about, stop and stop, you are all good classmates, all good friends, there is no need to quarrel with each other because of this!" said the master.

The drivers are about 40 or 50 years old, about the same age as their father.

He looks very kind and gives people a kind of approachable closeness.

"Hehe, uncle, you are misunderstanding, we two, we do this every day, in fact, we didn't really quarrel!" Sun Qiong said with a smile.

"Yes, thank you for your worry, but the two of us really didn't quarrel. If you don't believe me, ask them both!" Zhang He also quickly explained.

"Oh, it's fine if there is no quarrel, hahaha, you young children now... By the way, since you got on the bus, I wanted to ask you, what are you doing to the zoo this night? There is no opening yet. Well, it's opened, right now, right?" The driver said with a smile.

Hearing this, the girls looked at each other, and Sun Qiong said, "Hehe, we went to the zoo, but we didn't go to play, um, to be precise, we live in the zoo!"

"Live at the zoo? Are you employees there?" The driver was obviously taken aback.

"Of course not, but the owner of the zoo is our classmate's boyfriend. It's not winter vacation. He will live there for a few days. We will go back to school in a few days!" Sun Qiong said.

"Oh, it turned out to be so, but that classmate of yours has a really good vision. This Ten Thousand Worlds Zoo hadn't been on such a scale before. It has only developed a little bit in the last half a year. It can be said that it is the largest and best zoo at home and abroad...Eh, by the way, do you know when the zoo will open? Since the Chinese New Year, the zoo has been closed. My grandson and Granddaughter, I've been clamoring to go to the zoo to play, but I haven't opened the door yet, so I can't help it!"

The driver's master was obviously very talkative, and he couldn't stop as soon as he spoke.

"This, we are not very clear. There is no exact time yet. Oh, yes, I believe there will be an announcement on the official website before the zoo opens. I guess it should be the latest period. Long time!" Sun Qiong said with a smile.

"Well, too, it's winter after all. Many animals can't come out, and it's useless to open business. Okay, just wait!"

"By the way, have you been to the newly opened theme park in Fengshi?"

The girls nodded when they heard the driver's question.

"I've been there, I only came back from there two days ago!"

"Oh, I also took my grandson and granddaughter there a few days ago, but it's really meaningless there. I knew it was fake at first glance. This thing is just like that. The real thing can't be fake, and the fake can't be real, right? "The driver's master said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, those things are too fake, meaningless, let's go there after the zoo opens!" Sun Qiong smiled and nodded.

"Well, I think so too!" The driver nodded.

While they were chatting with each other, the car had already driven a long distance.

Before they knew it, they found that this place was far away from the city center, and they were driving quickly towards the suburbs.

In the beginning, no one noticed anything.

Although the zoo is not located in the suburbs, it is still some distance away from the city.

However, with the outside scene, it became more and more deserted and dim.

Jin Miaomiao and Lu Yingxue were the first to find something was wrong.

"Wait, the driver, it seems that this is not the way to the zoo, right?" Jin Miaomiao said.

"Huh? How? This is the way to the zoo!" The driver said with a smile.

"No, the zoo is not here. Where do you want to take us?" Lu Yingxue also had something wrong.

Just now, Sun Qiong was chatting with the driver, and they were a little tired after walking around the street all day.

So I didn't pay attention to where the taxi was heading.

As a result, just when Lu Yingxue's voice fell.

The driver who was driving suddenly let out a gloomy sneer: "Hey, what are you going to do to the zoo, big night, uncle will take you to a more fun place..."

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