Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 986: : Too much deception

After two o'clock in the middle of the night, Arad Wanjie Ranch.

Several security cars and ambulances, their headlights illuminate this place as bright as day.

Under Bill's control, Lauren and his group were taken away directly by the security guard.

Swenson and Ham were taken to an ambulance for treatment.

After tossing so much in the middle of the night, things finally settle down a little.

At the same time, the other half of the earth, the East.

It was only during the day. Lin Fanzheng, Xiao Shiyu and Jason walked around Dayang Island.

In addition, some things that need to be added and those that you want to improve are reorganized.

"Lin, don't worry, I will be responsible for everything here!" Jason said with a smile.

"Of course, I am absolutely relieved to have you here!" Lin Fan nodded with a smile.

The two were talking, and the phone in their pockets came over abruptly.

I took a look, but it was a call from overseas.

Lin Fan frowned. He didn't have any friends overseas, only a ranch.

Normally, Svensson usually calls himself, and Lin Fan also has notes on his phone calls.

At the moment this phone number is an unfamiliar number.

Lin Fan felt a little strange, but still connected the call.

"Hello? This is Lin Fan!" Lin Fan said in fluent Inge language.

Soon, another man's voice came on the phone: "Hey, Lin, do you remember me? I'm Bill!"


Lin Fan was slightly startled when he heard the name just now.

But then he immediately recalled, isn't this Bill the rancher next to his Ten Thousand Realms Ranch?

The guy who had eaten barbecue with himself before and drank red wine together.

Lin Fan was a little curious about the call he made.

But then, what Bill said on the phone made Lin Fan's face even more ugly.

When he heard that Ham and Borg, who had stayed in the ranch, had all been attacked and went to the hospital with serious injuries, Lin Fan's expression was about to become murderous.

"What are they called?"

After a long silence, Lin Fan asked coldly.

"The person who took the lead, named Lauren, is a well-known loan shark of this generation, Lin, I hope you can remind Ham them, Lauren is very famous in the local area. He is already notorious and is not something we can provoke. , Let alone trouble yourself..." Bill said.

Lin Fan also knew that Bill said these words kindly.

After all, they are just the staff of the ranch, and they are not the scoundrels who fight hard all day.

People like Bill try not to provoke them if they can.

Lin Fan chuckled and nodded: "Well, thank you for your advice, Bill, when I have the opportunity to go to Citi, I am looking for you to eat barbecue, or you can come to the East to find me!"

"Hahaha, eating barbecue with you is a very pleasant thing, I am waiting for you to bring it!" Bill laughed.

After a few more words, Lin Fan hung up the phone.

At this time, Jason and Xiao Shiyu, who were next to him, also heard the content of the call.

Although there are not many, but looking at Lin Fan's face that seems to be killing people, one can guess something more or less.

There was only one with a bald head, standing next to him stupidly, with a dumb expression.

"Xiao Fan, something happened at Citi Ranch?" Xiao Shiyu asked quickly.

Lin Fan nodded: "Well, a small matter, don't worry too much. An employee of the ranch owed a loan shark outside and was chased to the ranch last night!"

"It turns out that this is the case, do you need help? I also have a few friends on the legal side at Citi!" Xiao Shiyu said quickly.

"No, I can solve this small matter by myself, don't worry!" Lin Fan smiled and shook his head.

This is not to say that Lin Fan really does not want to trouble Xiao Shiyu, but for him, this is nothing more than a small matter, and he can solve it in minutes.

Lin Fan was mainly angry that Svensson was someone he trusted very much.

When I went to Citigroup, I took his taxi several times.

In Lin Fan's heart, Swenson has always been a very cheerful guy.

Never thought, why would he go to borrow a loan shark? Go to the ranch that the enemy has provoke?

What angered Lin Fan the most was that the guy named Lauren even took some people to make trouble in the ranch? This is the thing that Lin Fan can't tolerate most.

It's just that he didn't make any countermeasures, because Bill said on the phone that Lauren and the guys he took are still locked in the security bureau.

However, with Lauren's ability, he would not be locked up for too long.

I believe it will be released by a simple inquiry.

Lin Fan, Xiao Shiyu, and Jason continued to walk on Dayang Island.

In the sky, the lizard dragon flies overhead from time to time.

On its back, it was Mount Tai, riding a chimpanzee.

Since the discovery of the lizard dragon, this cargo seems to treat it as its own pet, riding and playing all day long.

There was also a burst of excitement.

In this regard, Lin Fan was also helpless for a while.

Anyway, it was also a dragon, who was so bullied by a chimpanzee. Where did the previous domineering go?

But this is also good, Taishan can suppress it here.

Otherwise, I don't know what this guy is going to cause.

Until the sky gradually dimmed, Lin Fan did not leave with Xiao Shiyu.

Now, although the progress of the Dayang Island project is given full responsibility to Jason.

However, as the boss, Lin Fan is still a little uneasy. He plans to stay here for two more days to see the situation before making other decisions.

At night, the big guy lights a fire on the island to cook.

These ingredients are all bald heads and old iron, which were delivered by someone before.

There are a lot of vegetables, beef, mutton, rice, and various condiments, and occasionally some freshly-fished seafood will be sent to them.

For these construction workers, they can't even dream of eating these things here.

You know, although they are the construction team of Xiao's Enterprise.

But after all, they were all construction workers.

Usually on the construction site, it is very luxurious to have some cabbage stewed potatoes.

Besides, there are not only seafood, but also beef and mutton.

Every meal is different, and Lao Tie also specially hired a cook for them to cook.

In this way, they will be more serious and hardworking when they work.

Just when everyone was eating almost.

Lin Fan walked to a place where there was no one, quietly took out his mobile phone, found a phone number that had been in dust for a long time, hesitated and dialed out gently...

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