Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 987: : Call from the East

Citi, a luxurious private villa.

It was just around 7 o'clock in the morning, and a man in his forties was wearing a nightgown sitting on the sofa on the first floor, watching the morning news while eating.

In the news, what is being reported is the rush incident that took place at Arad Ranch last night.

However, the broadcast was not too detailed, just a few words.

After all, there were no homicides and no large-scale fights last night.

As a result, at this time.

A phone call came in quietly, breaking the elegance of men reading information.

"Damn, who is calling so early, if I can't say a reason for my satisfaction, I will throw you into the ranch, just like those guys..." the man murmured.

Complaining complained, he still put the phone through.

However, he hadn't waited for him to speak or get angry.

On the other side of the phone, a man's low voice came: "Hey, I'm Lin Fan!"

Upon hearing this, the loaf of bread in the man's hand fell directly to the ground.

It was so scared that his whole expression changed drastically, as if seeing something terrifying to him.

"Mr. Lin? I didn't expect you to call me. If you have anything, please let me know!" the man said quickly.

After a short pause for a few seconds, the voice on the phone continued: "It's very simple, I believe you should have seen the information broadcast on the TV at this moment? Yes, that's the ranch you gave me. It was attacked. No matter what method you use, solve this matter for me, especially the guy named Lauren. He doesn't have to. Continue to stay in this world!"

"Yes, Mr. Lin, our J team is willing to help you, just wait to hear the good news!" The man let out a breath.

A heart that was just hanging, this quietly fell.

For a small loan shark, Lauren, it is a matter of minutes for Group J.

"Well, I hope you don't let me down, so be it, I am waiting to hear from you!"

When this paragraph was finished, the phone was hung up directly.

The man frowned, sat on the sofa for a moment, then picked up the phone again and dialed a series of numbers.

"Andrew, this is Lei. There is a task here. He must be completed within 24 hours. Yes, I will send you the other party's information and information later!"

When the voice fell, the call was hung up.

Rayamick is currently the leader of the J group, and his status and status are very high in the J group.

But the current Group J, for Lin Fan, is a killer in his hand, and it is true.

As long as they have something to do with Lin Fan, they will help solve it unconditionally.

Just like Xiao Shimiao’s previous news on the dark web, as soon as they got the news, they immediately contacted the dark web’s management and cancelled the news.

Soon they started investigating who the person who posted the news would be.

As a result, when they found it, they discovered that all the assassins and mercenaries who went to the east to assassinate Lin Fan had disappeared inexplicably, and Xiao Shimiao, who released the news, also became a mentally ill and was being held for mandatory treatment in the hospital. ...

Anyone who is not stupid can guess it quickly after getting the news.

All of this was definitely made by Lin Fan...and just like that, they became more and more afraid of Lin Fan.

Local time, more than four o'clock in the afternoon.

Lauren was released from the security bureau.

This guy has a playful expression on his face. It seems to him that entering the security bureau is as easy as going home.

"Hey, Lauren, how was your last night?"

Just when Lauren had just walked out of the security management bureau, four or five guys came on.

These people are all Lauren's friends, and they were among them when they went to the ranch last night.

However, as a young man, he was released on bail.

There was a sneer on Lauren's face: "Are those little guys okay?"

"Of course, they have nothing to do. I heard that they can go back to the ranch to work tonight!" One of them nodded with a smile.

"Very well, then tonight, we are going to play with them!" Lauren said with a sneer.

"No problem, where are we going now?" The guy next to him said with a smile.

"Contact that guy Anton and ask him to prepare something for us. Tonight, I don't want the situation like yesterday to happen!" Lauren said.

"no problem!"

"Let's go, let's go to Tomorrow's Bar for a drink first, and in the evening we will go to the ranch and find those little guys to have fun!" Lauren said with a laugh.

"Hahaha, I can't help it anymore, watching them panic and scared, my heart is boiling!"

"Hahaha, me too, I would rather hear them scream, but no one can help them with the kind of despair!"

"Hoho, go have a drink first, and play with those little guys at night!"

Several people got into an old car, the engine rang, quickly turned the front of the car, and drove straight in the direction of the bar.

Tomorrow's bar, the name sounds more refined.

In fact, there are quite a few gangsters around here.

Almost all these **** near the Arad ranch were attracted.

In this bar, there are all kinds of people.

There are many of them, guys who have just been released from prison.

They are here and can do whatever they want...It is a paradise for these people.

Lauren took a few of his men to play around here to their heart's content. Many regular customers in the bar knew Lauren and the others.

Some people are extremely afraid of them all.

It can be seen what kind of existence Lauren is here.

"Hey, buddy, I heard that you went to a ranch in Arad to make trouble last night?" An old man said with a big smile.

"Hahaha, just go for fun, we have to go tonight, why, do you want to go for fun too?" Lauren said with a laugh.

"Yes, I haven't found someone to play for a long time, and I'm feeling depressed!" The old man smiled and nodded.

"Well, when we leave, I will call up!"

"no problem!"

However, just when the two of them were talking here.

From the entrance of the bar, two people walked in quietly.

His face was all gloomy, and he exudes an indescribable indifference.

Everyone who saw them walked to the side consciously.

After they came in, they quickly scanned the bar non-stop.

When they finally locked it on Lauren, they walked straight over there.

At this time, Lauren was drinking with a **** beauty...

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