Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 989: : A letter

After the ranch matter was settled, Lin Fan's mood seemed a little better.

The so-called eventful autumn.

Lin Fan now truly feels that as his industry grows larger, he faces more and more things.

Fortunately, there is nothing wrong at the zoo nowadays, with little fox and Lin Shu taking care of them, there will be nothing.

And the development on Dayang Island, under Jason's supervision, is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

Lin Fan stayed on the island for three days and three nights.

It was not until the morning of the fourth day that Xiao Shiyu and Xiao Shiyu returned to the pier by boat.

And here at the dock, Bald and Old Iron have already been waiting.

Looking at the appearance of the two of them, it seems that their injuries have almost completely improved.

It's no wonder that the injuries they suffered at the time were nothing more than some skin injuries, and they didn't hurt their bones.

"Brother Fan!"

When Lin Fan and Xiao Shiyu just got off the boat, Bald and Lao Tie hurriedly greeted them.

Lin Fan nodded: "Well, your two injuries are almost healed?"

The bald head and the old iron nodded: "Thanks to Brother Fan for worrying about it. There is nothing wrong with our two rough skins, but..."

"Well, if you have anything, just say it!" Lin Fan looked at them, hesitant to say something, surely there is something to say.

"Yes, Brother Fan... we heard last night that Zhang Hongyin has a younger brother. It seems that he is looking for Brother Fan... to get revenge!" Old Tie said vaguely.

"Oh? He actually has a younger brother? What's the background?" Lin Fan was startled.

It's just that I'm simply surprised. As for what I'm afraid of, Lin Fan will not exist.

If his younger brother really dared to avenge himself, Lin Fan wouldn't mind that he would be sent away directly with his brother Zhang Hongyin so that the two of them would meet on Huangquan Road.

"That's it, Brother Fan, his younger brother, has always been on Fusang's side. I don't know exactly what it comes from, but I've heard that this person has a background..." Old Tie said.

Lin Fan smiled softly: "During this period, both of you should also pay attention. Since his brother is coming to avenge, I am afraid that he will inevitably find the trouble of finding you. If you encounter anything, call me immediately!"

"Yes, we understand!" Old Tie said with the bald head.

"That's good, just do what you usually do, don't worry too much, I will take care of everything!" Lin Fan said.

With a few simple instructions, Lin Fan drove the car and left with Xiao Shiyu.

On the road, Xiao Shiyu always said something to apologize. If it weren't for her, things like today wouldn't happen.

Let Lin Fan and Lao Tie meet such troubles.

Lin Fan smiled softly: "Don't worry, little things, everything is with me, there won't be any trouble!"

Xiao Shiyu nodded, but there was still a trace of worry in her eyes.

The car drove very fast, and it had arrived in Fengshi before noon.

In about twenty minutes, the car had arrived in the People's Park at the foot of the zoo.

People's Park at this time is full of people coming and going.

With the gradual warming of the weather, more and more people are also rushing out for walks and walks...

Lin Fan parked his car in the parking lot and walked towards the zoo with Xiao Shiyu.

The zoo at this time can be described as crowded.

Many of them are tourists from all over the country, as well as tourist groups.

At the gate, Sun Xiaosheng led a dozen chimpanzees, guarding the gate.

Many tourists are queuing to buy tickets in an orderly manner.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Fan's somewhat helpless mood gradually improved.

After saying hello to Sun Xiaosheng, Lin Fan took Xiao Shiyu and walked directly into the zoo through the staff channel.

"Brother Xiaofan, are you back?"

When he returned to the zoo, the little fox hurried forward and said with a smile.

Lin Fan nodded, "Well, how is the zoo recently? Nothing happened, right?"

Although there are little foxes in the zoo, Lin Fan can rest assured.

However, there have been too many things recently, and adding that Zhang Hongyin is the boss, he is also afraid that this person will send someone to make trouble before he is dying.

The little fox smiled and shook his head: "Everything is normal. The number of tourists in the past two days has been increasing every day!"

"That's good, but you can't take it lightly. Now that the zoo has officially opened, everyone should be more energetic to prevent unnecessary things from happening!" Lin Fan said.

"Hmm, I know, I have already told everyone!" The little fox smiled and nodded.

Hearing this, Lin Fan was truly relieved.

During this period of time, too much happened, so he had to be careful about all kinds of emergencies.

In the zoo at this time, many tourists were laughing, either in groups of twos and threes, or a family of three with a child, playing in the zoo.

Although the weather has not reached the level of complete warming, the hot sun still emits scorching temperatures.

As noon gradually approached, many people simply took out some of the food they brought, ran into the woods of the zoo, spread a tablecloth on the ground, and ate the food they brought.

In this regard, the zoo is not expressly prohibited.

Instead, they greatly encouraged them to do so, mainly to create a way for them to feel free and feel everything in nature.

Anyway, Lin Fan didn't expect the zoo's hotel to make money.

Those are accommodations for tourists from other places or foreign countries.

Make them more or less convenient.

After walking around in the zoo and confirming that there was nothing wrong, he nodded and showed a satisfied look on his face.

However, just when he was about to return to Qingyi Manor to take a good rest.

I saw Ma Da Pao rushing over from a distance.

Far away, he shouted: "Brother Fan!"

Lin Fan frowned and stopped, looked at Ma Dapao suspiciously. When he came closer, he asked, "What's the matter? So panicking?"

"Brother Fan, when did you come back? Oh, yes, someone just asked me to give you a letter. He said he knew you..." Ma Dapao said.

In his hand, he held a black envelope, which was completely closed.

Lin Fan took the envelope over in a strange way, opened it and saw it simply had a few words written on it...Your girlfriend is very beautiful.

In the envelope, Lin Fan also took out a few photos.

All of the above are all photos of Lu Yingxue, life in school, and from the perspective, they are obviously taken secretly.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan frowned, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes!

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