Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 990: : All in control

"What age is it now, there are people who write letters?"

Just as Lin Fan was reading the letter, Ma Da Pao was speaking silently beside him.

But Xiao Shiyu and Little Fox frowned slightly, because they could see from Lin Fan's face that something was not right.

"Brother Xiaofan, what's the matter?" Little Fox asked quickly.

Lin Fan's face was gloomy and terrible, his eyes were in the zoo, scanning back and forth, as if looking for someone.

"Ma Da Pao, where is the person who I just wrote to you? What kind of clothes does he wear and what does he look like?" Lin Fan asked.

"This... Brother Fan, he just gave me a letter near the clinic. It was messy at the time. I didn't really see what he looked like. I just remember that he seemed to be wearing a black hoodie. ..." Ma Da Pao recalled.

"A black hoodie?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan unfolded his spiritual consciousness and quickly swept towards the surrounding five miles.

Ima Cannon sent him the letter, and this person will never go too far in this period.

Ding Datian is just at the foot of the zoo.

Sure enough, it was not long before Lin Fan's spiritual consciousness unfolded.

On the mountainside of the zoo, a man in a hoodie and a duckbill cap was walking down the mountain in a hurry.

Looking back while walking, he kept looking back.

It seems that he is afraid of being caught by someone, and he is very careful.

This is also true, his awkward appearance, on the contrary, aroused Lin Fan's suspicion of him.

"Ha ha!"

Lin Fan smiled coldly, his eyes flashed with Leng Binbin's killing intent.

"Brother Xiaofan, what's the matter with you? What do you say in the letter?" Little Fox frowned and asked.

"It's nothing, Shiyu, let's go back to your room and rest first. I haven't had a good rest on the island these past two days. Ma Da Pao, you also go back to the clinic to help. Don't show any mistakes, little fox, you have to work hard. , Pay more attention to the situation in the zoo, in any case, the safety of tourists' lives is the most important!" Lin Fan said.

After hearing these words, the hearts of several people were all stunned.

He was also aware of Lin Fan's tone.

It seems that something big is going to happen, otherwise, why would Lin Fan say the most important thing for the safety of tourists?

The few people didn't continue to ask anything more, but proceeded step by step, and according to Lin Fan's arrangement, they went their own way.


At the same time, at the foot of the mountain, a white van was parked near the parking lot.

The strange thing is that there were three other people in the car.

They are not afraid of being discovered, sitting inside and smoking cigarettes with the windows open.

At this moment, a man in a hoodie walked back quietly, with a panic on his face.

"Haha, how are things done?" A man sitting in the back of the van asked with a smile.

"Well, it's done, I watched Lin Fan unwrap the envelope with my own eyes!" said the man in the hoodie.

"That's good, but I'm also a little curious, what exactly is in the envelope, and ah, what age is it now, there are people who use the old way of sending letters!" The man in the car mocked Said.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, let's leave here immediately. This is not a good place. From the time I went down the mountain, I always felt as if someone was staring at me secretly!" The hoodie man said lowly.

Hearing this, the few people in the car all smiled disdainfully.

But no one was saying anything, but stepped on the gas pedal, headed straight to the direction outside the zoo, and drove quickly.

However, they didn't notice it, just when the man in the hoodie got into the car.

There was also a wasp, flapping its wings and getting into the car, and fell quietly in an inconspicuous place.

"I said, where are we going now?"

In the car, a man with small eyes murmured.

The man in the hoodie took off his hat, revealing a pale face.

It looked like he had just recovered from a serious illness.

However, there was a vicious gleam in his eyes, and he said: "Go to the place booked before, stay there for one night, and tomorrow morning, we will take the car back to Beining!"

"Well, it's okay. Although Fengshi is developing well, but since I came here, I always feel a little depressed. I don't know why, I always feel very uncomfortable!" said the little-eyed man.

"Don't think too much. This time, things don't end so soon. We came here to see clearly. By the way, we just send a letter to the person named Lin Fan. Let's go back to Beining first, the boss is still there. Waiting for us!" said the man in the hoodie softly.


For a while, none of the people were talking.

The van drove more safely all the way.

After a short time, they came directly to a place not far from the train station.

There is a business hotel here, which looks pretty good on the surface.

They are here, they have booked a room in advance.

After parking the car, the four people went straight upstairs and walked quickly.

Afterwards, he stopped in front of a room on the fifth floor, took out the room card and opened the door.

However, on this road, there is always a bee behind them, quietly following.

When the door was opened, several people first looked to the side, and after making sure that they were not being followed, they walked into the room one by one.

Immediately, the bee hovered around the door.

Then he flapped his wings, turned around, and flew straight outside the hotel.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Fan was in the zoo.

Suddenly seeing a bee coming back, a faint chuckle rose on his face.

The bees flew around on Lin Fan's head, making a buzzing sound.

Lin Fan nodded: "Well, you did a great job. Now there is nothing wrong with you. Come back and rest first!"

The bee seemed to be able to understand what Lin Fan said, spinning and flying around again, and rushed towards Lin Fan's arms.

When it came near the phone, it suddenly flashed and disappeared.

This whole process was not discovered by anyone.

Lin Fan sat on the bench outside Qingyi Manor, looked at the tourists coming and going in front of him, and took the phone out of his pocket.

Instead of directly looking for Lu Yingxue's phone number, he first found Jin Miaomiao's WeChat ID and sent a message.

"Miao Miao, how is your side? Is everything going well?"

After sending this message, Lin Fan closed his eyes, as if basking in the sun.

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