Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 991: : I am looking for you

Beining City, Medical University.

At this time, Jin Miaomiao and Lu Yingxue had just finished eating and were sitting in the classroom.

A message came suddenly, but after opening it, it was sent by Lin Fan.

This made Jin Miaomiao a little surprised, but also a little flattered.

Don't look at her state of being a cold goddess when she is at school or outside.

But after meeting Lin Fan, she was completely melted by Lin Fan, and she admired him incomparably in her heart.

Had it not been for Lin Fan, he would have become Lu Yingxue's boyfriend.

She will definitely use every means to **** Lin Fan...

Seeing this message now made her feel a little excited, and she quickly replied: "Dear handsome Lin, how come you have time to send me a message? Hehe, we are okay here. We are going to class and class all day long. Why, do you miss us or Yingxue?"

When Lin Fan saw Jin Miaomiao's reply, an awkward smile appeared on his face.

"Of course...I think about it all, but you have to be careful during this period of time. Don’t go out alone. Try to stay together. If you have anything, remember to give it to me as soon as possible. Call!"

"Hehe, handsome Lin, are you caring about me? No problem, no one dares to bully Yingxue with me, don't worry!" Jin Miaomiao replied.

Lin Fan smiled softly, not answering anything.

The reason why he would talk to Jin Miaomiao also had his own plan.

Lu Yingxue and Lin Fan have been together for a long time. If you tell her these careful words for no reason, it will inevitably arouse her suspicion.

Unsure, it will make her think too much.

When looking for Sun Qiong and Zhang He, these two people are very nervous, and they are likely to ignore everything and focus on Lin Fan's private message to them.

But Jin Miaomiao is different. It's one thing to be beautiful and family background.

The main Jin Miaomiao among the girls is relatively mature, and when things happen, they are calm.

After explaining these things, Lin Fan put down the phone.

Sitting there in silence, basking in the sun with his eyes closed.

As time passed by, the sky slowly dimmed, and all the tourists in the zoo had all gone.

Lin Fan put on his clothes and drove straight to Fengshi Railway Station.

Outside of a seemingly good business hotel, I parked my car and looked upstairs. After confirming that it was here, I went straight inside.

At this moment, the few people in the room are eating dinner.

These dinners are very simple, nothing more than some omnivores bought from outside.

"This time the boss suddenly returned to China, I think he is going to make big moves!" The little-eyed man said vaguely while eating.

"Nonsense, haven't you heard of it? Not long ago, our eldest brother, our eldest brother, was assassinated!" Another man replied.

"Fuck, really? It's the king of the dark world from Qinglong Society? He was assassinated?" The little eyes almost didn't spray what was in their mouth.

This news seemed extremely shocking to him.

It's no wonder, after all, the assassination of a boss is not a glorious thing, and the information will not be broadcast with fanfare.

Only those people in their circles will get news in the first place.

"This can be fake? Our boss is coming back this time, and he is definitely going to avenge his elder brother. All of them are neat and smart. Maybe after revenge, our boss can take over the position of the leader of Qinglongshe. , At that time...hehe, we can follow along!" said another man.

"Qinglong Club? Nima, I didn't even think about it in my dreams. I heard that I want to join that club. The requirements are very strict. I didn't expect that we would have such a day?"

"Well, maybe this is the so-called one-person gain, right? My grandma used to say that."

"Wait, what did you just say? One person can do it, the chicken and dog ascend to heaven? What do you mean by this? Who is a chicken and who is a dog?"

"Hahaha, I'm just comparing it, don't take it seriously!"

"You kid, what kind of metaphor is not good, but you use a chicken and dog to compare yourself. Is your head sick?"

Several people were talking and laughing while eating, and they were quite happy.

However, what they don't know is.

While they were talking and laughing here, the Killing God was coming little by little.

The face of the man in the hoodie moved slightly, with a pair of pale faces, he turned his head and looked towards the wooden door behind.

I don't know why, the feeling of being spied by someone and a very uneasy feeling quietly appeared in his heart.

Maybe this is the sixth sense?

The man in the hoodie furrowed his brows, put down his chopsticks, and said, "You eat first, I have no cigarettes, go downstairs and buy a box!"

"Buy cigarettes? Don't you usually smoke? Come on, I still have more than half a box here. If you want to smoke, just smoke mine!" Little Eye said.

"Your smoke is too strong, I can't smoke it, you can eat it first, and I will go back!" The man in the hoodie said, turning around and going out.

The few people in the room didn't care much, still bowing their heads to eat their lunch.

The heart of the man in the hoodie became more and more uncomfortable.

That strong sense of fear also became more and more clear.

He couldn't wait to open the door, and walked towards the outside.

And didn't dare to take the elevator, but went straight down the stairs quickly.

However, he didn't know, just shortly after he left.

The elevator just stopped on the floor where they were, and when the elevator door opened, a person walked out of it.

It was Lin Fan who had just come from the zoo.

When Lin Fan came out of the room, he looked around and saw no one.

Then he walked straight to a room quickly.

When he came to the door of the room, Lin Fan first listened to the movement inside. After hearing the sound of someone talking, he smiled and raised his hand and knocked gently on the door.

"I said Xiaopi, you are buying cigarettes too fast. You came back just after you went out? Amazing speed!"

I heard someone behind the door opening the door while talking.

When the door opened, I saw a strange man standing in front of me.

Little eyes asked strangely: "Who are you looking for?"

Lin Fan smiled softly: "Are you here from Beining?"

"That's right!" The little eyes nodded, looking dumbfounded.

Lin Fan laughed lightly: "That's right, I'm looking for you!"


Little eyes hadn't understood what was going on.

Lin Fan stretched out his hand and directly strangled his neck and pushed it directly into the room.

Subsequently, the door was heavily closed...

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