Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 994: : Disposition changes

After leaving the business hotel, Lin Fan did not really leave.

Instead, he returned to the car and stopped at a place not far from the hotel.

In the room before, he also got some news from his little eyes, but these news were not quite sure, and there was a higher possibility of water in it.

And Lin Fan could also see that those three people really didn't know anything.

Coming here this time was nothing more than simply sending a letter to myself.

The key person is still the person named Xiaopi. Only when you find him can you know about Zhang Hongyin's younger brother, Zhang Hongsheng.

Although Lin Fan was not afraid of Zhang Hongsheng's revenge, the opponent was in the dark.

Moreover, his goal this time is also very simple, that is, to target Lu Yingxue.

As a result, Lu Yingxue would encounter Zhang Hongsheng's threats and dangers at any time.

This is something Lin Fan doesn't want to see, so what he has to do now is to find Zhang Hongsheng as soon as possible, before he is ready to do something with Lu Yingxue...

At this moment he was sitting in the car, waiting silently.

After knowing that more than an hour had passed, I saw several people walking out one after another at the door of the business hotel.

Suddenly, Lin Fan's spirit was shocked.

He knew three of them, the three of Little Eyes who had just met.

In front of them, there was a man wearing a hoodie and a hat with his head down slightly.

And this person is the key person that Lin Fan is looking for, that is, the guy named Xiaopi.

The four of them, after coming out of the hotel, walked straight towards the parking lot not far away.

Came to the parking lot and got into a van.

At this moment, the few people in the van, with the exception of Xiao Pi, the other three did not have much thoughts.

"I said Xiaopi, your kid is so unreliable, running by yourself, but not calling us? Do you know how scared we were when we saw that Lin Fan just now?" a person said.

"That's, your kid is so unrighteous, how will we get along in the future?"

His small eyes frowned, and his face looked a bit gloomy, and he said, "Okay, if you complain, keep it for later. Now you are leaving this spiritual place quickly. I promise, if you can leave here alive, in the future I will never come to Fengshi easily in my life, I promise!"

With that said, the person who was sitting in front of the car, stepped on the accelerator, and the van would start.

However, at this time.

A jeep drove over and squeaked, and the car crouched directly in front of the van, blocking its path firmly.

Seeing this scene, the few people in the car were shocked.

Just when they haven't understood what is going on.

As soon as the jeep door opened, a person walked out of it.

It was Lin Fan who had been monitoring them.

Seeing Lin Fan, Xiao Pi hadn't reacted yet, but the three of them with Little Eyes immediately changed their complexions.

"Yes, yes... it's him, he hasn't left yet, but he has appeared again!" the driver shouted.

"Quick, drive fast, so he can't let him see us!" the other said in horror.

However, how is this possible? When he said this, he obviously had no brains, and was completely occupied by fear.

Lin Fan got out of the car, looked at the people in the van, tapped on the window lightly, and said, "All come out!"

When the voice fell, Lin Fan stood aside and waited silently.

The few people at this time, with great fear in their hearts, glanced at each other.

Headed by the driver, open the door and go out.

Then there were Xiaoyan and another man, but Xiaopi sat there slowly.

Lin Fan didn't mind, after Xiaoyan they got off the car.

Lin Fan smiled and said to them: "Go and wait first, I have a few words with this little Pi!"

"Yes, Mr. Lin!"

Several people with small eyes nodded quickly and stepped aside.

Lin Fan got into the van and closed the door heavily.

Looking at the two people inside, the three small eyes frowned.

Because the van is closed, you can't see what's inside from the outside, and you can't hear the voice.

"I said Brother Deng, what's the situation?"

"Has Mr. Lin never left? He has been watching us nearby?"

"Only this statement can prove why he appeared here so quickly and suddenly!"

"But he left Xiaopi alone. What does this mean, Brother Deng, you said he wouldn't kill Xiaopi?"

The three people were outside the van, and they kept talking.

Guess what Lin Fan and Xiaopi are in the car at this time.

But it was just a guess, they couldn't see at all, let alone hear anything.

Time flies slowly, and I don't know how long it has passed.

Maybe only a few minutes, maybe half an hour, maybe even longer...

In short, with the appearance of Lin Fan, the surrounding air seemed to freeze.

There was a crash when the van door was reopened.

Lin Fan walked out of it with a smile.

In the car, Xiao Pi was still sitting there safe and sound, but from his eyes, Xiao Pi seemed to have experienced something terrifying.

"You guys, after returning to Beining this time, don't come out and do these messy things, you know?" Lin Fan said.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Lin, we won't do these things in the future!" The three small eyes nodded repeatedly.

"Very good!" Lin Fan nodded, but turned his gaze and fell on Little Eye, and asked, "Have you worked in the zoo before?"

"Huh?" Hearing this, his small eyes were startled, but he immediately replied, "Yes, when I just graduated from university, my family looked for a relationship to send me to the zoo and became a tiger breeder, but I didn't have much talent. In 2016, the zoo closed down!"

"Well, Xiaopi has already told me just now. Why not do this. If you three go back and cannot find a job, you will come back to Fengshi to find me. Of course, I can’t guarantee anything else. A decent job, there is no problem, not to mention that you still have experience working in a zoo!" Lin Fan smiled.

At this moment, Lin Fan didn't seem to have the fear in their eyes.

Instead, he became very amiable.

All three of them, Little Eyes, frowned tightly, and didn't say a word for a long time.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Okay, you can go to the train station. Oh, yes, this is my business card with my phone number on it. If you want to come to work, you can call me at the above... .. If you are still doing these things, next time I meet, I will not only take back the business card, but also take your lives!"

Hearing this, the three people with Little Eyes were all frightened and nodded repeatedly.

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