Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 995: : Scream

As for Lin Fan's temperament, all the people with Little Eyes were a little confused.

How could he, who looked murderous just now, become like this in the blink of an eye?

Especially after getting out of the van, it was like two people.

When Lin Fan left, the people in Xiaoyan quickly returned to the car.

With one foot on the accelerator, the van quickly drove out of the parking lot, headed straight to the train station, and went quickly.

On the road, the few people with Little Eyes were also very puzzled.

I asked many times what Lin Fan had said to him just now in the car.

However, Xiaopi kept his head down and never said a word.

Seeing this, Little Eyes was fascinated and didn't continue to ask, maybe Xiaopi had something unspeakable.

When the car arrived at the railway station, several people went to collect the tickets, and all went into the waiting hall together, found a place to sit down, and patiently waited for the train to Beining.

At the same time, after Lin Fan left the train station, he drove straight in the direction of the zoo.

Nothing happened along the way.

When I returned to the zoo, many tourists had already gathered in the yard, and business was booming.

But the little fox and Linda and the others, all kept busy.

Even Xiao Shiyu was not idle, and simply acted as a navigator in the zoo...

"Brother Xiaofan!"

After seeing Lin Fan coming back, the little fox hurriedly greeted him.

Lin Fan nodded: "Nothing happened in the zoo, right?"

"No, everything is normal, Brother Xiaofan, what happened?" Little Fox asked strangely.

Because after coming back from Lin Fan, she found that her face was a bit wrong.

The little fox has been in the zoo for a long time, and he is familiar with Lin Fan's every move.

Lin Fan always smiles when encountering some bad things.

But this time, Lin Fan frowned, his face looked a bit heavy.

Obviously, something big happened this time.

"It's nothing, but in the past few days, we must pay attention, whether it is day or night, be extremely careful!" Lin Fan said solemnly.

The little fox nodded blankly: "Okay, Brother Xiaofan, I will pay more attention!"

"Also, pay attention to the people who are among these tourists. If you find something wrong, immediately clear it out!" Lin Fan continued to exhort.

The little fox is getting more and more confused now, why after Xiao Fan's brother went out, he became like an enemy when he came back? Who is it that makes him so cautious?

However, the little fox did not dare to ask more, she strictly followed every explanation of Lin Fan.

Lin Fan returned to Qingyi Manor and sat in the room to rest.

The reason why he is like this is mainly because of what Xiaopi said to him in the van.

This Xiaopi has a good relationship with Zhang Hongsheng. Although the two have not reached a very good level, they have already known each other for a long time, and they have been drinking together before.

According to Xiaopi, Zhang Hongsheng was just a college student at that time. He looked very young and had no social experience or experience. It was as simple as a blank sheet of paper.

And since Zhang Hongsheng came back from Fusang, no matter his temperament, experience, etc., everything has undergone earth-shaking changes, and he is no longer the Zhang Hongsheng Xiaopi once knew.

Insidious, vicious, cruel, dark...These words are enough to describe Zhang Hongsheng now.

In Xiaopi's words, Zhang Hongsheng is elusive today.

There is even a little fear.

What made Lin Fan even more surprised was that Xiao Pi didn't know exactly what the main purpose of Xiao Pi came to send Lin Fan this time was.

Because Xiaopi itself is very exciting, and he and Zhang Hongsheng had known each other a long time ago.

So after returning to China, Zhang Hongsheng mainly went to find Xiaopi, and asked him to help bring a few people to Fengshi and send a letter to Lin Fan at the zoo.

However, this matter is obviously not that simple.

If Zhang Hongsheng wanted to kidnap Lu Yingxue, he would have many opportunities to do it directly.

Why bother to send a letter to Lin Fan first to inform the other party and then kidnap? This is not a brain damage, but a lunatic.

Obviously, Zhang Hongsheng is neither.

Although he has become very strong now, and he is also very busy with Fusang.

But he was not so conceited yet.

Then there is only one possibility, this letter is not intended to make Lin Fan and Lu Yingxue strengthen their guard.

But it was purely to anger Lin Fan, so that he immediately rushed to Beining City to protect Lu Yingxue.

In this way, the zoo will become empty.

At that time, after Zhang Hong was born such a tuned tiger away from the mountain, he would have no trouble attacking the zoo.

Of course, this is just Xiaopi's personal analysis.

But just that, it surprised Lin Fan.

Not to mention anything else, the zoo is now officially open, and many tourists come to play every day.

If that Zhang Hongsheng chooses to attack the zoo at this time, he is hurting the tourists, then the matter will get worse.

Therefore, this will happen just now.

After Lin Fan came back, he thoughtlessly said something to the little fox.

However, Lin Fan still can't be too relieved, this Zhang Hongsheng's plan is definitely not as simple as his own guess.

And he himself, although he can guess what Zhang Hongsheng did.

However, for safety reasons, Lin Fan still has to go to Beining City to make sure that Lu Yingxue has not had any accidents.

At the same time, he also reminded Lin Qianqian and Xiaoyu.

The two of them have to go to school every day. If someone wants to do something to them during this period, it would be unprepared.

The more he thought about it, the more things he got, Lin Fan frowned tightly.

He didn't like this feeling very much, a feeling of being remembered, but he couldn't find the other person.

"Zhang Hongsheng... you better not let me find you, otherwise, even if you have nine lives, I will kill you one by one!" Lin Fan said coldly.

Immediately, he picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, Xiao Fan, what can I do for you?" Wang Jianmin's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Lin Fan didn't say any unnecessary nonsense, and directly explained what Zhang Hongsheng might have dealt with the zoo.

"Xiao Fan, don't worry, I will solve this problem, you can go to Beining with peace of mind!" Wang Jianmin said.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you at the zoo!"

While speaking, Lin Fan directly hung up the call.

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