Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 996: : You really have no choice

Although there is already a faint guess about Zhang Hongsheng's plan.

But Lin Fan still had to go to Beining himself.

For nothing else, it is because Lu Yingxue is his girlfriend. He has the need to keep his girlfriend safe.

After hanging up with Wang Jianmin, Lin Fan called Jason again.

Ask him to be more careful during this time.

Jason said that he didn't care. Actually, thinking about it, the island is now under construction, and hundreds of workers are there.

In addition, Tarzan brought more than 30 chimpanzees, more than a dozen vicious dogs, and a lizard dragon.

What kind of power can calmly attack the island?

It's just that the little power in Zhang Hongsheng's hands is not enough to fight.

From this point of view, the last thing Lin Fan needs to worry about is the security of the island.

In addition, there are two of them, Lao Tie and Bald.

When there was a conflict with Zhang Hongyin, both of them were involved.

Moreover, Zhang Hongyin and his son were killed, and they were also involved in the two.

If that Zhang Hongsheng really wants to retaliate, he is likely to attack Old Iron and Bald.

Ever since, Lin Fan also called the two of them so that they must be careful during this time.

After everything was explained, Lin Fan bought a plane ticket to Beining in the afternoon.

Before that, Lin Fan had not called Lu Yingxue.

This was to keep her safe, and the second was to give Lu Yingxue a small surprise.

There is not much distance from Fengshi to Quancheng.

It only takes about five hours to drive.

By train, there are more than three, less than four hours.

And by plane, you can arrive in an hour.

Such a short distance is just a matter of minutes for Lin Fan, and he will be there...

At this moment, Beining University, in the female dormitory.

Lu Yingxue, Jin Miaomiao and the other girls just came back from the cafeteria after eating.

"Yingxue, is there any news about handsome Lin? Now every day is so boring, I can't wait to graduate soon!" Sun Qiong said helplessly.

Since they came back from the zoo, perhaps they have become accustomed to the slow-paced life of the zoo.

On the contrary, the campus life at the school feels extremely dull and boring.

They are veterinarians themselves, and in this profession, it is even more meaningless.

Besides, before that, Lin Fan had promised them that after graduation, they could work in the zoo.

In this way, the thoughts of Sun Qiong and the girls flew directly out of the clouds.

If they can graduate and go to the zoo, this is definitely a great thing for them.

Lu Yingxue smiled and shook her head: "I don't know very well. The zoo is now open and there are endless things to do every day. Maybe he is busy too!"

"Chee, I really don’t know how your girlfriend is. You don’t even know what your boyfriend is doing. Although Yingxue is a virtuous man, you have to firmly grasp it for a man as good as Lin. Live, who knows if there will be a vixen out there secretly seduce him!" Sun Qiong said.

"Even if there is, that's you, a saucy fox, right?" Zhang He rolled his eyes and said.

"Cut, if I can seduce handsome Lin, that's not bad. It's better than falling into the hands of outsiders? And handsome Lin is simply the male **** in my heart... How about being a concubine?" Sun Qiong said with a smile on her face.

Upon seeing this, Lu Yingxue did not feel any anger. Instead, she smiled and nodded: "Yes, as long as you can get it, I won't care!"


Hearing this, Sun Qiong's eyes almost didn't fall out, leaving only endless joy on his face.

Under normal circumstances, being able to say such things, although in a quick joke tone, also shows that such thoughts have already occurred in my heart.

Now that Lu Yingxue said that, Sun Qiong was about to bloom.

Zhang He rolled his eyes next to him and said, "Sun Qiong, is your brain flooded? Yingxue was just making a joke. Are you serious?"

"Cut, Yingxue is not joking, Yingxue has the best relationship with me!" Sun Qiong said childishly.

Lu Yingxue shook her head helplessly: "Actually, I will not interfere too much with him, including his life. I also know that it is normal for a man to get in touch with flowers and grass outside. If this is the case, why can't he be his own? Sisters? It’s better than those women outside!"


Hearing this, the girls including Jin Miaomiao were all taken aback.

Many people are afraid of the relationship between their boyfriends and their girlfriends, but Lu Yingxue is more supportive of such things.

In this regard, although several girls were surprised.

But at this moment, they are all alive and a little bit ready to move.

Just as Sun Qiong said, if they can, even if they are a concubine for Lin Fan, they are all willing.

While talking about the sky, Lu Yingxue's phone suddenly came in with a message.

When she opened it, she saw this message.

It seemed surprised.

There was a photo in the message, but in the photo it was Lin Fan standing at the gate of the school.

Upon seeing this, Lu Yingxue immediately showed a pleasant smile on her face.

"How could he come to school suddenly?"

Lu Yingxue was surprised, and quickly put on another dress.

Seeing her appearance, Jin Miaomiao and Sun Qiong all looked over in surprise.

"Yingxue, what are you doing here?"

"It's getting dark outside, aren't you going out?"

"Wait, Yingxue, did someone send you a text message just now? Who sent it? Could it be..."

When they said this, all of them were shocked.

Could it be that Lin Fan is here?

Based on Lu Yingxue's performance, I'm afraid there will be no one other than Lin Fan who can make her change into new clothes at night.

In this way, their guesses cannot be wrong.

Ever since, no one was talking, but turned around one after another, and each became busy.

When Lu Yingxue changed his clothes and wanted to say hello to them, he might not come back at night.

Just looking back, they found that Zhang He, Sun Qiong, and Jin Miaomiao all put on a new set of clothes, waiting for her there.

"You... really can't help you, well, let's go out together!" Lu Yingxue said with a smile.

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