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Chapter 125: The Missing Uncle

The next morning, Yang Xiajiao came to the company and delegated the work to several vice presidents.

By noon, the two came to the Yang family villa together.

As usual, Yang Bojun was busy with farm work in the small garden of the villa.

Seeing Qi Ming and Yang Xiajiao coming, Yang Bojun laughed happily: "You two children, why haven't you seen Grandpa for so long? Did something happen?"

"Grandpa, we've been a bit busy lately, we can't get out, don't be angry."

Yang Xiajiao took Yang Bojun's arm and said, "We are here to see you today, first to see your body, and second to bid you farewell."

"bid farewell?"

Yang Bojun was stunned for a moment, and then asked; "You two are going out?"

Qi Ming nodded and said: "We are going to Kyoto tomorrow to discuss the specific details of cooperation with Huo's family. It will take a few days to come back."

"Come in, go in and say."

Yang Bojun led Qi Ming and Yang Xiajiao into the living room of the villa.

After each of them took their seats, Yang Bojun adjusted their beards and said: "The overall strength of the Huo family in Kyoto is far superior to that of the Miao family. Because of various accidents, our relationship with the Miao family has dropped to a freezing point. Finding an ally in Kyoto again is a good thing. The best way."

After finishing speaking, Yang Bojun said with a sense of meaning: "Grandpa won’t say anything else, just say a few words. After arriving in Kyoto, you must pay attention to rest. Second, although the strength of the Huo family is stronger than ours, if They make some non-discriminatory demands, and you must categorically reject them, and you must not compromise the dignity of our family for the immediate benefit."

"Grandpa, at this point you can rest assured, what you should promise and what you should not promise, granddaughter knows in her heart."

Yang Xiajiao nodded heavily, and said, "Brother Huo is not that kind of person. I believe he will not make any unreasonable demands."

"Silly girl, Huo Yingxiong may not, but there are a few old guys on him. Those few are well-known human beings. You must be more careful when facing them."

Yang Bojun told Yang Xiajiao that although Huo Yingxiong is equivalent to the Patriarch, he is not the rightful Huo Patriarch after all.

In addition to Huo Yingxiong, Huo Yingxiong's father and several of his uncles can be the masters of the Huo family.

These people put pressure together, and Huo Yingxiong couldn't stand it.

"Hero Hero Huo can't stand it, I can stand it."

Qi Ming clenched his fist and said with a serious face: "Who dares to bully Xia Jiao, first ask me if my fist can answer?"

"Qi Ming!"

Yang Xiajiao glared at Qi Ming and said: "You once promised me that you are not allowed to use violence against people without my permission, and you are not allowed to be rough in the future!"


Qi Ming loosened his fist and assumed an obedient appearance.


Yang Bojun laughed with relief, and the two of them have now become a wife and husband.

It seems that their good deeds are also coming.

Thinking that he would be able to hold his grandson, Yang Bojun was in a good mood, and ordered the old housekeeper to pick vegetables in the vegetable garden and prepare to eat.

"Grandpa, I'm going to cook."

Hearing cooking, Qi Ming stood up and rolled his sleeves to his arms, ready to go to the kitchen to cook medicated meals.

Yang Bojun grabbed Qi Ming and said, "Xia Jiao will cook this meal today."


Yang Xiajiao was taken aback first, and then said embarrassed: "Grandpa, you know my cooking skills."

"Don't you even listen to Grandpa's words?"

Yang Bojun pretended to be angry and said: "Xiao Qi Mingtian cooks for you, what can you do if you cook him a meal? Xiao Qi loves you so much, no matter how bad you cook, he will eat it too."

"You let me go. It's not delicious. You must say me."

Yang Xiajiao thought that grandpa couldn't bear Qi Ming obedient to him, and was ready to support Qi Ming.

Qi Ming wanted to help him, but was stopped by Yang Bojun's eyes.

When Yang Xiajiao and the old housekeeper went to the kitchen to prepare the ingredients, Qi Ming said: "Grandpa, you blinked at me just now, do you have something to tell me?"


Yang Bojun sat next to Qi Ming, glanced at Yang Xiang in the kitchen from the corner of his eye, and said, "Grandpa has a few words to tell you alone. You have to assure grandpa that you will never tell Xia Jiao after listening."

Qi Ming looked serious, and said in a very low voice, "Grandpa, what are you trying to say? Is it necessary to keep Xia Jiao from it?"

"Is necessary."

Yang Bojun sighed and said, "This matter is very important. If Xia Jiao is asked to guide, she will definitely be very worried, and she will probably be self-defeating. Therefore, Grandpa must hide from him."

Immediately afterwards, Yang Bojun took Qi Ming to the study.

Entering the house, Yang Bojun planted the family portrait from the wall and carefully wiped the dust off the photo with his sleeve.

Qi Ming stood silently behind him, waiting for Yang Bojun to explain the matter.

Yang Bojun turned around and handed the family portrait to Qi Ming, and said, "Xiao Qi, I once told you, do you remember who the old man loves the most?"

"Of course I remember, it's your little son."

Qi Ming smiled and said, "You said that your youngest son has the most similar personality to you, and he has shown his abilities different from ordinary people since he was a child."

"Yes, if he is still here, maybe the president of the Extraordinary Group is not Xia Jiao, but him."

"It's still..."

Qi Ming "clicked" in his heart.

What Yang Bojun meant was that his youngest son is no longer there?

But after thinking about it, Qi Ming felt wrong again.

If Yang Bojun's youngest son died, he would not have heard anything.

Qi Ming and Yang Xiajiao lived together for so long, and she had never heard Yang Xiajiao mention this little uncle.

"Don't guess, the old man's youngest son is not dead, just missing."

Yang Bojun said with a sad expression: "The old man's youngest son is named Yang Da. After graduating from university, he entered a mysterious department and disappeared during a mission. It has been more than ten years."

"At that time, Xia Jiao was still young, and she didn’t know her uncle’s disappearance. Later, the old man gave the family members a password. This incident must not be passed on. It was said that Yang Da graduated from University and went abroad to start a business. In order to conceal the media and Xia Jiao."

The main reason why Yang Bojun did this was to appease Yang Xiajiao.

Yang Xiajiao's parents followed official careers. Every few years, they would be transferred from one place to another as officials.

In order to create a stable learning and living conditions for Yang Xiajiao, the husband and wife put her in Yang Bojun's home to raise her.

At that time, Yang Bojun was busy with the company, and it was difficult to take care of Yang Xiajiao in every aspect.

Therefore, the important task of taking care of Yang Xiajiao fell on Yang Da.

The relationship between the two is not a father-daughter better than a father-daughter. If Yang Xiajiao knew that Yang Da was missing, Yang Bojun was afraid that the baby granddaughter would collapse.

There is no news from the youngest son, if the granddaughter is also involved.

Yang Bojun can't bear such a blow...

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