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Chapter 126 Arriving in Kyoto

After Yang Da disappeared, Yang Bojun kept looking for him all the time, and used all his relationships for this purpose.

It's a pity that the sky did not fulfill the wishes. Ten years later, Yang Bojun still has no son's whereabouts.

When Yang Bojun was about to despair, a phone call gave him hope again.

The call was from a colleague of Yang Da's back then.

Now this person has been promoted to the top of the department and has learned about the whole story of some disappearances that year.

I was worried that it was not clear on the phone, and did not tell Yang in detail, and invited Yang Bojun to take the time to go to Kyoto.

Yang Bojun planned to meet him in Kyoto in the near future, but due to his special status, once he leaves Haizhou for Kyoto, it will inevitably cause a lot of things.

Now, Yang Xiajiao and Qi Ming are about to go to Kyoto to meet with Huo's family, and Yang Bojun is going to hand this task to Qi Ming.

Qi Ming replaced himself and communicated with Yang to find out the true circumstances of his son's disappearance.

"I see."

Qi Ming nodded heavily and said, "Don't worry, grandpa, you tell me the address, name, and phone number of that person. After arriving in Kyoto, I will contact him immediately to ensure that the situation of my uncle is clear."

"Grandpa didn't see you wrong as expected."

Yang Bojun patted Qi Ming on the shoulder and said, "That person is Wang Weizhong, who is the deputy head of the special service team. As for the special service team, he is a secret..."

"and many more."

Qi Ming interrupted Yang Bojun, and said in astonishment: "Grandpa, you said Wang Weizhong is a member of the Secret Service Team?"

Yang Bojun looked at Qi Ming unclearly, and nodded: "Why, do you know the secret service team?"

Qi Ming said dumbfounded: "Don't hide from Grandpa, I just met with the Secret Service team leader a few days ago."

Yang Bojun blurted out and said, "You mean Tian Wenchang?"


Qi Ming nodded repeatedly and said, "Tian Wenchang, please, help the Secret Service Team to deal with a Wuqi master. Grandpa and Uncle joined a special department after graduating from university. Is this special department the Secret Service Team?"


Yang Bojun didn't expect Qi Ming to know Tian Wenchang, not to mention that the secret service team would ask him for help.

Having been in a high position for many years, Yang Bojun knew a lot about the secret service team.

The special service team specializes in Wu Qizhong's affairs, and there are many experts in the department.

They asked Qi Ming for help, showing that Qi Ming's strength has been recognized by the special service team.


Thinking of this, Yang Bojun laughed.

Maybe this trip to Kyoto can not only find the reason for the disappearance of his son, but also find out his whereabouts.

The more Yang Bojun thought about it, the happier he was. He pulled Qi Ming and asked in detail about his meeting with Tian Wenchang.

Qi Ming covered the Zhou family's affairs, only saying that the meeting with Tian Wenchang was facilitated by Sun Hai.

Tian Wenchang hoped that he would help him deal with the master hidden behind Han Bing.

"Grandpa, the food is ready, where are you?"

Hearing Yang Xiajiao's voice in the hall, Yang Bojun said in a low voice: "Xiao Qi, don't tell others about this matter. Remember, if you talk more, you will lose it."

"Grandpa rest assured, I didn't tell anyone else except you."

"Very good." Yang Bojun got up and led Qi Ming downstairs.

As Yang Xiajiao said, even though he has devoted himself to learning cooking during this period, his skills are not much better than before.

Fortunately, Yang Xiajiao didn't make any low-level mistakes.

For example, use sugar as salt, or for example, do not wash vegetables when cooking.

Although it tastes unpalatable, Qi Ming eats it with relish.

Yang Bojun smiled and shook his head, put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, and said: "Xia Jiao, you leave tomorrow, and grandpa will not send you off. When you arrive in Kyoto, don't forget to call grandpa to report your safety."

"Grandpa, I know."

Yang Xiajiao said in a relaxed tone: "If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, I will also call you."

Several people finished the meal with talking and laughing. When it got dark in the evening, Yang Xiajiao and Qi Ming left and went home.

Time flickered to the next morning, Yang Xiajiao made a call to Ye Lili to explain her work, and then took a special car sent by the company to the airport terminal.

The two booked first class, because today is not a working day, there is only one guest in the first class.

Except for Qi Ming and Yang Xiajiao, the remaining guest is a middle-aged person in his forties or fifty.

The middle-aged man got on the plane and fell asleep, making Qi Ming and Yang Xiajiao not sleepy at all.

Qi Ming looked out the window of the plane curiously just like a child.

The clouds in the sky are so clear, as if they can be touched by reaching out.

Yang Xiajiao patted Qi Ming and said, if pointedly, "I have something to ask you."

Seeing Yang Xiajiao's serious expression, Qi Ming put away his playful mind and said, "What do you want to ask?"

"When I was cooking yesterday, what did you say to Grandpa in the study?"

Hearing this, Qi Ming said haha, "Grandpa called me to the study and asked me to take good care of you."

"that's it?"

Yang Xiajiao looked at Qi Ming suspiciously, feeling that Qi Ming did not tell the truth.

If he was just telling Qi Ming, there is no need for grandpa to call him to the study, and leave himself alone.

Yang Xiajiao thought for a long time last night, feeling that Grandpa and Qi Ming had something to hide from themselves.

Before arriving in Kyoto, Yang Xiajiao planned to ask what happened.

Seeing Yang Xiajiao's questioning, Qi Ming pursed his mouth and smiled bitterly: "Xia Jiao, what I'm telling you is the truth, why don't you believe it?"

"You look into my eyes."

Yang Xiajiao stared straight at Qi Ming, and said word by word: "You swear you didn't lie to me."

"I... I swear."

Qi Ming said: "If I lie to you, let me become a puppy."

While saying this sentence, Qi Ming muttered silently in his heart.

"If it doesn't work, it won't work, swear it won't work."

Yang Xiajiao naturally couldn't see Qi Ming's careful thoughts. Seeing Qi Ming raised her hand and swore, she temporarily put the doubts in her heart behind her.

Haizhou is about a four-and-a-half hour flight from Kyoto.

The plane flew steadily in the sky, Yang Xiajiao rubbed her temples, leaned her head on the back of the chair, and slowly closed her eyes to rest.

Qi Ming fiddled with the various equipment in the first-class cabin, and he felt that everything was fresh when he flew on the plane for the first time.

At 3 pm, the plane landed at Kyoto Airport.

After the plane stopped, the passengers on board walked to the ground one after another.

A black car parked in the distance, and in front of the car's door stood two burly bodyguards in black.

The two bodyguards saw Yang Xiajiao and Qi Ming appear, and walked quickly over, Qi Qi bowed and said, "Miss Yang, Mr. Qi, please."

Yang Xiajiao looked at the two people and said, "May I ask you who are you?"

A bodyguard smiled and said: "Miss Yang, I am Mr. Huo's bodyguard. Mr. Huo is waiting for you in the hotel. We will send the two of us to take you there."


Yang Xiajiao suddenly realized: "Please wait a minute, my luggage hasn't arrived yet."

"Ms. Yang can rest assured that your luggage will be brought to the hotel by follow-up personnel, and your stay will not be delayed."

After that, the two bodyguards turned and ran back to the car and opened the door respectfully.

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