Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 751: Journey to the Sea

Ling Fei's face was extremely gloomy.

"You idiots, if you want to die, you can't blame me."

He said bitterly, the Zhuxian sword in his hand shone with azure blue light, filled with a cold killing intent. As if from hell, a life-threatening ghost froze the surrounding air.

The Da Neng in the chaotic period all had solemn faces, they all knew how powerful Ling Fei was.

"Everyone, be careful, gather together, and don't give him any chance. This kid's methods are very powerful."

Dozens of great powers surrounded Ling Fei at the same time, using innate treasures to block Ling Fei's power.

However, Ling Fei didn't care at all.

To be precise, in Ling Fei's eyes, these people were no longer at the same level as him.

"Hmph! Retarded!"

Ling Fei snorted softly, and called out the Eastern Emperor Bell with his left hand.

As soon as the Eastern Emperor Bell rang, the heaven, earth and space instantly slowed down. These dozens of great powers are naturally no exception.

Everyone couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

"Control the power of heaven and earth! Didn't you just become the emperor of heaven? Without believers, how could you control the power of heaven and earth? Impossible, it is absolutely impossible."

However, Ling Fei had a look of contempt on his face.

"Do you think that I will be as stupid as you? Don't use your IQ to measure me!"

Ling Fei set up his own temple in the Immortal Cultivation World from the very beginning, and received the incense of the entire Immortal Cultivation World. One of these purposes was to enhance his own strength, and the other was to control the power of heaven and earth faster! Can better control the power of time and space!

In the beginning, why the Jade Emperor was able to equalize his strength, apart from absorbing Pangu's blood, the main reason was that he had been in business for many years and had already perfectly controlled the power of heaven and earth. Only with a strong enough energy can he be able to fight against himself without even falling behind.

Now, while Ling Fei is strong himself, he also controls this force, which is like a tiger with wings added, and his strength has increased by several percent!

The Eastern Emperor Bell frightened the heaven and the earth, causing the space to condense, and the rules of the heaven and the earth did not dare to move at will. These dozens of great powers from the chaotic era were also instantly controlled by Ling Fei.

But Ling Fei didn't forgive them because of this, but directly urged Zhu Xianjian, ruthlessly pierced through the chest of one powerful one after another, beheaded dozens of powerful ones, and absorbed all of them energy.

Of course, Ling Fei also left a tongue, which was one of the great powers who participated in the snatching of the star core before.

Ling Fei severely wounded his body with the Zhu Xian Sword, but left him with a dog's life. Then, with a sword in his hand, he came directly in front of the man, stepped on it, and broke several ribs in his chest. pressure on his heart.

Ling Fei pressed the Zhuxian sword against the man's chin, and said coldly:

"Tell me, who took the star core?"

That great power, he laughed.

"Hahahaha... Zulong, don't be too proud. You won't be too proud. The world will eventually return to chaos, and we will all be resurrected. When the time comes, open up the world and lead a new pattern, you This so-called Emperor of Heaven won't last long! When the time comes, this world will eventually be ours!"

After speaking, the energy on his body quickly condensed, Ling Fei frowned slightly, and quickly backed away.

As soon as his front feet moved away, behind him, that powerful body swelled up, and quickly emitted a burst of golden light.

"First there is Hongjun and then there is heaven. How can the mere emperor of heaven say, Zulong, you will eventually fall from the altar. I am waiting for that day, and I will avenge this sword!"

After saying that, his body exploded immediately, because his energy was so powerful that the area around him began to collapse.

Countless sea tribes have been absorbed into it, and Ling Fei didn't bother to fill up the black hole. Now that the star cores in the world of cultivating immortals have been robbed, even if he filled up the black hole, it would be useless.

"There is Hongjun first and then there is heaven? Hongjun... Which Diaomao is it? Forget it, let's go to the Sea Clan first. Since the Sea Clan is also involved in this matter, it has nothing to do with the Sea Clan. Going to the Sea Clan might be able to find some clues."

Thinking of this, Ling Fei flew towards the East China Sea.

There are sea areas on every planet, and they occupy most of the places. For example, the earth has the largest ocean area, and the same is true for other places.

Especially in the world of cultivating immortals, this place itself is the foundation that supports the world. The area is so large that it is impossible to speculate, so the sea area here is also the largest. The existence here is formed after the creation of the world. It should be earlier, in a sense, it is very likely that an existence stronger than Donghuang Taiyi was born here.

Fortunately, Lingfei is not only the reincarnation of Donghuang Taiyi, he also has the inheritance and blood of Zulong, plus the countless energy he has absorbed these days, his power, even if it is placed in the sea area, should It is also one of the best existences.

After flying for several hours, Ling Fei came to the sky above the sea area. With a thought in his mind, he fell vertically from above and hit the bottom of the sea. The powerful shock wave made the whole sea disgusted by a huge wave. Shrimp soldiers and crab generals were all shocked to death by Ling Fei's shock wave.

Ling Fei turned into a flash of lightning and flew towards the deep sea area.

The pressure in the sea area is more than several times that of the outside world, so Ling Fei's strength here will be suppressed a lot, at least half of it, but relatively speaking, he is still very strong in the sea area.

After advancing for several days, Ling Fei met a group of sea monsters, escorting a huge scallop, just like a team carrying sedan chairs in the world, it can be seen that the people inside should have some status.

"Finally met some people with some status, just grab two tongues and ask."

Thinking of this, Ling Fei stepped forward.

The sea monsters carrying the huge scallops immediately became vigilant and formed a formation to resist Ling Fei.

"Stop, who are you, don't come forward."

With his hands behind his back, Ling Fei stood proudly in front of the team, glanced lightly, and said:


With just a soft sound, the Kraken team exploded into blood mist in an instant. A pile of dark green blood melted into the seawater, exuding a strong bloody smell.

Then, with a wave of Ling Fei's hand, the blood quickly dissipated and moved to other places. He approached the scallop, glanced at it with his divine sense, and with a flick of his finger, a divine power hit the scallop, which immediately cracked the scallop, and appeared from inside. A gorgeous beauty!

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