Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 752 You are not qualified to choose

The woman is not only beautiful in appearance, but her spirit is far beyond what ordinary people can compare. Seeing that Ling Fei killed all her attendants, there was no surprise on her face, she just asked calmly:

"I don't know, which sea area master is your Excellency, why, come to kill my bodyguard? I shouldn't have offended Your Excellency, right?"

Ling Fei looked at her calmly, and said lightly:

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you. There are some things I want to ask you. Answer me honestly and spare you."

The woman said softly:

"I am the princess of the Borneo Kingdom, and I was ordered to go to the Dicha Kingdom, which is thousands of miles away, to get married. If your Excellency persecutes me, I am afraid...the consequences are not something you can bear."

Ling Fei waved his hand and said:

"Don't tell me those craps. Whether it's Borneo or Dicha, I don't care about that. Tell me the information I want and spare you. Otherwise, their fate will be yours."

The woman's face was startled, she obviously didn't expect Ling Fei to be so arrogant, after a pause, she regained her calm expression, and said lightly:

"Then what's the problem, tell me."

"Before, a group of powers resurrected in the chaotic era colluded with you Sea Clan. Do you know about this?"

"The powers of the chaotic era, didn't they die in the era of creation?"

Seeing the other party's face, Ling Fei didn't want to lie, so he said instead:

"Forget it, it seems that you don't know about it, so do you know this guy?"

After finishing speaking, he raised his left palm, and the image of the old turtle who fought against him in the Great Qin Empire slowly appeared.

"The Turtle King?"

Seeing the image of the old turtle, the woman couldn't help but exclaimed on the spot.

"It seems that you know this old thing. Where is the sea area where he is?"

Just as the woman was about to speak, Ling Fei frowned slightly. Then, he put away his palms, and the pattern disappeared. He put his hands behind his back, turned his eyes to another direction, and said lightly:

"It seems that someone is coming to disturb us."

As soon as the words fell, a black shadow in the distance came to Ling Fei's side quickly and surrounded him with lightning speed.

"Princess Fei'er, my little minister, General Black Shark, the captain of the Dicha Defense Force, rescued you late, and I hope to make amends."

Princess Fei'er breathed a sigh of relief, waved her hand, and said:

"You came in time, what's your fault?"

"Thank you, Princess."

General Black Shark thanked him, and turned his eyes to Ling Fei. He sniffed a few times, and couldn't help frowning.

"The smell on your body doesn't look like our Sea Clan's, does it? Who are you? How dare you break into our Sea Clan's territory, and dare to openly attack our Princess Phil, don't you want to live? ?”

"Noisy. In this world, I can go wherever I want. You guys are not qualified to control me yet."

"Presumptuous! I think you are really tired of life, Black Shark Guard, catch him for me, save his life, bring him back to Dicha Kingdom, and hand him over to the Criminal Department for interrogation."


The Black Shark Guards are all well-trained Black Shark races. Their cultivation base is extremely tyrannical, at least comparable to the existence of fairy kings. Moreover, the sea race is fierce by nature, and sharks are even more bloodthirsty and warlike. These Black Shark Guards add Wake up, if they were ordinary people, they would have been crushed directly, but unfortunately, they met Ling Fei.

Ling Fei put his hands behind his back, glanced lightly, and said lightly:

"I'll give you a chance, get out now, there's still time. If not, don't blame me for being rude."

"Hey, boy, seeing how young you are, your tone is quite arrogant. It's really childish and ridiculous for you to want to fight against our entire Black Shark Guard."

Ling Fei shook his head, sighed, and said:

"Forget it, it seems that it's useless to tell you. If that's the case, I'll waste a little bit of effort."

After saying that, he closed his eyes and opened them again. With the different pupils of the dragon, the cross blood kill was launched directly, and a circle of black shark guards burst into bright red blood mist in an instant like fireworks. Even the captain of the Black Shark Guard, a strong man with the strength of an immortal emperor, couldn't even block a move in front of Ling Fei, and was blown into powder in an instant.

At this moment, Princess Mayfair's face was as pale as wax.

You must know that the Black Shark Guards of Dicha Kingdom are no different than her subordinates. These people are all super strong. A single team member can be equal to all his guards! But even if they are so powerful, they can't do a single move in the hands of this person in front of them. It is conceivable how powerful the whole person in front of them must be.

At this moment, Princess Fei'er didn't dare to make any more mistakes.

Seeing Ling Fei looking at her again, Princess Fei'er said softly:

"I'm willing to take you there, but I can't reveal my identity, otherwise, my country will be in danger. Moreover, I still need to know why you went to Dragon Palace!"

Ling Fei said coldly:

"You have no room to bargain with me."

Princess Fei'er stared at Ling Fei, hoping to find some clues from his eyes, but unfortunately, Ling Fei's eyes were always as calm as water, and she couldn't see anything at all.

After staring at it for a long time, Princess Mayfair finally chose to give up helplessly. Because she knew that she really had no choice.

"Let me first say yes, you can go, but the journey is dangerous and you have to pass through many countries. If something goes wrong and you encounter elusive dangers, you can't blame me."

"It's okay, let's lead the way."

Princess Fei'er sighed deeply, glanced at her hometown, and then swam towards the deep sea.

"follow me."

The two swam quickly at the bottom of the dark ocean, and the more places they passed, Ling Fei realized that humans really underestimated the sea people.

At the bottom of the sea area, there are also many towns. In these towns, there are fish that emit light, and some light formed by formations. There are a large number of rare and exotic beasts, and their cultivation is extremely strong.

Basically, the lowest level of shrimp soldiers and crab generals is also close to the late innate strength, and the number of shrimp soldiers and crab generals in the sea clan is hundreds of millions of times the number of humans! In addition, there are countless sea monsters with stronger cultivation bases.

Ling Fei made a general observation. In an ordinary town, there will basically be a master with the strength of a fairy king sitting in the town, and this is only the ethnic group near the shore, let alone the ethnic group in the deep sea!

And the Black Shark Guard just now, with Ling Fei's eyes, he wouldn't be able to see their power.

At most, it is a parade team of a country, and it is not considered a regular army. However, there are strong men who already have the strength of Immortal King and Immortal Emperor. One can imagine how many strong men there will be in the whole country! What's more, this sea area is larger than the land, and there are countless countries.

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