Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 766 Once Legendary

"As long as he's dead, we can barely explain to Boss Xia."

"That's right, let's talk to Boss Xia as soon as we can figure out what to say."

'boom--! '

Before the man finished speaking, he exploded into a cloud of blood mist. Blood splashed all the mercenaries' faces, and everyone panicked instantly.

"what's the situation?"

"I don't know, someone shot from behind."

"Who is it? Defend quickly! Immortal cultivators, use formations to defend!"

Everyone was talking in a hurry, and one of them suddenly pointed to the direction of the explosion and shouted:


Everyone turned their heads and looked over, dumbfounded.

The huge flame explosion area actually gradually shrank, and the flame shrank rapidly, just like a living thing. In the end, all the flames returned to one point, and everyone turned pale with shock.

"He is still alive. Oh Maiga, how is this possible? An explosion of that intensity, even a Nascent Soul Patriarch, would probably be killed by the explosion, but he is fine! What the hell!"

"Everyone, retreat quickly! Don't stay any longer, we are not his opponent!"

"Withdraw! Rocket cover! Quick!"

But this time, the rocket was not fired, because the guy carrying the rocket had already been blasted into blood mist by Ling Fei's eyes.

The helicopter couldn't escape either, Ling Fei breathed out a mouthful of fierce energy, turned into a white drill, and cut the helicopter into two pieces with ease.

The mercenaries have all collapsed. What is the origin of Ling Fei? How can it be so powerful? Everyone hated that Xia Liu to death. If the time could be restarted, they would never avenge Xia Liu again. This evil spirit not only took his own life, but also gave them their lives. hooked up.

Ling Fei took one step at a time, like a god of death, stepping towards this side, he walked a hundred meters, a distance of several thousand meters, he walked the whole distance easily in less than a few dozen steps, and came in front of these mercenaries.

The mercenaries screamed and pulled the triggers in their hands, hoping that the infuriating bullets would bring them a glimmer of hope. Unfortunately, all of this was in vain.

There is no one who can be Ling Fei's opponent, and the zhenqi bullet is even more ridiculous. In front of Ling Fei, it is really like air, and it can't hurt Ling Fei at all!

Ling Fei came to one of them, grabbed the muzzle of his gun, took the gun with a little force, and smashed it lightly, the mercenary's head instantly exploded into watermelon juice.

He threw it lightly again, and the gun handle directly pierced the other person, nailing him alive to a big tree thousands of meters away.

The rest of the monks were all desperate to the extreme, they didn't dare to do anything to Ling Fei anymore, they all knelt down on the ground and kowtowed non-stop.

"Please spare us, please spare us! We will never dare again!"

But how could Lingfei forgive them? Dare to be disrespectful to the gods, this in itself is a death penalty! Capital crime is inevitable, they can only wash away the crime of disrespect to Ling Fei with blood!

Ever since, under Ling Fei's divine power, everyone was crushed, as easy as squeezing juice with a hydraulic press.

But Ling Fei also left one alive, and that was the monk.

That monk had already become incontinent from fright, and as a cultivator, he knew better than those mercenaries that Ling Fei was terrifying!

A super expert who can resist rocket launchers and zhenqi bullets, his cultivation level may not be inferior to that of Huashen! And after transforming into a god, it is easy to arrest people's souls and wipe them out, so he knows that he probably doesn't even have the right to die in front of this person.

He kowtowed loudly, and pressed his head firmly to the ground, not daring to move it a little bit.

"Dear senior, this junior doesn't know who you are, so I offended you rashly. I hope you will forgive me and spare my life. I will never dare again. If senior allows me, the villain is willing to be a cow to senior As a dog, I will always serve you by your side, just to survive."

Ling Fei glanced at him and said lightly:

"Get up, since you are not dead now, you should know in your heart that I don't want to kill you."

"Thank you senior, thank you senior."

"However, don't think that it's that simple, I will let you go!"

After finishing speaking, Ling Fei stretched out his hand and shot out a grain of golden light, which then sank into the center of the opponent's eyebrows.

"I only give you three days to live. You are going to tell Xiahe that Ling Fei is back. If you report successfully, congratulations, you can at least save your soul. If you dare not tell, Or, what kind of tricks are you playing on me, I'm sorry, you will be wiped out."

The immortal cultivator's face was pale, and instantly turned ashen, but soon, he gave a wry smile.

"Yes, I will definitely pass it on to Xia Tianhe."

He has no way not to agree, because he knows that this is his last chance. It's a sin for a strong man like Ling Fei, who is doomed to die. He had no choice.

But at least, there is one advantage, that is, he can keep his soul, and he can continue to reincarnate. In this way, it is still a little bit better for me, at least, it is much better than those mercenaries. I am afraid that they will not even be able to go to hell at this moment, right?

When the immortal cultivator raised his head again, Ling Fei had already disappeared, and his swift speed made the immortal cultivator couldn't help but smile bitterly, feeling as if he had knocked over a soy sauce bottle, with mixed feelings.

Just because he met Ling Fei today, his fate has changed since then, which is really tragic.

As for Ling Fei, he was not in a hurry to find Xia He, let alone find Xia He in person. Xia He was just a lowly slave, a little piece of trash under Ling Fei's subordinates. If Ling Fei went there in person, That's the real downfall.

Besides, he also knew in his heart that as long as the immortal cultivator passed the word, Xia He would obediently come to him. He dared not disobey his orders, of course, it didn't matter if he didn't obey his orders. Can a mere summer river turn upside down? It's ridiculous!

So, he Lingfei didn't need to pay attention to Xiahe's garbage at all.

At this moment, he has come to Yanjing, the ancient capital of China, which is no longer what it used to be. To be precise, it is more magnificent and taller than before. Because of the addition of practitioners, the buildings here are also good. Others Whatever it is, it has become more refined. Immortal cultivators can easily repair a building and a road in a short time! So now, the imperial city can be said to have entered a more prosperous era.

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