Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 767 Where is the majesty?

Regarding the secret about Yuanshi Tianzun, Ling Fei actually didn't know where to find it. After all, Yuanshi Tianzun itself was too mysterious. In order to prevent Hongjun from finding him, Tiandi specially made a seal for him, let alone Ling Fei. Flying away, I am afraid that the ancestor Hongjun came here by himself, and he would not be able to find his third clone.

The reason why he chose to come to Yanjing is because Ling Fei felt that, as the capital of China, there should be some senior researchers here who might have some understanding of Yuanshi Tianzun. In order to find clues, Ling Fei could only come here in person.

Even though he is the emperor of heaven, he also knows that sometimes, such tiny ants as human beings are not useless.

Today's Yanjing is no longer the Yanjing of the past. Cultivators and humans live together. Many people wear ancient costumes. At first glance, it seems to be a film and television base, except for those flying around. The monks showed that this is indeed a changed city.

When Ling Fei came to Yanjing, he would naturally attract some attention. Among other things, the looming coercion on his body was not comparable to that of ordinary people.

But everyone saw that he didn't seem to have any airs, and as time passed, they didn't take him seriously.

Ling Fei shuttled between the cities, and finally came to Chen Lao's courtyard.

Outside the courtyard, there were two cultivators waiting, and there were heavily armed soldiers on the street, so Ling Fei didn't bother to remove the ink, but directly used his divine power to arrive in the middle hall of the courtyard, but Ling Fei's gaze carried a little sigh.

In the main room in the middle, on the high wall, there is a black and white photo of Mr. Chen, as if he was alive, with a hint of mischievousness and kindness in his smile forever.

"Unexpectedly, I haven't seen you for a few years, and the old man has passed away."

Ling Fei's soft sigh caused a young girl to walk into the next room. Looking at Ling Fei's face, she couldn't help hesitating.

"You... who are you? How did you get in here?"

Ling Fei looked at the girl, and the eyebrows looked a bit like Chen Lao.

"Who are you, Old Chen?"

"I am his great-granddaughter, Chen Zixin, who just returned to Yanjing from Country M."

"When did Mr. Chen leave?"

This question made the girl a little more sad.

"Grandpa passed away a month ago. The earth is no longer what it used to be. Our Chen family doesn't have powerful practitioners, so we can no longer survive in this troubled world."

Ling Fei looked at Chen Lao's portrait, and said again:

"When Mr. Chen leaves, are you at ease?"

"Anxin? How can I be at ease? He watched the Chen family decline, but he couldn't stop it, and he couldn't save him. He lived in pain all day long. He once said that if Mr. Ling came back, there might be a glimmer of hope for the Chen family, but Until now, I haven't seen that Mr. Ling. Our house is about to be taken away. From now on, the Chen family will walk away and disperse. I'm afraid it will no longer exist, and they will all become ordinary people. , into the ordinary.”

There was a bit of resentment in the woman's tone, as if she was unwilling, but she was powerless to resist. After all, the power of a cultivator cannot be resisted by ordinary people.

As he spoke, some voices came from outside.

"From the Chen family, who else hasn't left?"

Chen Zixin's expression showed a bit of anger, but he was helpless.

She walked into the yard and said coldly:

"Du Yunlong, what are you talking about? The deadline is only tomorrow, what are you doing here today?"

The young man named Du Yunlong, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and a smile between his eyebrows, was full of wretchedness, and also had the disgust of a villain.

"Hey hey, I came here a day earlier, what's the matter? Is there any difference? It's only one day, you guys get out early, you get out later, it's always time to get out, I think you should just get out early and save us time , quickly clean the house and sell the house.”

"Hmph! Before tomorrow, I will definitely not move out. Get out now and don't stay in our Chen family. I think you are disgusting."

"Cut! What's the air? Do you think that the current Chen family is still the old Chen family? It's ridiculous! The current Chen family has become history, and you are nothing in front of our Du family! So you It's better not to give me too much complacency. If you are begging me humbly now, maybe I will not bother you when I am happy, and let you live in peace until tomorrow. If you are here, hehe... "Then don't blame me for being rude, I'll throw you on the street now, believe it or not?"

"How dare you! Now the imperial city is not dominated by your Du family. All the families have a contract in advance. No one, no family, in any form, is allowed to destroy the rules and stability of the imperial city. How dare you touch me? Try it, I'll sue you, the Du family, you can't afford to walk around."

"Cut! Chen Zixin, have you been in country M for a long time, and your brain is gone? Where do you think this is? This is Huaxia! Don't you find it ridiculous that you want to make an agreement with me here? Just Given the current situation of your Chen family, not to mention our Du family, anyone who is caught from the street can bully you! You don't even have room to resist!"

Chen Zixin's face turned pale, how could she not be clear about this matter? It's just that she doesn't want to admit it.

But even so, she still wants to protect the last dignity of the Chen family.

"Tonight is the last month my great-grandfather will stay in this house. No matter what, I will not give up, so you go, otherwise, even if you kill me, I will not quit of."

"Hmph! I won't be so stupid if I kill you. I heard that there are many men who like you. I don't need to touch you. However, if I just drive you out, hehe, no one will say anything. After all, I didn't touch you."

Chen Zixin clenched her teeth.

"Du Yunlong, do you really want to go too far?"

"Wrong, it's not that I'm overdoing it, this is life. In the past, your Chen family had a great career, and you were domineering in Yanjing. A little reptile like me can only watch you pretend to be aggressive and look up to you every day, but now it's different. Now, your Chen family has fallen, and our Du family has risen. Hehe, I just took the opportunity to step on your foot and have a good time. Of course, if you want to stick to it, it doesn’t matter, but...hehehe …”

As Du Yunlong said, his eyes looked back and forth at Chen Zixin's graceful figure, and he kept smirking. The look in his eyes made Chen Zixin feel sick, and his chest trembled with anger.

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