When Ling Fei returned to his hometown, the mountain village was not disturbed or changed by the chaos of the world, and it was still peaceful.

On the hilltop outside the village, several formations were set up, including defensive formations, formations to restrict true qi, and fog formations. The combination of various formations protected the safety of the entire village from being noticed by outsiders.

It was sunset at this time, and wisps of cooking smoke began to rise from the chimneys of every household in the village.

Ling Fei's eyes also became softer.

This is the place where he was born and raised, and the soil and water of his hometown always makes people feel a familiar and cordial feeling.

At the entrance of the village, a group of children surrounded an old man.

"Grandpa, say one more, say one more."

The old man straightened his already hunched back, thumped his back, and said with a smile:

"Okay, then I'll tell you one more thing. On that day, in our small mountain village, a lot of big shots came. The status of each of them can be compared with the high officials in the county. There are also people from the army. General, general, do you know? There are tens of thousands of people under one person..."

When the old man spoke, his eyes were full of gratification and pride, but Ling Fei behind him felt a little sour at the corners of his eyes.

For him, the relatives in his life may be just passers-by, and will disappear in the long river of time sooner or later, but for these relatives, the things about him are unforgettable memories for a lifetime.


Ling Fei spit out two words lightly, the old man who was telling a story suddenly shook his body, and then turned his head back, the moment he saw Ling Fei, his old eyes couldn't help shining a little, and his gray beard trembled even more .

"Yes... is it Xiaofei?"

"It's me, Grandpa, I'm back."

"You... how come you have time to come back? You are a big shot now, you should be busy with your work!"

Ling Fei shook his head, stepped forward to support his grandfather's arm, and said:

"I'll come back to see you."

Ling Shanfang quickly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his sleeves, and said happily:

"Good boy, after all, he has grown up and is sensible, so he knows to come back to see grandpa. Let's go home quickly. Grandpa calls the restaurant in the village to deliver the order back. In the evening, we, grandpa and grandson, will have a drink or two together. .”


Ling Fei supported Ling Shanfang, and staggered back to Ling's house step by step.

Today's Ling family is very grand. The original small courtyard has now been transformed into a six-storey villa. The large courtyard in front of the door can park hundreds of cars.

Ling Shan Fang chuckled and said:

"You are capable now, and your parents are not short of money. Sometimes when you come back, you will give me a lot of money. I was thinking, our yard is too small. If you come back, you will invite such a large number of people. Stop If you don't get out of the car, you will lose face, so I built such a big yard."

Ling Fei nodded, feeling warm in his heart. Even though he is now the Emperor of Heaven, he is still touched by the elders who are wholeheartedly thinking about him.

In this world, I am afraid that there will not be a few people who care about him like Ling Shanfang.

"Grandpa, let's go, let's go into the house and talk."

"Okay, let's go."

Walking into the villa, Ling Fei was suddenly taken aback. On the table in the middle of the lobby, there was a black and white photo of grandma. Ling Fei's eyes suddenly became serious.

"Grandpa, grandma...?"

"Hi! The old woman has a high temper. Since you cured her, she insisted that her body has become stronger. She went up to the mountains to dig medicinal materials and go up to the mountains to hunt game. She was unlucky once and met a black bear. She was able, and escaped, but the wound was infected, and after that, she still couldn't escape death."

"Then why don't you let my father notify me?"

"It's okay, your father and your uncles and uncles are all here. The whole family took care of your grandma's funeral. You have a lot of affairs in your daily life and you have to put the overall situation first, so I didn't ask him to notify you. However, your grandma also As I said, she should have died that year. If you hadn’t extended her life and allowed her to live in good health for two years, she would have died long ago. After all, she still earned money. Yes. You don't have to worry too much, she left with a smile. "

Ling Fei sighed deeply, stepped forward, burned incense for grandma, and kowtowed in worship.

With Ling Fei's current status, even the elders are not allowed to bow down, and it will definitely damage Yangshou. However, grandma has already passed away, so she can accept his kneeling with peace of mind.

After paying homage to grandma, Ling Fei came forward and helped grandpa to sit on the sofa.

"Grandpa, do my parents come back often now?"

"Fortunately, I come here about once a month. Your uncle and the others often come back, and bring me some things every now and then. I don't need anything. The supermarket in the village has everything, and they have to bring it to me. It's piled up in the warehouse. , and many of them are about to expire.”

"Grandpa, you don't have to be frugal. Eat what you want and drink what you want. If there is no more, grandson will buy it for you."

"I know you have money, but it's not easy to make money. If you can't waste it, don't waste it. By the way, how is Xiaoyue? Speaking of which, Grandpa hasn't seen her for a long time, and he doesn't know how she is doing. OK."

Hearing Ling Shanfang talk about my sister-in-law, Ling Fei's face turned red, he couldn't help coughing twice, Ling Shanfang waved his hands.

"It's okay, grandpa doesn't blame you. Grandpa has figured it out a long time ago. You two are childhood sweethearts, but your identities are wrong. But as long as you are happy, grandpa doesn't care."

"Thank you, grandpa. My sister-in-law is doing well now. She is a mother in the world, and everything is handled in an orderly manner."

"That's good. Grandpa knows that you have several women now. You can't just favor one and blame the others. You have to share the rain and dew, and you can't be ashamed of each one. Also, you have to hurry up, don't you know, Your cousin and the others, the children will be running around all over the place now, you can’t just focus on making money, but also think about yourself. Otherwise, when you get old, you will be so lonely.”

"Grandpa don't worry, grandson knows."

"That's good. Grandpa has always felt that there is a voice calling me in the dark recently. I think that my old bone should not have a long life. You should work hard as soon as possible to let Grandpa die. Before, hug your grandson as soon as possible."

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will definitely not let you down."

As he spoke, Ling Fei poured a burst of divine power into Ling Shanfang's wrist to prolong his life.

However, what Lingfei didn't expect was that his divine power, when it entered Ling Shanfang's arms, disappeared completely like a stone sinking into the sea.

Ling Fei couldn't help frowning.

"Strange, what's going on?"

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