Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 779 Grandpa's Sacrifice

Ling Fei transported it several times in a row, but in the end all of them returned without success, and after checking Ling Shanfang's body, he didn't find any clues, so he had to give up in the end.

"Grandpa, when I came back this time, I wanted to ask you something. I don't know. Do you know anything special about our mountain village?"

"What's so different? I don't know about that. If the only thing that's different, it's probably when your mother gave birth to you. On that day, a white light fell from the sky, like a rainbow piercing the sun, rushing down, and finally Falling into your mother's womb, and you were born right after, you should know about this, the village kept saying that you were a Wenqu star descending to earth, and you lived up to everyone's expectations and were admitted to a key university."

Ling Fei smiled wryly, this matter has nothing to do with what he was looking for.

"Forget it, I'll look for it myself."

In the evening, the grandpa and grandson had dinner and drank some wine. When grandpa fell asleep, Ling Fei turned around and sank into the deep mountains behind Lingjia Village.

The deep mountain in Lingjia Village is a place Ling Fei is very familiar with. When he was a child, he and Ling Yue often went here to play. For this reason, Ling Shan often gave him a meal of fried shredded pork with a belt. Of course, at that time, Ling Yue was always protecting Ling Fei.

He came to the top of the mountain in Lingjia Village, and his spiritual thoughts radiated out, trying to find clues about the last energy. But it's a pity that, just like in the trench, Ling Fei still couldn't detect that energy.

In the Mariana Trench, Ling Fei can attack unscrupulously and force that energy out, but this is Ling Family Village, where he grew up since he was a child, he can't destroy this place once, right?

After some spiritual thoughts could not be searched, Ling Fei sighed and returned home, but saw Ling Shan sitting on the top of the building, looking up at the moon in the sky, lost in thoughts, maybe he was missing grandma, maybe he was missing the children , His old and lonely appearance made Ling Fei feel uncomfortable seeing him.

He approached Ling Shanfang, tore off his clothes, and wanted to put them on for the old man, but at this moment, Ling Fei unexpectedly discovered that his clothes could not cover Ling Shanfang's body. There was a living body, but the clothes fell to the ground silently.

"This is?"

Ling Fei's pupils shrank, and a shocking thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Could it be that grandpa is the last energy?"


Ling Shanfang heard Ling Fei's voice, turned his head, turned around, looked at Ling Fei with drunken eyes, and murmured:

"Xiao Fei, what are you talking about? Why didn't Grandpa understand?"

Lingfei quickly put on a smiling face and changed the subject.

"I didn't say anything, Grandpa, don't think too much."

"No, you must have said something just now. I know, you are so busy with things, how could you come to the house suddenly? There must be something wrong. If you have anything to say, just say it directly, don't hide it from grandpa. "

Ling Fei sighed, and Ling Shanfang patted his bench, signaling Ling Fei to sit beside him. Ling Fei sat beside him, and began to talk about things about the God Realm and Hongjun Patriarch with a serious expression on his face. The old man became more and more surprised when he heard it. Based on his knowledge, he had never been out of this small mountain village in his life, and he couldn't even play the Internet, let alone the big world Ling Fei talked about! These things are things that Ling Shanfang will never be able to imagine, and will never be able to understand.

However, after all, he is not too old and too confused. After listening to Ling Fei's words, he frowned deeply, and set his eyes on Ling Fei.

"Xiao Fei, tell grandpa frankly, is grandpa the energy of Yuanshi Tianzun that you said?"


Ling Fei's face showed embarrassment.

"I'm not too sure about this matter, but one thing that is certain is that Grandpa is the biggest suspect at the moment. Because before, I was going to use divine power to renew your life, but I found that no matter how much divine power you output , will be completely absorbed by you, and you won't be able to escape even a tiny bit."

Ling Shanfang frowned tightly, and was dazed for a while before opening his mouth again:

"Then according to what you're saying, I'm likely to be this thing?"

Ling Fei blushed for a while.

"It's not that you are this 'thing', but that there may be this energy in your body."

"It's almost the same meaning, so do you need this energy very much now?"

"Yes, this is the key to winning the decisive battle between me and Hongjun. If I can't get this energy, I think the chance of defeating Hongjun will be very small. At most, the two of us will be tied. And the whole universe will suffer Well, the worst ending is that Hongjun and I will fight upside down, the whole world will be destroyed, and only the two of us will be left in the end."

"Then you take it."

Ling Fei looked a little hesitant, and after a while, he shook his head solemnly.

"I can't do this. Now you should be integrated with that energy. If I take it out by force, you will definitely die."

"Men always have to do something. You are a big man now, the emperor of the entire universe. What you have to do is not only for me, but also for your subordinates, for your people, and for your world !"

"You are also my people, and even more my own grandfather!"

Ling Fei's expression was solemn, and he refused to give in at all.

Ling Shan let out a chuckle.

"Forget that I didn't hurt you in vain."

As he spoke, he leaned on the bench with both hands, looked up at the starry sky, and said with nostalgia on his face:

"Xiao Fei, do you know? When grandpa was young, he was far from the high technology now. At that time, everyone was suffering. Huaxia has experienced a huge trauma. Whether it is the country or the family, we are all struggling in suffering. But although we live in misery, we have hope in our hearts. In order to make our offspring live a better life, we work hard and use sweat to forge happiness. In fact, we are all suffering, and we are constantly sacrificing ourselves, but there is no People will regret it, because now Huaxia has become stronger, and everyone is living a good life! As long as you work a little bit harder, you won’t be hungry. You can still go to college.”

"If you think that you saved my life and let everyone die, then grandpa will think that I killed all these people!"


Ling Fei's voice was a little choked up, even though he was the Emperor of Heaven, Ling Fei couldn't control his emotions in the face of Grandpa's spirit.

Grandpa chuckled.

"I'm old. In fact, I should go before your grandma. A few years ago, I fell from a cliff and fainted for a while, but I was not injured. Later, I was bitten by a poisonous snake and hit by a car. , but everything was miraculously fine, I thought, God, maybe it was to leave me with a certain mission, so I didn't die so early."

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