Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 787: The Moment of Waking Up

After lunch, Qianqian's parents left the room to Lingfei and Lingfei. Obviously, the two old guys wanted their daughter to hug Lingfei's thigh. After all, Lingfei's mother is from the Long family, a big family in Yanjing. As long as Qianqian takes care of Ling Fei, then needless to say, Qianqian's family will also rise with the tide.

Ling Fei was lying in Qianqian's room playing games. Not long after, Qianqian walked in wearing a seductive dress, which made Ling Fei's eyes shine.

Qianqian blushed slightly, rolled her eyes, and said coquettishly:

"Look at your eyeballs are about to fall out."

Ling Fei pulled Qianqian into his arms,

"It's not that I haven't seen it, why are you shy?"

Qianqian shyly pushed Lingfei.

"Don't make trouble, it's broad daylight, in case my parents come back."

Ling Fei gave a smirk and said:

"What are you afraid of? It's too late for them to curry favor with me. Didn't you see them go out just to make room for me? Hahahaha..."

Qianqian's face turned redder.

"Knowing that you have power, that's fine."

"Isn't that right? Who gave me a good life? Have such a capable mother? I was born as a rich second generation, and I can get whatever I want."

Speaking of this, Ling Fei frowned suddenly, it seemed that there was something different, but he couldn't tell.

Qianqian gently stroked his chest, and couldn't help asking:

"what's on your mind?"

"I was thinking, why do I have such a good life? It seems that something is not right."

Qianqian rolled her eyes.

"What you said, if you let others know, I don't know if you will be pissed to death. Is it a good life or not? If you let you pick up the trash, wouldn't it be fine?"

"No, that's not what I mean, it's just... I feel that these things shouldn't belong to me, and my life doesn't seem to be like this."

Qianqian frowned.

"Why do you speak so strangely?"

Ling Fei frowned tightly, looking into the distance, thoughts flying in his eyes.

"Where is something wrong?"

As he spoke, he caught a glimpse of a family downstairs across the street. It seems that like him, he just got married and took his wife back to her natal home.

But the other party was obviously poorer than themselves. They used electric tricycles to pull things, and when they gave them to the mother-in-law, the mother-in-law didn't even look at them.

The man worked hard to move all the things in, but he didn't get a glass of water, and he didn't even prepare a seat for him. The wife's eyes were red, and she tried her best not to cry.

And the mother-in-law was cursing on the sidelines.

"You were told to marry that rich boss Zhang's son a long time ago. If you don't listen, marrying this poor boy now can't even afford a Wuling. If you follow him, you will suffer sooner or later."

The man didn't even have the courage to answer, and the young couple couldn't even say a word after being bullied.

"What are you looking at?"

Qianqian followed Ling Fei's gaze and saw the young couple, she couldn't help asking curiously.

Lingfei said:

"The two of them are so pitiful. They clearly love each other, but they have to suffer such humiliation!"

Qianqian snorted softly.

"Then what's so pitiful, who made them poor? Who is to blame if they are poor and want to get married?"

Ling Fei frowned even deeper, he looked at Qianqian with a puzzled expression and said:

"But they are in love!"

"So what about love? Love can't be eaten as bread. The two of them are so poor that they can't even afford a van, so don't they suffer? If I were that woman, I wouldn't marry such a poor man with no ability." , let him die."

Ling Fei suddenly clutched his chest, feeling a sharp pain in his chest. He seemed to have heard this kind of words before, and it was so familiar and heartbreaking.

Some fragments, memories that I had never had in my mind, all appeared in my mind at this moment, like a movie replay, flashing quickly in my mind.

"Lingfei, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

Qianqian's heart tightened immediately, but Ling Fei ruthlessly pushed her away.

"Go away, don't touch me!"

Qianqian looked confused.

"You... What's the matter with you? Ling Fei?"

While Ling Fei was clutching his chest, on the other hand, his mind also started to ache.

"Lingfei, the two of us are not suitable."

"Lingfei, don't pester me anymore."

"Lingfei, do you know Qi Shan? His family runs a company, and their family has more money than you can imagine!"

"Lingfei, I will never marry such an incapable poor man like you, get out, and don't let me see you again!"


Those memories resounded in Lingfei's mind over and over again, allowing Lingfei to recover more and more memories.

"That's right, you don't like me at all. What you like is only my money. If I don't have money, if I don't have the identity of this rich second generation, your man will be Qi Shan, right? "

Ling Fei stared at Qianqian, and his mind gradually understood.

In his life, only this slut, Qianqian, was the thing that hurt him the most! So in his subconscious mind, he may have always wanted to erase this incomplete thing. But it is a pity that the past can never be changed. And the illusion of heaven and earth changed his subconsciousness and changed his will, trying to trap himself in this dream by completing the incompleteness of his subconsciousness!

When Ling Fei understood this matter, the Qianqian in front of him also became more lovely and pitiful.

"Lingfei, what are you talking about? My heart will always be with you, and I will always only love you!"

"Shut up, stop talking nonsense, you are still far from trying to confuse my mind!"

The pity on Qianqian's face gradually disappeared. She suddenly revealed a strange grin, looking like a devil in a horror movie.

"Hahahaha... Unexpectedly, you finally found out. But so what? Ling Fei, your mind is already trapped in this dream, even if you are awake, but your Yuan God, and your body, still can't overlap and connect, and you will never be able to return to the real world."

Ling Fei's face was icy cold.

"Hmph! Do you think I'll believe your nonsense? Bastard, get the hell out of here!"

As he spoke, Ling Fei kicked Qianqian away.

Qianqian roared, and rushed towards him ferociously. Ling Fei had lost any power at this time, and was thrown to the ground by Qianqian, and her neck was tightly strangled by her.

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