Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 788 Destruction

Biquge, the fastest update of the urban super god!

Ling Fei kept breaking free.

"Bastard, let me go! Let go quickly, do you hear me?"

Qianqian's face was hideous and terrifying.

"Idiot, want me to let go, do you think I'm a fool? I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you! As long as I kill you, this world will return to my hands, hahahaha... I will definitely I'm going to kill you!"


Ling Fei was so pinched that he was almost out of breath. He kept struggling, and from nowhere, he touched a hard object and slammed it hard on Qianqian's head, causing Qianqian to immediately bleed , fell to the side, Ling Fei took advantage of this opportunity and just escaped.

As soon as he fled to the street, he saw countless residents rushing towards him. Some people in Su had the same eyes as Qianqian, wishing to kill him. Ling Fei's face darkened, without saying a word, Immediately spread your legs and run away. As soon as he started running on his front feet, the people behind him immediately began to follow him frantically. It's like desperately trying.

Ling Fei didn't dare to delay at all, so he could only escape quickly, waiting for the opportunity to find a hiding place.

In this illusion, Ling Fei can't use his own energy, this world is specially designed to deal with him, and everything restrains him.

But there is one thing Ling Fei knows, that is, he must not die, if he dies, he will definitely stay here forever, and then he will never be able to return to the real world.

Therefore, Ling Fei ran away crazily, never giving Qianqian and the others a chance to catch him.

However, one thing that makes Ling Fei very difficult is that in this world, everyone is besieging him and looking for him together. They are all minions created by heaven and earth.

If you want to avoid the pursuit of all the beings in this world, I'm afraid it will not be so easy.

But since it is a dream world transformed by simulating the real world on Earth, there must be hidden architectural structures similar to those on Earth.

Therefore, Ling Fei quickly found a small alley, then pried open the iron gate of a house, and hid in it.

He spent a long time in a tense mood. Originally, he thought that the outside world might be looking for him like a fire. After all, Tiandi wanted to kill him.

But after a while, he felt that something was wrong.

He glanced out of the window, the humans in the dream world seemed to have stopped chasing him, and started to live their own lives instead. At this moment, a bad premonition in Lingfei's heart intensified.

He immediately changed into a suit of clothes, walked out of the house, and started walking towards Qianqian's house.

Qianqian's community seemed to be holding a special ceremony at this time. The two young couples, the ones who made Ling Fei feel refreshed, were tied to two pillars and piled up with piles of matches.

Qianqian looked at the two of them with a gloomy face.

"You two idiots, it was you who killed him. He remembered everything and ran away. Our mission failed, are you satisfied? If Master Tiandi can't defeat Ling Fei, all of us will die, even the entire universe , is no exception! Don’t you understand?”

The two couples were already scared out of their wits.

"We...we don't know why Lingfei sees through the two of us, and why he wakes up. All of this has nothing to do with us! We were wronged!"

"Fart! It's clearly you two idiots who ruined Lord Tiandi's entire plan! He created our world and left us with a task. If we fail to complete the task, what are we going to do to face him?" ?”

"I beg you, please forgive us. We are all beings created by heaven and earth to perfect the existence of this small world. We are just living an ordinary life and fulfilling our mission. We never thought that Ling Fei would wake up. Please, don't kill us. Give us a chance."

"Hmph! Go to hell and repent to Master Tiandi!"

As she spoke, Qianqian gave the person next to her a wink, and the person next to her immediately lit a fire and burned the two of them to death.

After finishing all this, Qianqian nodded in satisfaction, and then stopped. However, the moment they turned around, they faced Ling Fei instantly.

Everyone was taken aback, including Qianqian. But soon, Qianqian came back to her senses, she immediately showed a sinister smile, and shouted at Ling Fei:

"Okay, unexpectedly, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in! We were looking for you, but you came to the door yourself!"

Ling Fei snorted coldly.

"Bitch, don't bother me here. I was wondering about one thing just now. Now that I see what you are doing, I suddenly understand."

Qianqian's expression changed.

"What do you want to understand?"

"I was thinking about a question before, why did you kill me? You didn't kill me when I didn't understand it before, but after I understood it, you suddenly changed your mind and wanted to kill me. Originally, I thought, you I was just panicked, but now I feel that it is obviously impossible. You are so calm even to kill, how could you be frightened and panicked just because I woke up?"

"So, now I see something clearly, that is, you don't really want to kill me, your purpose is just to trap me and let me live well."

Everyone's expressions changed, but Qianqian refused to admit it.

"Hehe, what you said is simply absurd. We were originally created by Master Tiandi to kill you! If it wasn't for killing you, we wouldn't even have the value of existence. How could we not want you to die?"

Ling Fei sneered and said:

"Don't act anymore. Because from the very beginning, I saw that it was unusual. Before you acted with me, you just wanted to trap me and make me forget everything. The soul is silent in a dream. But now, you want to Want to kill me, but don't really do it, or even simply scare me, but don't seriously hurt me at all. You are nothing more than trying to arouse my desire to survive. As long as I have the desire to survive, I will If you choose to escape, you will never want to die. In this way, your goal will be achieved."

Qianqian snorted softly.

"Even if this is the case, it can only be said that we are responsible for trapping you, but it doesn't mean that we really don't kill you."

"This is the crux of the problem. Why do you trap me? In this world, I have no effect on you at all. To put it bluntly, I am to you, especially to this whole world. As far as the world is concerned, I am just a piece of trash! A huge piece of trash! A piece of trash, why should he be kept alive? I don’t believe that there is such a good thing in the whole world! There can only be one explanation for everything, that is, you Need to trap me and keep me from leaving this illusion."

"Thinking about it carefully, when Tiandi cast illusions on me, it seemed that I used the Zhuxian sword to immobilize him, and at the same time I used Pangu's sky-opening ax to protect me. If my spiritual power does not return, I will wait until Tiandi breaks through the control of Zhuxian sword. , he will come to destroy the Pangu Sky-Opening Axe. And once the Pangu Sky-Opening Axe is destroyed, I will be exposed to the hands of heaven and earth!"

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