Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 830 It doesn’t take any effort to slap you in the face

The principal's face darkened.

"Teacher Lingfei, although you and I have a good relationship, as the dean, I can't just be bribed by you. Besides, there is Teacher Bart outside. He is one of the top ten model teachers every year. You If I do this, I will feel very guilty for him!"

Ling Fei sat on the bench, stroking the flowers and plants on the table, and said with a slight smile:

"Really? Originally, I wanted to teach you a god-level forbidden spell that can kill even gods!"


The principal took a deep breath, stood up immediately, and said with a serious face:

"Teacher Lingfei, you know that this principal has always stood for justice! Although Teacher Bart is a top ten model teacher, he cannot act recklessly, indulge his students and bully other students! If this kind of behavior is not stopped, I will be punished. Will Winter Academy be known as a bully from now on?"

Ling Fei applauded and praised:

"Master Principal, you really understand justice!"

A few minutes later, the two walked out of the office, and Teacher Bart immediately came forward.

"Principal! Please make the decision for my students!"

The principal nodded, walked to the front, glanced at it, and said:

"I suddenly remembered something. By the way, Mr. Bart, your students should all be the best of the best, right?"

Teacher Bart immediately stood up straight and said proudly:

"Of course it is."

"What about the students taught by Teacher Ling Fei?"

Teacher Bart glanced at Ling Fei with great disdain and sneered:

"If he taught it, can he be called a student? I think it's more like rubbish!"

The principal frowned and couldn't help but wonder:

"Huh? Since Mr. Bart teaches elite students and Mr. Lingfei teaches trash students, and there are several students of Mr. Bart who beat up Mr. Lingfei's students, logically speaking, no matter what, , it should be your students who beat his students, why were they defeated by the other side?"


Teacher Bart was immediately speechless.

Ling Fei spread his hands.

"Teacher Bart, I really don't know why you are targeting me like this. We have no grievances at all! Could it be that you think I have gotten closer to Teacher Wang Zhaojun recently? That's just because you don't look good. I'm handsome, you can't be so shameless and use such small means to insult people, right?"

Wang Zhaojun's face turned slightly red, while Teacher Bart pointed at Ling Fei and vomited blood in anger.

"You...are talking nonsense. He is obviously your student and you beat my student!"

"Then why were you beaten at my door? Why did your students go to my door? Teacher Bart, you didn't instigate this, right? Your intentions are too sinister. I didn't expect you to be such a villain! "

"You bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

Teacher Bart made a move with the giant sword in his hand, but immediately after, a majestic momentum enveloped him instantly.

"Teacher Bart, you are too presumptuous. This is the door of my office. What? Do you still want to do it here?!"


Teacher Bart was instantly frightened when he met the principal's cold eyes.

"Principal, he clearly is!"


The principal shouted sharply.

"Teacher Bart, you have gone too far! Don't think that just because you are one of the top ten teachers, you can do whatever you want. I, the Winter Academy, will never allow you to bully others like this! Just stand down! I don't want to delve into this matter any further. Okay, besides, if you make trouble for Teacher Ling Fei again in the future, don’t blame me for being rude! Huh!”


Teacher Bart looked aggrieved and confused. Until now, he didn't understand how the principal, who had been righteous in punishing Ling Fei before, suddenly became like this!

He originally wanted to beg the principal to change his attention, but looking at the serious expression on the principal's face, he could only sigh, take his disciples, and leave unwillingly.

The principal smiled and came to Zhen Ji.

"You are that Zhen Ji, right? Yes, your strength has improved very quickly! With Teacher Ling Fei teaching you, I think you will get greater improvement soon. You must study hard with Teacher Ling Fei."


Zhen Ji's heart beat wildly with excitement. That was the principal. Usually only teachers were qualified to talk to him. Today, she finally met the principal and was praised by the principal.

Ling Fei had a deep understanding of her emotions. I think back to that year, when I first received the Three Excellent Student Award in kindergarten, I was so excited!

The principal walked back to the office.

"Okay, this matter is over. Teacher Wang Zhaojun, you and classmate Zhen Ji should leave first. Teacher Ling Fei and I still have something to say."


Although both women were a little confused and didn't understand why the principal left Ling Fei alone, they still did not dare to disobey the principal's order.

After the two women left, Ling Fei and the dean walked into the office.

The principal put his hands behind his back and said with a smile:

"Teacher Lingfei, I have done what you asked me to do. Now, is it time for you to fulfill your promise?"

"Of course it's easy to say."

After saying that, Ling Fei stretched out his hand, and a golden light disappeared into the principal's mind.

The principal was shocked. He didn't expect that Ling Fei could break through his spiritual consciousness in an instant! You know, he is a demon, and his mental power itself is an extremely powerful existence! But facing Ling Fei, he had no power to resist at all just now! Absolutely ridiculous.

At the same time, this also made the principal extremely fearful of Ling Fei!

But soon, the principal was shocked by the forbidden spell Ling Fei passed on to him!

This is a forbidden spell that tends to strengthen physical strength, but it is based on magic elements. You know, for a magician, the weakest thing is the body. Although the devil can already cast magic instantly and use magic to resist damage, facing the sword god or even a higher level existence, This weakness is still very clear!

But the technique taught to him by Ling Fei allowed him to easily break through this shortcoming. This is to fill every cell with magical energy, making your whole body as powerful as the magical energy! In this way, his physical strength can even exceed that of a sword god.

As a result, the principal's combat effectiveness has increased by more than a little!

"Hahaha... This is really a god-level forbidden spell. Teacher Ling Fei, thank you so much. This is exactly what I need, hahahaha...."

"Since the principal likes it, then the principal should practice hard. I will leave first."

"Go ahead, go ahead. If anyone troubles you again, I will never spare him."

"Then thank you principal!"

After Ling Fei left, the principal smiled, but his face suddenly turned gloomy.

"How come Ling Fei has so many good things?"

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