Metropolitan Super Deity

Chapter 831 Martial Arts Competition of the Whole Academy

Ling Fei walked out of the principal's office with a slight smile on his lips. He was not a fool. How could he not know that ordinary people are not guilty and those who possess a treasure are guilty? He can't break the seal at will now, otherwise, wouldn't it be a huge loss? If you can't split the seal, you'll have to play the snack machine.

The forbidden spell that Ling Fei gave to the principal was indeed a very powerful thing, but Ling Fei added a little spice to it. This little bit of spice is what Ling Fei uses to control the principal. Otherwise, if this old guy wants to cause trouble, Ling Fei still has no way to control him.

At this moment, this old guy is probably still feeling proud, or perhaps he already wants to deal with him. What's funny is that he doesn't know that the moment he teaches the forbidden spell, he has already taken control of him.

When Ling Fei returned to his residence, Wang Zhaojun and Zhen Ji were busy at the door. For some reason, a large number of students gathered at his door at this time. Among these students, there are young and old, but they all have one shortcoming, that is, they are poor! Normally, people like them are not welcome in the academy! No teacher is willing to take them in, they are like ghosts in hell with no one to protect them. In other words, these students are unwanted.

Before, Ling Fei had wanted to recruit one or two of these students to complete the task. Unfortunately, at that time, these people didn't look down on him at all! They all feel that they are a rubbish teacher and it is better not to follow them so that they can have a chance to be valued by another teacher in the future.

Now, they saw two outstanding students taught by Ling Fei, so they immediately ran over to find them, hoping to take the opportunity to worship them. Ling Fei didn't even bother to look at these villains!

He frowned and walked forward. He didn't know who shouted, 'Teacher Ling Fei is back. ’ Everyone else ran towards him and knelt down in front of him.

"Teacher Lingfei, we want to make you our teacher. Please teach us how to practice."

Ling Fei rolled his eyes and said:

"Everyone, to be honest, I actually want to teach you too. However, I only picked up two powerful training manuals. One was given to Ren Jiutian and the other to Zhen Ji, so I just gave it to you. We can only accept these two disciples! Even if you continue to be my disciples, it will be useless. I am the same as before and can't teach you anything. If you follow me, aren't you destroying your future? "

Everyone couldn't help but be a little suspicious and said:

"Teacher Lingfei, are you telling the truth?"

"Of course it's true! Can I still lie to you?"

"Fuck, let me tell you, why is he so powerful all of a sudden? Damn it, it turns out he picked up two training manuals!"

"Oh! You made me go all the way in vain. You even knelt down for a long time. Damn it, you wasted my time!"

Everyone cursed and left, Zhen Ji a little angry.

"Teacher, they went too far. They should be asked to apologize."

Ling Fei waved his hand.

"What's the point of apologising? This kind of person is like trash. When he begs you, he acts like a grandson. When he doesn't beg you, he's just as good as he is! It's a waste of your time to talk to them!"

"Teacher Ling Fei said that the students have been taught!"


Ling Fei nodded, glanced at Wang Zhaojun, and couldn't help but ask:

"Teacher Wang Zhaojun hasn't gone back yet? Is there something wrong?"

Wang Zhaojun nodded, gave Zhen Ji a look, and asked Zhen Ji to go back to the room, and then answered Ling Fei's words.

"Yes, there is indeed something. Next month is the whole school martial arts competition. Teacher Lingfei, you must have forgotten, right? You didn't have students before, so you didn't participate almost every year, but this year you already have students. According to As is customary, you have to participate!”

"The martial arts competition in the whole academy seems to be a trick. A teacher can send up to three disciples to fight, and they fight consecutively! But now, Ren Jiutian is not here, and I only have one Zhen Ji here. In other words, I only have one A student now!”

Wang Zhaojun sighed and said:

"I guess Teacher Bart won't just give up. He will very likely try to trick the whole school into a competition. When the time comes, I'm afraid he will secretly poison Zhen Ji."

"It's possible. However, I don't care what the ranking is. When the time comes, let Zhen Ji do what she can! This whole academy martial arts competition is just a training for Zhen Ji."

"This is exactly what I'm worried about!"

After Wang Zhaojun finished speaking, he glanced at the room behind him.

"Zhen Ji, this child, has always been arrogant! In the past, she had no strength and could only bear the humiliation. Now, under your guidance, her strength has soared, and her self-confidence has also expanded. Now you ask her to attend the hospital-wide meeting Wu, if she doesn’t strive for a good ranking, I’m afraid she won’t feel at ease, right?”

Ling Fei frowned slightly.

People are most afraid of stubborn tempers, especially if they encounter a stubborn donkey that can't be pulled back by eight horses, it is even more troublesome!

If Zhen Ji is really like that, I'm afraid she will inevitably suffer some physical pain, or even be seriously injured. You know, her current strength is not that strong!

It seems that all we can do is think of some ways to help her quickly improve her strength.

"Okay, I understand this matter, but then again, why do you have such a relationship with Zhen Ji? I think it's not just because of the relationship between master and disciple, right?"

Wang Zhaojun took a deep breath and said:

"She's my niece!"


Ling Fei let out a long 'oh'.

"So your sister is the man who slept with the elf!"

Wang Zhaojun's face suddenly turned red, and she glared at Ling Fei fiercely.

"Why are you so rude? Huh! I'm leaving. You can take care of yourself."

After saying that, Wang Zhaojun stomped his feet and left. Looking at her twitching little butt, Ling Fei even whistled specially. Wang Zhaojun was so angry that he almost came back to settle the score with him!

When Wang Zhaojun left, Zhen Ji came out of the room with a bad smile.

"Teacher, I saw you teasing my aunt."

Ling Fei rolled his eyes.

"Shut up! Little girl, what do you know? That's not teasing, that's communication between men and women! Speaking of which, how have you been practicing recently? Tonight, the teacher will personally test it. If you are not practicing well, Okay, be careful if the teacher hits you on the hand with a ruler!"

Zhen Ji immediately stood up straight and said proudly:

"Then tonight, I welcome the teacher's examination! Zhen Ji will never let you down! Otherwise, without being punished by the teacher, Zhen Ji will punish herself!"

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