Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 119: They dream of me

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

The younger brother saw me with a solemn expression and tone, and put away his casual attitude, patted his chest, and nodded, "It's not only our predecessors, but also a dedicated and dedicated, that we are wrapped in us. Old worker! "

"As our colleagues and brothers, this is a small matter."

One of the uncles wiped a sweat: "Yugong's body is incomplete, and we are also very sad. If the missing skull is really in this ruin, we will do our best! No matter what, we must give him a corpse!"

I nodded strongly: "Please, please! If you find it, please send it back!"

Yu Gong's soul seemed to have heard our conversation, stood not far away, and his body was facing us. Because he had no head, he could not speak. Naturally, I could only judge whether he noticed by the direction of his body. Here.

"Oh, yes, do any of you know Yu Gong's home address?"

A worker uncle hurriedly said, "I know!"

"Little girl, what do you want his home address for?"

I lowered my eyes slightly, put away the sadness at the bottom of my eyes, and said, "Uncle Yu has died, and his family is all sick. I want to visit them."

The brother raised his eyebrows in doubt, and asked the doubts buried in the heart for a long time.

"What is your relationship with Yu Gong? Relatives? Friends?"

If it was simply because I saw the news to find out, he felt that I did not have to do this step at all.

After all, they are strangers, and they came to ask for help to find the missing head. In their view, it is already a rare act of kindness.

I shook my head with a smile and didn't answer them. After saying goodbye to them, I turned and left.

Visiting is one thing, and helping his family resolve the curse is the main purpose.

When leaving from the construction site, the younger brother had called a few colleagues, and it seemed that he started to act immediately.

I hope in my heart that they can find it quickly. In this way, one of Yu Gong's two wishes is also completed.

"Sag, you say we are investigating the curse now, isn't it too late?"

I'm not saying it's late, but ...

"If this curse persists for hundreds of years in history, it is really too far away. Even if we really find it and break it, will the people who are connected with the family, the curse on them disappear immediately?"

"Yes, once the roots disappear, the curse on the soul will naturally disappear."

The seducer replied with certainty that after hearing this answer, my low heart seemed to be beaten with chicken blood, and instantly lived up!

In other words, as long as the source is resolved, everyone in the family who is still alive can return to normal life and live well!

Perhaps for Yu Gong, it did not matter whether the decapitation accident was intentional or accidental.

He just wanted his family to survive and not be affected by what they called "genetic diseases", just like an ordinary person, to experience the sweetness and bitterness of life.

Live a healthy life.

When I think of it, I can't help but feel a little funny about my thoughts.

I have nothing to do with these people, but I want to help them.

Even if I do not have the ability to drive off the descendants of the ghost family, I want to do my part.

"So, Huaer, you are the wife of my life."

The devil chuckled and whispered, his hands around my waist, and his tone was calm: "Do you remember the first time you saw the ghost and met me for the first time?" "You are obviously scared, but you still want to help you friend."

"Since then, you have become prone to encountering ghosts, and unconsciously, you have found a lot of ground-bound spirits and have not stayed away from them, but you have been bent on sending them back to Hades and where they should go."

He stopped, bent down, and stared into my eyes.

"Hua'er, Zhen Guiling will not choose the host at will. The meaning of your birth has now manifested. Huaer, can you understand?"

I looked into his eyes, my eyes were a little sore, and I had scratched through the scenes I had experienced.

I didn't know it myself, obviously they were all ghosts, and as time passed, not only did I no longer be afraid of them, but I wanted to give them my part.

I can't describe this feeling in words, I can only appreciate it.

So I told you before.

It's good to keep my heart. This "heart" has already told me the answer.

I don't know why I do so many things for the ghosts.

However, whenever I encounter something similar to today, I instinctively help.

After having said this, the devil held my hand, accompanied me to the car, and went back to school.

An Ning should still be with Grandpa An at the hospital. After all, An Ze had never allowed them to meet before. Now they must have a lot of things to say to their grandparents.

The word of a seductive genius, I brewed in my heart for a while, and kept it firmly in my heart.

"Hua'er, things in Hades have been dealt with recently. I still have some finishing touches to the judge and impermanence. I can spend more time with you."

"However, if you want to go back to the palace, we can leave at any time."

I listened to his very homely words, relaxed my heart, and smiled slightly: "After finishing the work of Uncle Yu's house, we will go back."

There, arguably my second home.

For some reason, I didn't leave the palace for long, and I missed it a bit.

I miss the scent in the **** room, I miss the white petite figure under the big tree.


When I returned to the bedroom, I met Ye Yao next door.

She lost a lot of weight. Since Wang Xiaomeng's accident, the atmosphere in their bedroom has changed.

When I saw her, her face was pale. I hadn't noticed her since I had missed a lot of classes recently. Now I just met her face to face and saw her face up close to know how shy she was.

It's been a while since Wang Xiaomeng's death, but Ye Yao and them obviously didn't take it easy.

She and I ran into a face-to-face meeting, and both of them greeted a little awkwardly, just as I took out the key, opened the door, and was stopped by the voice beside me.


I slid open the door and turned to look at her.

Ye Yao had an ugly smile on her tired face, and her voice was very soft, but I still heard what she said.

"thank you all."

Having said that, she didn't wait for me to respond, so she entered the bedroom and closed the door at night.

I blinked, then pushed the door into the room for a short while, leaning back against the door and closing it.

The demon took off his mask and looked indifferent. I turned my head and looked at the wall between the two bedrooms, and sighed.

"Does she know something?"

Thank us?

"It should be in the chemical experiment building, and the yin and yang told her."

I nodded, and this was the only possibility. Grandpa An and the third child sent An Ning and Ye Yao to the hospital at that time, and probably told her the facts at that time.

But I wasn't happy at all. This is not something to be pleased with.

I remember Qiao Hui and Tan Haoran so clearly. The memory that Qiao Hui used to show me can be said to be unforgettable in this life.

In order to stop Xu Jian from doing evil, Qiao Hui and Tan Haoran were both sacrificed, and even the soul was left behind, unable to return to the underworld, and even unable to be reborn.


I shook my head and couldn't help but groan about my emotions in my heart. Once I thought about these things I had experienced, my eyes became a little wet.

Why can't lovers end up as dependents?

Why don't good people report well?

This may be a question that many people are thinking about.

This night, Seki accompanied me, I leaned in his arms, closed my eyes, and waited for sleep.

The scum patted my back like a kid, coaxing me to sleep.

Tonight's dream is sweet but bitter.

In my dream, I seemed to visit a family. When I opened the door, I saw Qiao Hui and Tan Haoran, and they greeted me with a smile.

The aunt cleaner was wearing work clothes to go out. Her granddaughter came out with breakfast. The woman's face was covered with a layer of white mist, and she didn't really see it.

Xiao Huang is still in the memory, spirited, full of fighting spirit, and enthusiastically receives guests at the cafe every day ...

I don't know why, all of them appeared in my dream tonight, it was like an appointment.

In the middle of the night, the bracelet on my bracelet emitted a faint red light, and gradually, this red light became more and more abundant! It's just that I have fallen asleep unconsciously.

Seki suddenly opened her eyes and saw the light of the ruby ​​bracelet. The deep black pupil with tenderness, petting and love, fell on my lower abdomen.

"Little guy, sensible ..."

When I woke up the next day, the dream last night stayed in my mind for a short time. I quickly picked up the phone and recorded everything I dreamed about.

"Huaer, what are you doing?"

The seducer hugged me from behind and saw what I typed in the phone memo, his eyes narrowed, and he didn't know the details.

"Lust, do ghosts dream of dreams?"

I blinked my eyes, turned my head up, and looked at him expectantly.

"Do you know? They gave me a dream last night, and they all had a happy life in the dream! And their loved ones, lovers."

The devil touched my head and smiled lightly, with charming whirlpools and rays in his eyes, and his voice was so soft that he softened my heart.

"Yes, of course they do."


A dream made me feel better today.

When I was going out for breakfast, and then headed to the work house, passing the next bedroom, I stopped and turned to look at the closed wooden door.

I gazed for a few seconds, and then went downstairs with Segui and left.

After breakfast, I called a taxi directly to get to my destination.

When the driver heard my address, he looked at me strangely through the rearview mirror, but activated the taxi.

"Little girl, where do you go?"

I blinked and wondered, "Uncle Driver, is there any problem with the address?"

He suddenly became silent, without saying a word.

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