Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 120: What to save? !!

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

I saw that the expression of the uncle driver was not right. I wanted to say something. The uncle driver spoke strangely.

"There is an old town there, except for some Aboriginal people with inconvenient legs, no one lives there."

"The house is shabby and shabby, it can be said to be a slum area, and it is more chaotic. Little girl, I look at your dress. The house doesn't look like a poor family. What should I do there?"

I frowned. Yu Gong actually lived there. I glanced at the address in my hand.

Although I am a native, I have never heard of that place. Perhaps because of family and living conditions, no one around has touched the old city, so I have not paid much attention to it.

I heard the meaning of dissuasion from the words of the uncle. Perhaps the old city is really not as safe as here. I think it is not a very important thing for a girl to be home. It is best not to go there.

"Uncle, I live there with an old man. I'm going to visit his family on his behalf."

The old man here is naturally not the meaning of a friend.

The uncle driver didn't seem to think of the meaning of "dead person". Hearing my words, he looked into the rearview mirror, and then sighed as if he had compromised.

"Pay more attention to safety."

I glanced at the ghost, and felt moved in my heart. In fact, there are still many good strangers in life.

Too many things have happened around me recently, like the sudden storm in the sea, which is anxious and violent, and swallowed me directly. Before I could react, the feeling of suffocation had deprived all my senses.

An Yu and Situ Jing have not yet settled. Tonight, they are going to 402. It is still a mystery whether they can succeed.

The curse in the house now becomes a shackle in my heart.

The seducer asked me to lean in his arms, hands around my shoulders.

The car sprinted on some remote road. The ground is no longer an asphalt road, but a kind of stone road in the countryside. The narrow road can only allow a single car to pass.

The uncle driver did not leave me directly at the intersection because of bad roads, he still sent me to the entrance of the old city.

An old city made up of old houses can really be called a "slum area". The skin of many houses seems to have been scraped off, exposing dark red bricks.

The windows looked like the style of the last century. Several houses were tilted, and even the roofs were broken. The triangular roofs piled up by bricks collapsed, making people scared.

As if the wind is stronger, the entire roof will be lifted!

Before leaving, the driver uncle kindly told me to go back early, because most people here do n’t use taxis to get here, but once it ’s late, it ’s hard to get a taxi here.

Even with the car-hailing software, people do not necessarily come here to pick up this list.

The uncle's intentions made me feel very warm, and dispelled what happened around me in recent days.

I walked side-by-side with the ghosts towards the old city. As the driver said, the health problems here are not as good as in the lush city. Many children wearing dirty clothes squatted in corners in pairs and played together. Play the stones.

Before passing a very low hut, I saw an open door with a foul odor floating in it, which directly stimulated my sense of smell, and caused my stomach to churn, and the sour liquid was tumbling directly from my stomach. Almost squirted out of my mouth. I was covering my chest, and I didn't move. I didn't know if he couldn't smell the scent, or he was full of energy. I couldn't hold it anyway.

I chuckled and said with a bit of nausea, "The reaction is more violent than in a place where my anger is heavy."

The demon helped me to quickly walk away from the little black house.

When I saw food-like things in those chemical tin buckets, I guessed something in my heart.

The little black room with the disgusting, dying smell was mostly a black workshop.

Also, it is impossible for black workshops to be located in downtown areas. In order to hide people's eyes, this old city area has naturally become the best place for them to make illegal profits.

I covered my mouth and slowed for a long time. The seducer supported my shoulders and kept watching my state.

"If you don't feel well, throw up some?"

I waved my hand, suppressed the disgusting feeling, and gave him a stiff smile.

"It's okay, as long as you don't smell it."

Originally, I was very resistant to pungent odors, so I didn't vomit when I smelled it.

Probably, pregnancy still accounts for a large possibility, which makes me a little bit uncomfortable with these bad smells.

I held my mobile phone and recorded the address of Yu Gong.

When I found my destination against the green house number, I was shocked by the tattered house in front of me.

The wooden door was crumbling, as if it could be kicked with a light flick of the foot. The house as a whole might be worse than some cottages in the countryside. The courtyard was filled with spittoons and toilets that needed to be cleaned by hand.

The depression here is already in the 21st century. I never thought that there would be such a poor and backward place in the area where I grew up.

I can only say that I am really in the blessing. As some elders have said, sometimes I really do n’t know the blessing.

Before I stepped on the door, a gray-haired old man opened the wooden door.


A sour voice came, and I noticed clearly that as soon as the door opened, some sawdust fell from the door.

The old grandfather has already thanked him, only a circle of gray hair can be seen around his head, and his horns are all white. In those sick eyes, the vitality of living people is like a candle in the wind. Will always go off at any time.

Withered hands had only a layer of old skin, a gray face covered with wrinkles and age spots. The moment he saw me, his weak body shook noticeably and asked with caution: "You are Who?"

His voice was hoarse, deep, and panting violently, whether it was due to tension or a curse.

As I said, I looked around cautiously, only to find that I was the only one, then I let my heart down a little, and the tone was no longer harsh.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Even the words were softened a lot.

I just wanted to speak, but my voice got stuck in my throat.

The one in front should be Yu Gong's old father, but in his expression, there is only vigilance and no sadness.

Is it possible that he doesn't know anything about work?

So how do I say what I'm here for? If they really want to help their family, it will be necessary to tell the elderly about the work.

Only he in the family had the good fortune to escape the curse, but died on the construction site.

Speaking out, I'm afraid his father can't bear this grief! I hesitated for a while. The old man didn't seem to want to wait for me to speak again. He coughed violently twice, and was about to close the door. I hurried to speak.

"Grandpa! Hold on, I ... I'm Uncle Yu's friend."

As soon as the old man closed the door, he looked at me suspiciously.

"Xiaofu's friend? My old man's poor health doesn't mean he's stupid! If you're here to collect debt, I'll call the police right away! You ... believe it or not! Don't use these tricks to lie to me!"

He seemed to be unbelieving, and his temper was suddenly agitated, and he hurriedly took out a very old PHS mobile phone from the tattered trouser pocket, and started to make a call when he started.

Seeing that the situation was not right, I explained quickly: "I'm not here to collect debts! I'm really a friend of Uncle Yu."

"Grandpa, something happened to Uncle Yu!"

If I don't make things clear, I'm afraid I will be taken away by the police before I can walk into this broken house.

This is the sentence that stopped the action of the grandfather. He slowly turned his neck and looked at me. His chaotic and dull eyes were shrouded in hopeless darkness.

"What are you talking about ... what are you talking about!"

"Old man ..."

Just as he intended to confront me, suddenly, a weak voice came from the room.

There is an old man at home!

As soon as I heard my voice, I knew that in the back room, it must be the old mother of the worker.

It's just that her voice is as if it came from the underworld, and she is weak and weak, feeling that a dark hand will pull her into the underworld at any time.

This is the voice of a dying person, which now spreads into my ears and makes my heart feel more sad and sad.

The grandfather seemed to hear the call of his wife. Instead of going in immediately, he stood at the door and raised the volume inward.

"Wife, there's a guest. Don't worry. Take a good rest. I'll take care of it."

Having said that, he immediately lifted his foot out of the slightly higher gate and closed the door.

His skinny hands covered his chest, and he couldn't help coughing twice. Fat like dying out, he whistled hysterically.

The purring and purring sounds are really disturbing.

"Girl, I don't care what you say, you leave me ..."

I know that he didn't want his wife to hear the news of Yu Gong, but this time I came here to really help his family.

I don't care if Yu Gong's old father believes it, I still tell him what I know.

In order to increase credibility, I will also show him the news published on the mobile phone.

"I'm not here for money, but to help my uncle and your family."

I turned to look at Seki and looked at the old man very seriously and said.

After listening to what I said and watching the news, Yu Lao was expressionless, but the extreme sadness and despair in his eyes were all in my eyes.

His skinny legs trembled, and he was about to stand still, paralyzed on the ground, and I quickly helped him.

For a long while, his voice was trembling, old tears crisscrossed, holding my arm in his hand, and he couldn't believe it and asked, "Why, why are you helping us? We are non-professionals, why?"

"Does our family have any help? What can we use to help ?!"

He spread his hands and covered his face.

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