Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 258: The judge has special hobbies?

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

It symbolizes a new beginning of life.

I and Seki stood under the memory tree, and after he told me the existence of the memory tree, I couldn't wait for him to bring me here.

It's completely different from what I expected. I thought it would be a place as beautiful as the sea of ​​flowers on the other side. Who knows not.

The place where the tree is remembered is very dark, if it weren't for the colored ghosts to lead the way, I would definitely not find this place.

"This is equivalent to a forbidden area in the underworld. The memory tree carries too many memories, both good and bad, so it has become what it is now. The shape is not very beautiful."

He took me, and pointed his finger at the fruit hanging on the tree.

"Hua'er, do you see that black and gray fruit?"

I looked up, stomped my feet, and found the two he was referring to in the vast and colorful fruits.

"The fruit with a darker color shows that the life before this life was not satisfactory, and the life was not good, and the fruit after death will be this color." The color ghost stroked my long hair.

"Hundreds of years ago, the fruits on this tree were all colorful, and the place was also glorious and very bright, but over time, everything changed."

I dropped my head, it took me a long time to lift it, and I looked at the ghost: "Can I look closer?"

He agreed, but before he let me go, he reminded him: "Don't touch the memory tree."

"You have the ability to go back to memory. I'm afraid you will be swallowed by so many memories. Just look closer."

I nodded and didn't touch the tree when I heard him, but just walked around the tree, just approaching it, those memory fruits are like being induced, shaking left and right, and the leaves on the tree are constantly rubbing With a rustling sound.

Some strange fragments rushed into my mind, and I couldn't scream in my heart. I took a few steps back and opened my distance.

"Hua'er!" The man behind him walked quickly to me, hugged my body slightly, and led me away from here.

I covered my head with one hand and leaned my head against his arms, which drove those strange and messy clips out of my mind.

Segui frowned, and remained silent for a while, then said: "Huaer still don't go to remember the tree in the future."

I don't know why he said that suddenly, but the weird situation just now didn't let me think about it. Obviously, my current status can't bring me close to that big tree. It is best not to go.

After a while, we landed in the sea of ​​flowers on the other side. I kept burying my head in his chest, and the nose smelled the charming fragrance first.

The satyr gently placed me in the flowers, kneeling on one knee, and asked if I was okay. I gave him a soothing look: "It's all right."

He took off his coat and put it on my body, sitting naturally next to me, letting me lean in his arms, his face against my side.

"Don't think about what happened just now, after all, Huaer, we haven't seen the sea of ​​flowers together for a long time."

I smelled the floral scent from my face and narrowed my eyes with a smile.

"Yes, otherwise, shall we stay a little longer today?"

I half-joked, but Seki shook his head and looked dissatisfied and said, "Just a moment? Not enough, Huaer, if I can, I want to take you over every day."

The sea of ​​flowers on the other side of the mountain is spectacular, and I have never seen them wither. My eyes unconsciously looked in one direction, and there, she was sleeping a woman who loved coloring ghosts deeply.

I also asked Seki, after the death of Saya, what did the king do, but he kept talking and stopped, although he wanted to tell me some facts, but it seemed like he was worrying, and I could n’t say a word for a long time. No more questions.

Taking advantage of the beautiful scenery and comfortable environment, I took out the notebook I brought from the room, spread it on my lap, and wrote with a pen.

Emily's affairs are still lingering in my mind. I have some doubts about Mr. Brown, admiration and sympathy for Emily, and I have written all in this book.

The devil saw that I was taking a record, and even the body was motionless, let me lean on. Although he didn't say anything, I knew that he must be watching me.

Time has passed by every minute, and since we were in the underworld, we have never seen the black and white impermanence again. In the process of recording, I accidentally mentioned that the answer was given to me by the ghost.

"I sent them to catch the bully you, give it to the judge, and accept the punishment."


My writing hand trembled and almost left a black ink mark on the clean paper.

In fact, when I first came to Hades, Bai Wuchang had revealed to me the personality of the judge and some weird hobbies.

Tell me specifically, let me not judge people by their appearances, especially the inferiority of judges.

According to her, don't look at the judge's magnificence. When he punishes evil spirits or sinful spirits, he has extremely fierce means and many tricks. Only we can't think of it.

Of course, I also know who the "smuggler" I am referring to is a sympathy for Sisyphus.

"Forget it, it's a thing of the past, and I don't care." My temper is still the kind of calmness, not the temper, someone else provokes me, I'm going to choke the other person to death.

Now that everyone is safe, I did not take into account some of the disrespectful actions Sisyphus had done to me before.

Fortunately, things ended successfully, and Chris began to look for Catherine, and I think it will be fruitful soon.

The saint heard me say this, sighed, and folded my robes together: "You are just too kind, people have bullied you, and you are still defending others."

In the slightly angry words, there was still a bit of sourness. I bent my eyes, raised my head, and kissed his chin sideways with a smile on his face, and said with a smile: "Who said that I guarded him, I just do n’t remember the young Passed by, he had looked down on you before, and I said nothing to him!

I said proudly, so I sent my hands on my hips and pretended.

"He said I didn't care. If he dared to say you, I would never spare him! Huh!"

The words made Segui's eyes light up at once. He clenched me excitedly, and in the strength, he felt the pain in my arms.

When I was still in the sea of ​​flowers with you and you and I, a white figure ran from a distance, but she seemed to see our moves, and quickly stopped, with both feet on the ground. Hesitate and dare not approach.

"Sex, Xiaobai is here." I reminded him, but he said nothing, and buried his head on my shoulder. I saw Bai Moanchang a little embarrassed, his cheeks red, and his hand pulled at him. Wide sleeves.

"Don't hug, Xiaobai seems to have an urgent matter to report."

The slayer then raised his head and glanced at me resentfully. When he turned his eyes to Bai impermanence, his eyes instantly turned into a powerful dagger, and he shot at Bai impermanence, showing a violent and disgruntled look. Life was frightened by Bai impermanence, the little girl's body shook, her two little hands covered her face, and she ran quickly in the opposite direction!

I even heard her crying ...

"What are you doing, terrified her!"

I patted Seki ’s arm, and two eyebrows were raised with anger: “She is also a business office, and Xiao Bai is not without eyesight, and you do n’t know.”

The seducer stood up to me, and I suddenly became blurred all around. After a while, we reached the familiar main hall.

White impermanence's face was buried on the black impermanence's shoulders, and his small body was held by a loving brother. He concealed and patted her on the back with a distressed expression, soothing: "Master Yama did not intentionally murder you Yes, he didn't blame you. "

"Well, Xiaobai didn't pass by seeing his maiden and Lord Yan Wang, but he was still ... wow! Xiao Bai didn't disturb them, but Lord Yan Wang's eyes were so horrible!"

I stabbed the demon with my fingers and glanced at him reproachfully.

The demon naturally understood me and looked at me apologetically.

"It's no use to apologize to me, and the murderer is not me." I raised my chin and motioned to him.

"There is one thing that is more important than this one."

The satyr led me to the main seat and sat down. The seat was very wide. It was more than enough for two people to sit side by side. In the lobby below, two familiar figures were standing. There was a very enchanting man.

Caesar cleaned his placket with both hands, and narrow eyes narrowed at the ghost, and slowly said: "Long time you haven't seen me, don't come here."

"My King is naturally unharmed, but your memory is not very good. My King and you have only seen before."

I heard a strong smell of gunpowder from the words of the devil, and for a moment he was a little aggressive. He was very angry with Sisyphus, and Caesar didn't do any bad things. He couldn't wait to see it.

Even more exaggerated is that I felt the intention of killing from him.

"Don't assume that the king doesn't know what you have done, dare to hit the king's woman, and die."

He said so, I just remembered the reason!

Looks like ... the first time I met Caesar, he threw me on the bed, and dug into the corner of the ghost ...

At this moment, I suddenly discovered something.

Both Caesar and the people under Caesar seem to like to do things, except for one Danatus.

"Well, don't be angry. How can you blame me? You should thank me." Caesar didn't feel that he had done anything wrong. He shouted at his long hair and threw at me. Winking, the ghost almost couldn't control and rushed out to poke his eyes blind!

"My face, as long as it is of the opposite sex, I do this to help you test your little wife and see if she really likes you. How can you blame me?"

There was a tumult in my stomach, and goosebumps came out frantically.

Caesar is really, as I imagined, he is indeed beautiful, with a kind of tenderness in his beauty, but what is his confidence and narcissism?

I covered my mouth, for fear of laughing, and the ogre saw me nestling around him, and my unhappy mood improved a lot.

After Danatus emerged from the demon, his body has been tense, and now seeing the atmosphere is a bit relaxed, immediately forward, kneeling on his knees!

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