Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 259: [Tanabata Special]

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

Note: There is no specific connection between this chapter and the main plot. It can be read as a small story alone.

I wish a lover finally become a dependent, and the sky will not grow old and the love will never end.

Coconut Rush (Yan Wang & Rong Hua)

When Seki met me, it was already past this year's Qixi Festival, and I naturally did not take this matter to heart. Suddenly, one day, I was sitting in the garden of the palace of Yan King to rest, and Segui just returned. I did n’t have time to change my clothes, so he took me to a place.

"Hua'er, go." He said nothing, stretched out his hand and pulled me up, and walked out of the yard, making me confused.

After a good afternoon, it was so disrupted, I asked inexplicably, "Where is this going?"

"You will know if you walk with me." Segui rarely sells off in front of me. I wanted to ask in detail, but after all, let go of my doubts and let him take me in one direction.

When we reached the main road, I was stunned by the scenery in front of me.

Here, it should be the King City where the Yan Palace is located. Rows of buildings with different heights extend from me. The ghosts on the road are dressed in ancient people's clothing and come and go through the flow of people. When did I put on a familiar mask and stood beside me?

In my ears, I can hear lively yelling, children's laughter and play, and the sound of aunts bargaining with the boss.

The emergence of the color ghost naturally caused a great sensation. At first glance, he was not an ordinary ghost. In Hell, there still existed a hierarchy as in ancient times, with nobles, officials, and emperors.

Fortunately, the devil covered his face. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to stand here as securely as we do now.

"What are you doing here with me?" I still don't understand what it means to rush me here.

The demon naturally held my hand and walked forward. I was half-pulled and half-tugged by him, and he didn't give me a specific reason.

Just when I was a little impatient and wanted to turn around and leave, Seki pulled me into his arms, arms around my shoulders, and gave me a gentle look.

"Hua'er, what do you think of this place, what do you think of this whole city?"

I squinted and stared at him for a while, seeing that he didn't mean to play me in his eyes, so I said, "Very good, very prosperous, and peaceful."

Sag's hands tightened, and he chuckled: "Apart from these?"

I looked around, and just before I found a word to describe my mood at the moment, Segui hugged me tightly.

Later, he took me silently and toured the whole city. During my observation, I found that many men in the underworld bought lanterns of various styles. Many men followed women, talking and laughing. Passing past us.

It's just like the state of me and the demon now. Even though the underworld is in ancient times, compared with the ancient times in the underworld, the folk customs here are much more open.

Some men and women holding hands, blushing and looking overwhelmed, really looked like a young couple in love.

These phenomena, more than one, inevitably reminded me of a festival in the sun.

Valentine's Day.

Is there such a festival in Hades?

While I was still thinking, we came to the familiar Naihe Bridge.

Meng Po is not usually at the moment, she is sitting on the steps, her legs resting in front of the diagonal, looking at the calm water of Santuhe, her thoughts drifted away, as if thinking of something, ferrying the bow of a person There was a lantern with a cyan candlelight shining on his front, but the light still couldn't shine his face, and his appearance was still a mystery.

I squinted my eyes and felt that I was right, and today is indeed a very special day.

For the underworld, this is the case.

"Sex, isn't Valentine's Day Valentine's Day today?" I looked over and asked.

Although it is an interrogative sentence, my tone is affirmative. My eyes are not white and long after walking so far. Naturally, I can see that it is different from the past.

"I thought Huaer wouldn't notice it."

The devil said in a loss, with a touch of sadness in those eyes. I squeezed his arm and said angrily: "How could I know that, and the underworld is the ancient period, where is Valentine's Day?"

"So, today is the Qixi Festival, which belongs to the Qixi Festival of the Underworld."

After I got the answer, I knew why Meng Po would sit on the stone steps, stay still and look into the distance. On a special day like today, she must be thinking of her lover.

The human man who jumped into the Three Ways.

I couldn't help turning my attention to the ferryman. For a long time, he was a mysterious existence to me. Bai Wuchang was very afraid of him, and he was not afraid of me, but only curious.

However, judging from the current situation, he must also be a storyteller.

Why did he become a ferryman? What kind of past did he have? Listening to impermanence, his strength is definitely not weak, but he is willing to be a boatman, which makes no sense.

The black figure was almost drowned in the dark background. The ferryman sat upright on the bow of the boat, and the lanterns in front of it were always on.

He seemed to be staring at it, thinking about something.

"Hua'er, do you know why I brought you out?"

The scum turned around, holding my shoulders with both hands, and staring at me tightly.

"I want you to take a look at it. I have guarded the underworld for a thousand years. All the grass and trees here, all you see is my hard work for thousands of years." His hand touched me lovingly cheek.

"I came out with you to make you share this joy with me. Look, everything here is my painstaking effort to protect my rights."

I looked at him shyly, but I never expected that he would have such intention.

It took a long time for me to calm down, and the ghost seemed to be waiting for my words, but he saw that I had not spoken, and his eyes showed a disappointed expression.

I was not unhappy or had any dissatisfaction, but I felt from the bottom of my heart that I couldn't afford the "gift" he gave him.

From what he said, I was at a loss when I asked him to share this bustling scene. What he said meant more stress for me. I had to come up with my identity as the Queen of the Dark, and straighten my heart.

As a queen of darkness, it is natural to make your due contribution to the underworld.

The ghost seemed to see what I was thinking, held me firmly in my arms, and rubbed my little head: "Fool, what are you thinking?"

He lowered his voice and said softly, "You treat Hades as my gift to you. You are the Queen of Queens, and mine is yours. It is so lucky that Hades is so peaceful and prosperous today. And happiness. "

The seducer's remarks awakened me with an electric shock, making my slightly stupid head suddenly open up.

I can finally understand what he meant by these things today, and I also know why he would rush to my side non-stop after the retreat and take me away to see these scenery.

As an emperor, I think, to him, **** is better than his life, everything, even me.

But in this way, he let me share this golden age with him, and my heart suddenly felt a warmth.

In my heart, something seems to be sprouting fast and constantly clamoring, and the blood in my body is boiling for no reason.

A hand stretched out involuntarily. One of the landlords had the ghost's neck. The other hand grabbed his collar and pulled his head down.

With my feet slumped, I offered my lips and pressed them gently against his cold lips.

His cheek hit his mask as a result, the cool metal feeling irritated my skin, but I completely ignored the feeling.

I was scared by my sudden behavior, and my hands stopped in the air.

I was just a dragonfly withdrawing from the water and evacuated quickly, so as not to have a big sexual wolf, I wrapped his hands around his neck, and a happy and sweet smile appeared on my face: "Since you gave me the whole **** as a gift, what am I Should n’t I give you something? "

He was about to speak, and I immediately covered his mouth, shook his head, and motioned him to stop talking.

"You just said something that wasn't quite right."

I squinted and looked at him with a smile: "Yours are mine, so you can distinguish me from you so clearly." I buried my face in his chest and said something in my heart. After a long time.

"Actually, I am already yours, and I belong to you."


Lining (Chris & Anning)

"Miss Ann, do you really stop thinking about the marriage between Ann and David?"

After An Ning returned from the mission, he happened to meet Chris in the corridor on the third floor of the castle.

Suddenly, this is still a topic of this kind, directly leaving the tranquility of unpreparedness stagnant. She is carrying a backpack behind her, and her face is covered with exhaustion. Obviously, the task of exorcising the ghost has exhausted her. Less physical strength and vitality.

When people are tired, this temper is not very good. An Ning obviously does not want to discuss life's events with Chris at this time. His footsteps are only a little pause, and he continues to walk towards his room.

"Miss Rong."

Chris remained unyielding. Although he did not stop her, he did not let her go.

Anning took a deep breath, turned around, and his face was not good-looking. Just when Chris thought she was going to be angry, Anning raised her eyebrows: "Mr. Chris, I'm very tired. I'll discuss it after I rest. May I?"

Somehow, Chris had a smile on his face. Instead of forcing An Ning to respond at this moment, he smiled politely and stretched out his hand to signal that she could leave.

Anning did not reject his proposal, but postponed the discussion.

Chris naturally understood what that meant.

If she really doesn't want to, how can there be a reconsideration in her character?

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