Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 29: Former Discovery House

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

Until returning to the hotel, An Ning kept talking in my mouth and wanted to see him.

Helpless, I kept looking for various reasons to fool, but I couldn't stop her persistent temper, and in the end she simply refused to ignore her, and made peace very disappointing.

"Okay, okay, I'm waiting, hey, I just want to see your husband."

I chuckled a laugh, no meaning of blame: "I know, but he is always fascinated. I don't have time to talk to him about seeing him, so give me some time."

An Ning finally laughed and stuffed her mouth with food, and I could even see stars shining in her eyes.


After satisfying our stomachs, An Ning dragged me around the streets several times, sold some gadgets, and reluctantly returned to the hotel.

It was late in the evening, and once An Ning returned to the room, he couldn't wait to take a shower. I was sitting on the bed, flipping through the photos on my mobile phone album, and taking pictures while playing today.

I have to say that today's good weather helped me to take very satisfactory photos. The lotuses and pavilions looked particularly beautiful under the sun.

As I flipped with satisfaction, suddenly my fingers stopped and did not slide the photo down.

Eyes freeze in a corner of this photo.

Originally I thought that the building was a corner of the palace area, but when I saw outside the old mansion, the iron net was faintly visible, and I knew that I had photographed something that should not be photographed.

The old site of Lejia ... How did I die? I took this place.

At that time, I didn't pay much attention to the background. I just felt that the scenery was beautiful. I took a picture of it with my mobile phone, but I never thought that I would take a picture of this upsetting building.

Originally, I thought I would immediately delete this photo. Who knows, my finger stayed on the delete button for a long time, but it was still not deleted.

Why, I was so scared, but still left this photo?

This idea took me to the bathroom to take a bath, but I couldn't figure it out. Could it be my own heart, curious about the place full of unknown and mysterious?

how can that be possible!

I lifted my head and welcomed the water pouring down from my face, across my cheeks, neck, shoulders, body, and finally onto the patterned tile floor.

An overcast wind was blowing in the warm shower room. Before I could react, I was hugged by the people behind me.

I almost exclaimed, covering my mouth with my hands.

I don't need to turn my head to know who is behind me. I'm a little angry. I turn my head and see a familiar mask and whisper softly, "What are you doing!"

I was afraid that my voice was too loud, and An Ning found that it was one thing to want to see a demon. She caught me and the demon in a bath, and I couldn't lift my face in my life.

"Take a bath, Huaer."

The laughter behind him was so familiar, but I was completely in no mood to joke with him, just pulling my face and not responding to him.

The ghost seemed to see that I was in a bad mood, and the hands that were originally tempted to stop also took up a towel on one side and wiped my body for me, the action was very gentle.

His faint voice came, "Why did you come to this place?"

My body was stagnant, and I looked at him in amazement. Why did I come to such a place? Can't come here?

He seemed to see my doubt and said, "The atmosphere here is very unusual, not a good place."

Is it possible that there is an old Lejia site? I can't help thinking, letting him help me wipe my body, leaning back slightly, and sighing.

I told him what I had encountered and heard in the past two days. His movements did not stop, and he did not show a look of surprise. He always helped me wash my body so calmly, squeezed a shampoo by the way, helped I wash my hair.

His fingers are very long and strong. When he scratches his scalp, he has moderate strength, neither pain nor lightness. He is very comfortable, which makes me narrow my eyes.

The demon listened to my description and didn't say a word, until he finished speaking, he slowly spit out a word.

"Huaer, are you curious?"


I don't know in my heart whether curiosity is greater than fear, or that fear is greater than curiosity. Thinking of some of the information I found on the encyclopedia, about the old Lejia site, my heart couldn't stop beating quickly.

The old site, the mysterious information shows, and the strange old couple, all of them constantly stirred my heartstrings, which made me a little overwhelmed.

Now, when I heard Segui say that this is not a good place, my heart beats faster, and my throat is about to pop out.

After the man washed the shampoo for me, I picked up a towel and wiped my body. He hugged me out of the shower and said, "If you really want to know what happened in that place, let's go at night. Take a look. "

The words of the lascivious can't help but widen my eyes, he even followed my thoughts and took me to the old Lejia site at night! ?

He saw my surprised expression, smiled lightly, and nodded my little nose: "I originally wanted to check it out last night. Those who eat soft rice in the underworld overturned all my plans. , I had to go back and deal with the mess. "

I heard the helplessness and anger in his tone, and smiled in my eyes.

In the beginning, I thought he was the master of the hell, but in the process of getting along with himself, his various emotions and actions made me feel like I was getting along with someone.

I listened to the sound outside the bathroom while An Ning was blowing her hair, and my worry was wiped away.

The noise of the hair dryer is enough to block the voice of me and Seki |

"So ... shall we go and see tonight?"

The demon nodded, his narrow eyes narrowed, and his voice was a little tight: "Be prepared, the atmosphere there is unique and dangerous."

I nodded earnestly, the seducer helped me get dressed, and from beginning to end, I didn't focus on this matter.

Until he took my hand out of the bathroom, my heart was still immersed in the matter of going to the old site at night.

At the same time, An Ning just put the hair dryer down, and there was only a quiet TV sound in the room.

When she heard the bathroom door open, she smiled and turned her head. What she wanted to say to me was suddenly! The smile on his face was stiff.

She stared at me stupidly, her gaze shifted from my body to that of the ghost, and the boss with her mouth open was able to swallow the whole egg.

I looked at her, and for a while there was no response. As soon as I turned my head, I saw Seki standing beside me, and An Ning's eyes kept falling on him, obviously shocked!

How could she not be frightened by the appearance of a living person out of thin air or a man? !!

"you you……"

She pointed her finger at the coloring ghost and kept shaking. "You" have been talking for a long time, but she didn't continue to say anything. The sound was like a cassette tape, and she kept repeating the same word.

The demon struck my shoulders and said to me, "Isn't the lady saying, does anyone want to see my king?"

I immediately reacted! My face was flushed, and for a while I didn't know what to do. I could feel the hot eyes of the people around me, staring at me.

"You ... you are Xiaohua's husband? That ... Lord Yan? No ... this is not the point. When did you come? And ... why did you come out of the bathroom? You are inside ..."

The tranquility rose incoherently, dancing and dancing as if to conceal her embarrassment. When she said that, she covered her mouth and looked at us incredibly.

My face is almost ripe because of shyness, thinking about some reasons in my heart, I want to save some face.

I glared at the ghost, but he didn't look angry at all, and said to An Ning: "You don't need to call Lord King, you are not a hell, and there is no subordinate to say."

An Ning watched, out of instinct, nodded, the soul had not yet returned.

It took a long time before she screamed and shouted, "I finally saw the legendary Yama! Oh my god! I must tell Grandpa when I go back!"

She looked closely at Seki for a long time, and when he discovered that he was wearing the clothes of ancient people, a novel light appeared in his eyes.

Again, with a mask on his face, An Ning showed a regretful expression.

"Ah, unfortunately, my face was covered."

I saw her crying face and pouted, "Don't talk about you, I have never even seen him look like."

An Ning called "Ah", with some dissatisfaction saying: "You haven't seen what he looks like, how can you marry him, even if he is a king, it doesn't work, now he is your husband It ’s ridiculous that the wife does n’t even know what the husband looks like! ”

Her remarks did not mean to offend the jerk, but I could feel that he took my hand and tightened sharply, and my heart suddenly became tense, holding his hand in his hand, for fear that he would be angry Already.

"Tranquility doesn't mean that."

I just explained that he touched my lips with his fingers and motioned me to stop talking.

"She's right," he said softly, with an apology in his tone.

"It's time for you to see my face, Huaer." He bent down and looked at me. The flashing light in the ink pupil made my heart beat again quickly.


In the evening, An Ning said very little, but she kept peeping at me and the demon's behavior, and all I saw, I couldn't help but think she was a bit cute.

She was absentminded until she turned off the lights to sleep.

"You guys ... if you do anything, be quiet."

This was her last sentence before going to bed, and I had no idea if I should cry or laugh. The seducer also looked at me with a smile. I was afraid that he couldn't control himself, could not help but slap him a bit, signaled him to pay attention to the occasion, and he got a strong hug and deep kiss.

It was late at night, and the noisy environment outside became quiet. We waited until An Ning fell asleep before sneaking out the door and preparing to go to the old Lejia site.

To be honest, I was very nervous. The hands held by the demon were sweating constantly.

He half-wrapped me with his wide robe and carried me forward.

We walked through the orange-colored pavilions and headed towards the place where the old site was located. Along the way, I could smell the familiar lotus scent, but my mood was completely opposite to that during daytime sightseeing.

That share of capital should be a refreshing cool breeze, but this night, it made me feel cold and cold.

Curiosity and fear are constantly wandering. I have very complicated activities in my heart. I am afraid, but I want to find out.

What happened to that inexplicably vacant home? What's the bad smell that Segu said?

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