Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 30: Is it a living person or a ghost?

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

The dilapidated courtyard was surrounded by a fence, and there were obvious cracks on the broken fence. It continued to crack from the broken opening, like a huge spider web, extending infinitely around, and there was a half-covered wooden door at the entrance. There is a long plaque above the wooden door.

"Le Zhai" is written on the plaque.

I and Seki stood by the fence. The fence made of metal iron netting made the house courtyard strict and tight. Because the fence blocked our view, I could not see the scene inside the fence at all.

The roof of the house and its ancient eaves can only be seen dimly at night, and the tiles on the roof have turned blue-grey under the black curtain.

On the wire netting, a wooden board hung on it: "No entry."

"How should we go in?" I turned my head and said quietly to Segui, even now it is still late at night, I can still see some tourists who can't bear the loneliness, and come out from the hotel in the early morning.

The old Lejia site is in the corner, just in case I still lower my voice, the scene in front of me makes me wonder what should be done, it is impossible to come here, and then go back?

The pervert said to come and see, it definitely meant to go in and take a look, rather than stop there.

"Hold me tight."

After we got here, Segu didn't say a word, and he didn't say anything until I asked him.

I was obviously able to feel his condition, whether it was nervous or cautious. I listened to him, and clasped his body with both hands. He took my waist and turned around, his eyes turned black, and when he reacted, The demon has taken me to the other side of the iron net.

I looked around in amazement. When I turned around, I saw the iron fence that should have been in front of me at this moment but it was behind me, and the wooden door was close at hand.

As long as I take a few more steps, I can touch the old, rusty iron door knocker, and push open the broken wooden door in order to explore the scenery in the courtyard.

However, I did not have the courage to go forward alone.

The saint came in, and the breath around him became even stranger. He spit out a few words coldly, scaring the hairs on my back: "It's bold!"

Suddenly he was taken aback by his angry words, looked at him with some doubt, what did he think I did wrong?

Did he find anything?

The devil turned around and looked around, his hands clenched tightly: "I was still thinking, the breath in this summer resort is so weird, I just came here to know what is going on."

I couldn't wait to look at him and asked, "Is anything happening here?"

Don't say no, that's impossible! What the old couple who quarreled at the elevator mouth said, I still remember clearly, what happened to the musicians who had lived here in seclusion!

"Hua'er, let's go. If you can, you will go back to Anning tomorrow and never come here again."


I'm a little hesitant, I don't know what this ghost means, and why should I come and leave? And what he said.

Even one of his princes said so, is it possible ... is there really a "forbidden area" that cannot be entered here?

He took my hand, as if looking for something, and walked around the crumbling fence. Suddenly, he stopped, bent down, and I followed him, and his eyes fell where his fingers were.

A piece of yellow paper exposed a corner of it, hidden in a dense pile of weeds.

Segui swept away the grass with his hands, and suddenly, the original appearance of the yellow paper entered my eyes. This was not a bad thing, but the appearance of this thing completely changed the existence of the Lejia site.

The yellow paper is the rune paper.

I wrote some mantras that I could n’t understand with a vermilion pen. This yellow paper was stuck on the bottom corner of the fence, hidden in the haystack, plus a dozen steps outside the fence. The far iron fence, no one would notice this paper at all.

I knew a little in my heart, why the scum said that it shouldn't come here, it should be gone.

What is the use of rune paper, anyone can know if they ask it, it is used to suppress evil and ward off evil.

Since there is yellow paper at the wall, it means that there must be something unclean in the wall, that is, the old site of Lejia. The satyr got up, took my hand, and walked along the fence.

The entire site of the old Lejia occupied a very large area, and went around in a circle until we returned to the wooden door, and I was stunned.

Because we found a total of twelve rune papers on this extremely long wall.

I can't help but wonder about the encyclopedia on the old site of Lejia found on my mobile phone. It said that the top of the company kept the old site because of respect for Lejia.

The facts are by no means as it describes, there must be hidden feelings.

An idea suddenly popped into my head, and the thought that came out of my heart forced me into a cold sweat.

Maybe ... the company's senior executives don't want to keep the old Lejia site. Instead, for some reason, they cannot be leveled and cannot be started.

"The enchantment was established here by Taoist or spiritual media. The yellow paper stuck on the wall is the best proof."

The demon looked up, his eyes looked at the wall, and his tone was a little dignified: "This breath is really extraordinary. Few people can encounter such places in the sun. People who set up enchantments must be very high in cultivation. These amulets I just suppressed the contents, but I couldn't resist the outflow of breath, and I found out. "

He frowned, and continued: "The only way to form such a breath is to hold some sort of secret ritual. Through the ritual, forcibly establish a connection with the underworld, and do something extraordinary ... In short, this is no longer human. Somewhere to stay. "

After I heard him, I swallowed, yanked his sleeve, and said softly, "Let's go."

Even the color ghost said so, it is still not good to be able to look into the iron fence, it has satisfied my curiosity enough, as far as entering through the wooden door, still forget it.

I touched my belly. The little guy was not born yet. I remember what Seki once said. I remember what my curiosity was and I could n’t make fun of the little guy.

Everything is just right, if the **** ghost says that he can see it, then I can satisfy my curiosity more, but he said these words now, then we can only retreat.

A word flashed in my heart.

Sometimes it is not a good thing to understand something in depth.

I don't want to kill the cat with curiosity. Even if my husband is a king and strong, I will not put him and the child in a dangerous situation because of my selfish desires.

The seducer nodded after hearing what I said, and touched my head with the palm of my hand.

"I knew that Huaer knew what I meant, so let's go."


I nodded with a smile, clutching his robe tightly with his hands, he hugged me directly, before he could take me out, a footstep approached from outside the iron fence and quickly approached me.

Why would anyone come here at this time?

Isn't there anyone else who will come here for adventure in the evening? This possibility is extremely great. Today's college students, young people like exciting things, and there is an old site here. It is inevitable that there will be some young and young teenagers who want to come and explore.

But when I heard the footsteps, I came alone.

The idea of ​​adventure in my head was instantly dispelled. Come alone to explore? How should I describe this person? audacious in the extreme? Don't even die? Coming to death?

Someone came in our direction, and the scum was inconvenient to take me away, so I had to bite my head and hide in a corner.

I was able to see a tall figure approaching the fence. Because it was very dark near here, there was no illuminated lamp. Unlike the pavilion, it was always brightly lit, and it was illuminated all night.

From his height and his hairstyle, I initially determined that he was a man.

Moreover, the man was carrying a small baggage behind him, looking a bit far away, it was a bit like a humpback, and I hadn't had time to recognize it.

In the middle of the night, who would come to this place?

The tall man came to the iron fence, stopped, and stood there, motionless.

When I saw this scene, my heart was a little hairy, so you can move it a bit, it's a bit too seductive, it doesn't move.

In fact, I never thought that the real ghosts around me were real ghosts, and now I was afraid of a man who might be a human.

Finally, the tall man was in action. I saw him look left and right. After watching it several times, he turned over the iron fence with great agility and landed on the grass.

"Bang", but it made my heart fall.

Man, he is absolutely human. If there is a ghost, how could there be such a heavy landing?

There are no sounds when you are walking, even the young girls in white skirts. The ghosts will not have such a loud sound when walking.

The tall man got up from the ground, patted his pants and clothes, carried the package on his back again, raised his feet and prepared to go towards the wooden door. Who knows, he didn't take a few steps, stopped abruptly, and turned his head. It's our side.

"Come out, I know you're there."

His voice is very good, the standard male divine voice, the words are round and round, does not sound very righteous, but the words he spoke at the moment, with some surprise, more vigilant.

I was a little surprised that he could detect me and the ogre, and I promised that we were hiding in this shadow, but we didn't make a little sound. I almost breathed and didn't dare to pant, but he found out.

"Which of the underworld drivers came here, the breath was so strong, and he didn't hide it, for fear that Yang could not tell, was it?"

The devil stunned me out of the shadows, and the lights cast in the distance could faintly let me see the appearance of the coming person.

The tall man's face was surprised. He wasn't surprised by the **** around me, but me.

Because I saw his eyes and fell on myself.

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