Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 31: Because i am their descendant

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

Under the faint orange light, I could see the appearance of the visitors.

Even in summer, he still wore a long-sleeved white shirt, a pair of dark blue jeans on his lower body, Nike sneakers on his feet, and a small backpack on his back. The inside was bulging, and he didn't know what to put.

He had a broken black hair, and his eyes were not big, but he was very deep, his nose was firm and his thin lips were tight. Frown slightly, right eyebrow lightly.

Looking at my eyes with some surprise, in fact, I paid attention to what he said just now.

"I know you're there," he said "you" and didn't say "you."

Obviously, he didn't expect me to be there. He saw the devil grabbing my waist and narrowed his eyes.

"Two people?"

He made a voice of doubt, and I couldn't help but reply: "One person and one ghost." I corrected his statement.

The man chuckled: "Interesting, I didn't expect this to happen today."

The scum looked at the backpack behind him and said plainly, "This is not where you should come."

"It's better to see it all, Master Yan."

After carefully studying Segui for a long time, the man did not reply to him, but greeted him with a smile. He could faintly hear some respect in his tone, and more of a surprise.

In this ridiculous place, he actually trembled with the ghosts and made me feel very different.

I'm a little puzzled and curious, how does this man recognize a good ghost? I do n’t think that, in addition to coming to me, the ogre usually goes to other places to go to the underworld.

Obviously, this man who looks very young and calls himself Yang must have a huge background.

The demon is also a bit surprised, but his emotions are not expressed in tone and look at all, and his voice is down, and he says lowly, "Answer the king, what are you doing here?"

The man in front of him carried the bag behind him back again, and he did not know whether it was bold or anything. He still did not answer, but turned his head and looked at the broken wall.

"Unexpectedly, things here have been discovered."

When I heard this sentence with an unclear meaning, my heart jumped, and in addition to the bad impression left by the old couple the other day, I couldn't help saying: "Do you know any secrets?" Has anything ever happened here? "

The man shook his head and shook his head, deliberately sold off, looked at the grass that had been shaken, and said, "Did you not find out?"

My heart was tense, as if someone was found to have done something wrong, and I didn't dare to look at his eyes for a while, but looked away.

The demon said just now that someone had set up an enchantment on the wall and posted twelve rune papers. Inside this wall, there must be a bad thing sealed.

He didn't specifically say that I can know that there is probably a very powerful evil in it.

We came here entirely because of the strange conversation between the old couple and the strong perceptual ability of the **** ghosts. I felt that the residence of the former Lejia site was very unusual.

However, the man in front of him is different. He and I are ordinary people, so what is he doing here?

Since he is an ordinary person, how does he recognize the identity of a brilliant ghost? Most people don't say that they know Yama, it is impossible to see ghosts.

Can't do it ...

I kept thinking about it, thinking of it, I immediately came to an opinion!

That is, this man named Yang is definitely a yin and yang man!

"Are you yin and yang ?!"

I asked, he finally moved his gaze back to me, and his corner of the mouth hooked.

"I am, you didn't guess wrong. Now that you asked me a question, let me ask you a question." He paused and moved closer to me, his eyes flashing with strange light.

"You are not a yin and yang, so why are you with Lord Yama?"

Seeing this human being has always ignored his questioning and provoked his majesty, he still wants to ridicule his wife, his eyes suddenly show anger, and a black smoke begins to appear on his body, full of death and fierceness.

"Master Yan, please anger."

When the man saw that he was angry, he immediately waved his hand and stepped back: "I'm not malicious."

He took a sigh of relief, as if he had compromised, and no longer put on some shelves, put down his curiosity, and confessed everything: "Okay, okay, I said, I'm here to strengthen the enchantment of."

At this point, he realized that he hadn't introduced himself yet, so he added a word.

"By the way, my name is Yang Yan, Yang of Poplar, and Sima Yan's slogan."


I can't help thinking of the village's old witch, and Grandpa An. They are all yin and yang, and they all have different abilities.

The old witch is in a small village and has a higher status than the village head. It is said to be a guardian of the ghost gate and a spiritual medium. In addition to being able to see ghosts, Grandpa An can also dispel ghosts on antiques.

That this man named Yang Yan, is it his ability to consolidate the enchantment?

"The atmosphere here is weird. The King does not allow anyone to start a ritual in Yangyang privately, disrupting the balance and order of Yangyang and Hell."

Seeing the presence of Yan Wang here, Yang Yan knew in his heart that what had happened here could not be concealed, so he had to confess it entirely.

"Lejia has at least two hundred years of history. It is a large family living in seclusion. The main way of living is self-sufficiency, so it rarely communicates with the outside world."

He said slowly, his back was a little bent, and as he spoke, I could feel his height getting shorter.

I listened quietly, knowing that he must tell a long story. It was very impolite to interrupt himself. Even if there was any doubt, I must listen to him and ask again.

But why is there a sense of anxiety in my heart?

I glanced at the damaged wall and felt the wall would fall when the wind blows. My eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the wall and see the scenery in the courtyard.

A huge black air mass was moving irregularly like a mud slump, constantly squirming, a pair of blood-red eyes violently lit up, aroused my hair, and my back was sweating suddenly, and I fiercely Gasping!

That scene just now ... what happened? It's not like hallucinations. It is so imprinted in my mind that it can't disappear for a long time.

The seducer was aware of my movements, and leaned down in anxiety, asking, "What's wrong? Is it uncomfortable?"

I quickly shook my head, straightened up, trying to drive away the picture in my head, smiled at him, and signaled that I was fine.

Yang Yan has completely immersed himself in his world, describing the history of Lejia.

"This family, from its establishment to its extinction, has always been a family full of faith. They have always believed that there is a **** in this world and that people have souls."

I covered my chest, listening to him slowly coming there, and my eyes flashed with incomprehensible light. Because of the darkness around me, I thought subconsciously that it was my eyes.

In fact, otherwise, although his tone is flat, like telling a story, I can still hear his emotions hidden in his words.

It was so complicated that I couldn't understand it at all, what was his state of mind at the moment.

The demon stood silently beside me without interrupting Yang Yan's narrative. His hands were holding me tightly, and his strong arms constantly conveyed a sense of security to me.

This wall has blocked the two worlds inside and outside the hospital. Thinking about what may exist in the hospital, I said not to be afraid, that is to deceive yourself.

However, Seki stayed with me all the time, and the security that was passed to me invisibly made me feel at ease.

For a while, I even had a feeling that the sky would fall and the ghost would help me stand up.

Yang Yan said, his voice began to tighten: "Until the eighth generation of the Lejia family took over, the entire family changed. Under his rule, the original beliefs changed dramatically."

His voice began to tremble, and I could even see his erect body trembling slightly. He looked like an active volcano that had been suppressed for a long time, and he wanted to erupt at any time.

"what's going on?"

I asked, not to say that I want to stimulate him. If something is terrifying, he can say it, and it is a bad thing for him to bury it in his heart.

Seeing his excitement, I know that there must have been any great changes in the Lejia family since he took office.

"That beast ... he's not as good as a beast ..."

Yang Yan insulted, his voice sounded a little choked, "He persecuted all the people who adhered to the correct faith to death, leaving only his close friends and those who followed him."

He smiled helplessly and painfully, the smile was even more ugly than crying.

"Actually, even before he took office, Lejia was divided into two schools, one who believed in gods and the other believed in undead."

I felt the scum on the palm of my shoulder tightened, and he said, "The persecution of the dead has killed another faction."

Yang Zheng nodded, looking at the courtyard, and mocked ironically: "How ridiculous, the beasts think that people have made mistakes and can be redeemed as long as they die, so the eighth generation of homeowners secretly gave to those kind people They were persecuted to death on various counts. "

He took a breath, as if he didn't want to continue, but he forced himself to say: "Until the next generations of homeowners, all flattered the beliefs of the eighth generation of homeowners, generation after generation, depraved, crazy, obsessed.

"Ha ha."

He sneered, and I could hear the cry in his voice: "Until the end, they killed themselves."

The last sentence is intriguing. I think of what Seki said before. The atmosphere inside is because a certain ritual has been performed to establish a connection between **** and yang.

The collapse of the music family is probably due to this ritual.

However, the mess they left behind during their lifetime can only be left to our descendants to solve.

As for how much disaster this ritual caused to Lejia, and how it caused a bustling big family to be instantly destroyed, I don't want to guess.

A word from the scum--this is no longer a place where people can stay, it is enough to explain that there is something terrible inside this wall.

Say ...

I was a bit surprised. This man named Yang Yan would know so much about the history and secrets of Lejia, and couldn't help but ask, "Why do you know so much?"

Yang Yan turned his head, looked at me deeply, grinned stiffly at the corner of his mouth, and sighed: "Because, I am the descendant of the Lejia family."

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