Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 306: Lining articles outside: Grandpa is coming!

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"咦 ——" Just gossiping, goosebumps, Anning sighed, his eyes let go.

"I miss Xiaohua. If Xiaohua is here, this is not a thing at all."

"A retrospective ... that's really great, but it must have cost a lot."

An Ning shook her head. "Perhaps because I don't have her ability, I can't appreciate her mood when looking back."


She suddenly remembered something, trotting to the table for breakfast in the morning, took the thick book on it, and came over.

"I took a look while I was eating this morning. There is a formation on it, which is similar to Xiaohua's ability."

Regardless of whether Chris was an An family, An Ning turned the page of the book expertly and pointed him to that formation.

"Exactly, this is also a single-player formation, but it is a high-level formation. It needs some practice to reduce the risk when it is displayed."

There is a very simple formation method drawn on it. The formation method requires a person to stand in the front of the formation, open the formation with his own blood, need to seal and chant, and it is best to have his own exorcism equipment. Increase the strength of the formation.

And this formation has a nice name.

Call back to dream.

An Anzu ancestor researched a large number of formations and passed them on to his descendants. This formation called Huimeng may also be the An ancestor who studied the formations at the beginning, hoping not to rely on tough exorcism to hurt others ’souls. Way to send them back to the underworld.

She also saw that returning to the array of dreams will not harm the casted soul, but requires the caster to have a very powerful strength, relying on the matrix to connect her soul with the casted soul, so as to search for the remaining memories in the soul They really want it.

An Ning looked at a line of scribbled words written in the book, two words "hope" entered her eyes.

This may be the realm that the author of this matrix book hopes to achieve.

"Ning, you will become stronger in the future, perhaps even more powerful than Ronghua."

"But I don't want you to have this ability. Instead of letting you bear such a large psychological pressure, it is better not to learn this technology, I will support you."

An Ning laughed out loud: "I don't think anyone would like a girl who eats soft food."

She flipped through this thick and crumpled book and said blandly: "At the beginning, I didn't want to inherit the family business. I was an ordinary girl. After graduation, I went to find a job, support myself, and fell in love. Marry, have children, grow old, and be bland. "

"But every time I saw Xiaohua, in order to help those poor souls, she took her life in her hands and did one risky thing after another, but she saved one wounded after another. soul."

"And it's her. It brings me closer to the people in my family and relieves me from the sadness of my parents' death. It's also she made me realize that I should do something meaningful in my life."

An Ning put together the books and tickled his lips with satisfaction: "That's why I went down this road, left her, came here, and learned skills."

She noticed Chris's complex eyes and patted his arm lightly. Haha laughed: "Also, I didn't say I would use this formation method. With my current strength, I ca n’t use it. If I really want to use it, I guess I The soul is flying. "

Chris held her wrist tightly, her voice eager and tense: "Don't use it forever."

"it is good……"

An Ning himself didn't know why, with a mouth, he responded to this sentence, and the body's response was beyond her imagination.

Sure enough, no matter how much she lied, her body was honest, and it reflected her true thoughts.

If you do n’t have to, do n’t use it. There are so many formations and so many ways to drive away ghosts, but you do n’t have to use one.

"Ning, don't worry about the Phillips family," Chris appeased. "It's just ... I might not be able to live for a few days, so I need to go there if I can handle the things at hand."

"Tomorrow morning, I will teach you some basic exorcisms of our family."

Anning wondered, "No ... I'm not yet David's, how can you ..."

"Why not? It's just not now, it must be in the future." Chris is absolutely 100% sure. "Moreover, even if there is such a possibility of 0.11%, you will not marry David's family. It ’s no problem to teach you something you like. "

"They have been despising the thing of exorcism. Although Dad is the owner, he is not as good as Irene in exorcism."

"Thanks to you being so full of words, no one can predict the future, just in case?" An Ning snorted.

Chris stood up and looked at her very seriously. "If anything happens, I will make this one zero."

An Ning's pupil shrank, and she had never thought of it, and she would have heard such words in Chris' mouth.

Is he here, promising himself?

Not touched, it must be false. An Ning also stood up and watched him leave.

"Get off early, good night."

A gentle voice floated, and the moment Chris left, his steps approached her, his head lowered slightly, as if to give her a good night kiss.

Anning seems to be able to feel this, the body inadvertently evades back, this subconscious move still shocked the tall man in front of him, his eyes flashed lonely.


She also realized that her actions might make Chris feel bad, who seemed to be indifferent and shook her head.

"Remember to get up early tomorrow and teach a lesson."

Chris's sentence was in English, coupled with his deep, magnetic voice, let alone how nice it sounds.

This is the second day when I came to country M. I met the people of David's family. Except Laura, everyone welcomed her. And she came here, all kinds of difficulties followed.

For example, in the incident of the Phillips family, under the protection of a home in Country Z, she rarely made a mission. The only one that was more difficult was solved with the presence of an elder at home.

Grandpa An is very concerned about his only granddaughter. The oldest grandson has been trained abroad and is not at home all year round. If his little granddaughter still makes a difference, his old man really ca n’t bear it and ca n’t give it to the two dead sons Daughter-in-law explained.

An Ning took off his clothes, turned off the faucet, let the hot water shame his body, and pressed the shower milk.

The quiet room at this time was only the sound of rustling water, and the rare calm let her heart relax.

Life is full of unknowns, just do not know what tomorrow will be.

Tomorrow ... An Ning rubbed the bubbles in his hands, his eyes were filled with tenderness, and his mind was full of the figure of a man.


That night she read a book and went to bed very late. She had slept on Chris' shoulder for a long time in the afternoon, leaving her marks on his shoulder. Even thinking of it now made her a little embarrassed.

She put down her book and was about to climb onto the bed, and noticed the mobile phone on the nightstand.

Well, send a text message to Xiaohua.

But the moment she picked up the phone, when she saw a few greetings and concerns across the dialog, her eyes couldn't help getting wet.

With her thumb hanging on the keyboard for a long time, she put up with it for a long time and did not return a message after all.

Perhaps she hadn't figured out how to face the friend who had been "abandoned" by her and came here alone.

The next morning, Anna walked to the door with the tray, and knocked gently on the door. When the people inside the door were not awake, she opened the door quietly, walked to the table lightly, and put the steaming breakfast down. A translucent arc-shaped plastic cover covers it.

Looking at the table, the bed, the book thrown on the floor, and the fountain pen that hadn't had time to put on a cap, she smiled lightly, didn't make a sound, closed the door and left.

Laura got up early, washed in the room, dressed, and with the help of two maids, she was preparing to go down to the restaurant for breakfast.

She saw Anna coming out of An Ning's door, looked in the direction of the room, and asked, "Did she get up yet?"

"Ms. Anning worked very hard. She read a book late last night."

A word from Anna directly made Laura disappear, and she poked her lips and went down the stairs in white shoes.

"Well, for her hard work, let her sleep a bit longer, otherwise how lazy is she to be worthy of Chris!"

Anna covered her mouth and smiled. "What Miss Laura said."

Abel held Laura's hand. "Do you like her, do you like peace?"

Laura seemed to be in her heart, and beat Abel with her little hand: "What the **** are you talking about? I don't hate her for being good."

"You like her, you like her."

Abel also pointed at Laura like he was spelling, saying that Chris just came in from outside the house and saw the two little guys snoring there, his voice soft.

"Good morning, my little sweeties."

Henry was sitting in the main seat and reading the newspaper. Jenny looked down at her mobile phone. The two maids brought plates from the kitchen, filled with delicious breakfast.

The two adults waited for the children to be in place, and then they could start the meal. Irene had just returned from walking the dog and was wearing a sportswear and a golden horsetail comb.

"It's all here, just start."

As soon as Jenny spoke, the phone rang before the Henry newspapers were closed.


He picked it up, and the roar of Grandpa An suddenly came across the receiver!

"Henry! Is my girl at your side?"

Henry glanced strangely at Chris and replied, "Yeah, at my house."

"Sure enough! I'm already in country M now, and I'll be there soon!"

"What?" He couldn't fully react, why Grandpa An would be in country M, and why did he chase him?

"What's wrong?" Jenny asked worriedly when she saw her husband startled.

"He mainly came to our house." Henry seemed to understand something and turned to ask Chris. "Did Anning come to country M without telling the owner?"

Chris looked away, nodded for a long time, Henry rubbed his hands, his face was not very good, "Although Anning is already an adult, but here we are, you will be grown up, we will not care where you go, but different countries, different families Why don't you tell me? "

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