Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 307: Lining articles: I will not go home!

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

Grandpa An rushed to M country, and there were two support staff who went to M country with Chris the day before yesterday.

An Xuan did not know why he appeared beside Grandpa An and walked into the garden with him.

Henry and Jenny came out to greet him. Grandpa An was so annoyed that He Xuan beside him: "Are you kidding me? Did you bring the girl here?"

"You have grown up, and your wings are full. That girl is really good. I dropped out of school and did not have my consent to speak to myself!"

An Xuan lowered her head and didn't say anything. At first glance, she was a little child being trained.

Henry just knew what was going on. With an awkward smile, he said, "An Ning lived very well in our house, and arrived the day before yesterday."

"Where is she? I want to see her now. She must go back with me today!"

An Xuan couldn't help saying: "Grandpa, let Xiao Ning stay here, this is her decision."

"Decision? In case something happens to her, how can I explain to her dead parents?"

Anxuan wanted to say something, but it didn't help. Grandpa An's look was obviously angry, and he was not allowed to be a junior with any opportunity for proposal. What will help An Ning round the field.

An Ning was wrapped in a quilt, still asleep, and an open notebook was placed on the bedside table, which was filled with a messy array of maps, and a lot of notes were noted next to the picture.

"Bang!" The door was pushed open suddenly, An Ning's body moved, changed his position in the quilt, and was about to continue to sleep, and the quilt on his body was opened!

"stand up!"

Familiar voices came, and angrily reprimand made An Ning jump from the bed directly!

She squinted and squinted when she saw the person beside her.

Why is grandpa here?

At first she thought she was at home, Grandpa An came to wake herself up, and when she was preparing to lie down and continue to sleep, a voice popped out of her mind!

Am I not in country M? Why did grandpa appear here? !!

When Anning thought of this, the whole person was immediately sober!

"Grandpa!" She was sitting on the bed, her hair was messy, she just didn't wake up, she stared at her eyes, her body couldn't help leaning back, "Why are you here?"

"Do you know how to ask me? You smelly girl!"

An Ning immediately got out of bed, stood on the ground, pulled her skirt, straightened her standing position, and smiled awkwardly: "Haha, grandpa, I ... I, grandpa, listen to me and explain."

"Explanation ?! Did you remember to explain it to me now? Did you think of me as grandpa before you came here?"

"Grandpa ... I ..."

"Stop." Grandpa An raised her hand and motioned her not to speak again. "I don't listen, let's go, go back to the country, where do you put me and Hua girl?"

"Grandpa, I won't go back!"

An Ning's temper came up instantly, angrily stepped down to the ground, and a furry carpet spread over it, flushing: "I won't go home!"

"Well, you child, why are you so temperamental!"

Chris was standing in the shadow next to the doorway. He didn't come to help her, but listened quietly to the confrontation between the grandparents.

This is a family thing for them to settle down. Grandpa An's current behavior, the popular point is that he is educating children, he is not convenient to intervene. Moreover, An Ning came to this place from home, this will definitely be known to Grandpa An. To reassure the old man, only let An Ning speak to him personally.

"Grandpa, I'm not stubborn."

An Ning gritted his teeth and looked at Grandpa An seriously: "I don't want to stay in the house, I don't want to be a flower in the greenhouse."

"Do you remember, Yang Ye and I had a B-level mission? Obviously, with the strength of Yang Ye and me, I can take two cousins ​​to complete, without any worry, you worry about me, let Da The elders lead the team. "

"If you do this, my safety is guaranteed, but for us, the task is less effective."

She held the skirt in her hands and rubbed her fingers.

Grandpa An calmed down, no longer excited, and quietly listening to An Ning's narration there.

"Grandpa, I said, I will inherit the family business, but if I stay in my home, I will depend on you and I will never be strong."

An Ning said everything she wanted to say in her heart. Compared to the past, she likes to hold a person alone, without saying a word, but only tells Rong Hua that she has made great progress at this moment.

The corners of Chris' lips couldn't help rising, and his eyes were full of admiration.

Grandpa An had no sound for a long time. After a while, he sighed heavily and shook his head helplessly.

"You, you, are carved out of your mold with your dad."

He walked to An Ning and patted her on the shoulder. "I just wanted the kid to come in with me, but he didn't want to."

Anning apparently knew who the kid in Grandpa's mouth was, and looked up and asked, "An Xuan is back?"


"I know that you have always misunderstood him very much. You have always thought that he was not loyal to our family. He has been away from home for so long, and suddenly came back to give you pointers. You must feel very upset.

"But do you know why he left?"

Grandpa An's words are serious and he looks out of the window, as if he is remembering something: "When your parents and An Xuan were young, they knew by accident. He also knew that this home must be settled by you two. Stand up. "

"But he understands that people who work in exorcism are at risk of life at any time, so ..."

An Ning opened her eyes and looked at her grandpa, her pupils trembling.

Because she seemed to know a little, the real reason for An Xuan's departure from home was a thing that had troubled her for a long time.

"So if he wants to take care of the family business by himself, then he must work harder to protect you, so that even if you are an ordinary girl in the future, he can protect you well."

An Ning froze for a while. Although she already had the answer in her mind, she couldn't believe the conjecture.

Anxuan turned out to be for herself ... she left home from an early age.

He was there to protect her, not to abandon her.

The soreness in her eyes became more intense. She even felt that she was about to shed tears in the next second, and the picture in front of her was blurred.

"Grandpa, you're lying to me ..."

How could it be possible for that **** of Anxuan to pay so much for himself?

"Girl, grandpa, no matter what, I won't lie to you." Grandpa An looked at her granddaughter pettingly and touched her messy hair.

"Then why don't you tell me ... why do you keep hiding from me ..."

An Ning himself didn't realize that in his own words, with a thick crying cavity, his eyes couldn't help getting hot.

"In the beginning, you didn't plan to inherit the family business. Anxuan left Anjia before you were the governor. He meant not to let you know the truth, and I respect him, and have concealed it to this day."

"But it's different now, girl." Grandpa An grabbed An Ning's hand lovingly, and patted it twice. "You have the determination now to inherit the family business and study hard to exorcise ghosts. Grandpa is really pleased. "

"Similarly, I am worried."

The old man was talking, his eyes were wet, and the old tears burst into tears, and his rough hands wiped his eyes hard: "Oh, an old man, you two children are left to look forward to. Xiao Xuan is a man , He came out, and Grandpa was already very distressed, and now plus you ... "


When An Ning saw Grandpa like this, his heart was also sore, tears came out, and he hugged the gray-haired old man.

"Grandpa, this is my decision. I have no regrets, and I will never regret it later."

Grandpa An wiped his face, choked and said, "Do you know how nervous I am after you disappeared? Well? I'm afraid you have something to do, so how can I be right with your parents?"

"They dedicated their lives to this circle, and I can't let you guys do anything else."

He patted his back calmly and comforted, "I'm fine, rest assured, Grandpa, Chris is here, and An Xuan is here, I will be fine."

Grandpa An cried for a while, then stabilized her mood, let go of An Ning, and left her warm embrace.

When she saw her grandfather calm down, she asked kindly, "Grandpa, can I not go back with you? I want to stay here and learn more about exorcism."

"Grandpa, look, I also brought a few books from the library to study, and I took a lot of notes."

She was like a schoolboy who got little red flowers in school, holding a dense notebook with records and showing it to grandpa, hoping to get praise from her elders.

Grandpa An laughed when she saw her ghostly appearance.

"Okay, okay, don't go back."

An Ning almost jumped three feet high. When she saw that she had gotten her grandfather, she didn't know how happy she was. She didn't tell Grandpa An when she came to country M alone.

Now that things were clear, and with the permission of her grandfather, the big rock that had been hanging in her heart finally landed.

"But ..." Grandpa An said seriously, "I will stay in Country M during this time."


Anning subconsciously thought that Grandpa couldn't rest assured of her, so he had to stay here to protect her. Grandpa An saw her thoughts and said to her with a smile: "Stupid girl, don't think about it, this is not because of the fluctuations of the yin and yang circles. Is something wrong, just to help you deal with this matter. "

"When the problem is solved, I will return to China with some other families' reinforcements. At that time, it is up to you to decide whether you want to go back with us."

An Ning's eyes seemed to fall a little bit of stars, shining brightly, she nodded excitedly.

Chris was so happy when he saw the ending that he came out of the door, and An Ning was stunned when he saw him.

"Have you been in the room?"

He nodded slightly, and felt a little embarrassed immediately. After all, the scene of his temper had just been seen by him, and his face became hot again.

Peace, peace, calm! You weren't the kind of person who blushed every now and then, what's wrong with you now? Why can't you control yourself when you see Chris? calm!

Chris seemed to know what she was thinking.

"Grandpa, Ning has promised to associate with me, I will definitely protect her, so please rest assured that you should give her to me."

An Ning almost broke power, and she hadn't even thought about how to tell her grandfather about it! Why did he say it!


When she saw Grandpa An's surprised expression, she suddenly felt helpless.

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