Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 3 Chapter 208: Expedition Ceremony (5)


After Su Cheng and Allen heard Ge Zewen's call, their faces were stunned, and they shouted in unison in response.

Afterwards, the two went out together and walked up the stairs.

Because the two of them have equal positions in this "Xia Feng" offensive, although Su Cheng's task of commanding the Eastern Route Army is far less important than the task of Alan's commanding West Route Army, the two have always Both are the commanders of the first army, and they are the highest-ranking existence in an army.

Therefore, when the two of them are walking towards the terrace together, no one can walk faster or slower.

The two have to "go hand in hand" and go side by side, this is mainly in order to be able to reflect the equal status of the two.

This is because in accordance with the conventions of the "departure etiquette", the emperor generally only summons the chief commander to come and salute. Unless there are special circumstances, he will not call the deputy commander and other high-ranking officers to come up to salute.

Therefore, as the deputy commander of the Central Route Army this time, Alyssa did not have the opportunity to walk side by side with Su Cheng and Allen on the stage.

The recruits behind her could only raise their heads and look up. They were stepping on the stairs, Su Cheng and Allen, walking side by side on the platform.

After Su Cheng and Allen went out and walked up the stage, the breathing of the thousands of recruits on the white field became heavier because of the excitement in their hearts.

Most of the recruits looked forward to Su Cheng, who was walking up the stairway, with longing and fiery eyes.

Su Cheng has already become the target of the young soldiers and knights of the Britannia Empire looking forward to and chasing after him.

The army of the Britannia Empire should be regarded as the fairest place in the entire empire.

As long as you can get enough combat exploits, no matter what your background is, even if you are the son of a bandit, you will be able to rise to the top.

That's right, as long as you can get enough combat exploits, it's that simple, and at the same time it's so difficult.

It is precisely because of this that every year there is a steady stream of young people who are eager to rise to the ranks of masters to join the imperial army.

Su Cheng, he is a ready-made model who leapt from an ordinary person to a master by virtue of his military exploits.

For young soldiers and knights, the best target for publicity is naturally successful peers.

Therefore, the empire will naturally not give up Su Cheng, an excellent propaganda object.

Since the rescue battle of the Lund Kingdom, the empire has spared no effort to promote the legendary deeds of Su Cheng in the army.

The empire’s sparing no effort to propagate this time, I have to say-the effect is outstanding.

Now the entire army of the empire, and even people from other countries, know that the Britannia empire was born at only 17 years old. Relying on military exploits, he achieved a class leap and became a master named "Su Cheng". Young man.

Many young soldiers and knights in the empire, and even some older soldiers and knights, were inspired by Su Cheng's legendary deeds.

Many soldiers and knights secretly take Su Cheng as their target and take Su Cheng as an example, hoping that they can also be like Su Cheng.

At this time, many recruits standing in the middle of the white field looked at Su Cheng, who was slowly climbing up the stairs, with fiery, longing eyes, and silently clenched the spear in his hand, swearing secretly in their hearts:

I must take good hold of this "Xia Feng" offensive! I want to be like Su Cheng and win great battle exploits! Then become a knight! !

Su Cheng may have never dreamed of it. He just showed his face to the recruits and walked on the stairs upstairs. He succeeded in once again raising the morale and fighting spirit of the recruits who were already quite high in morale and fighting spirit. Up a notch.

The platform is not very high, so Su Cheng and Allen quickly boarded the platform and stood in front of Ge Zewen.

If you can look down on the 3 people of Gozewen from the air, you will find that the distance between the 3 people of Gozewen, Su Cheng, and Allen is exactly the same.

If you connect three people with a line, you can find that the line connecting the three people together is just an equilateral triangle, and the three of Ge Zewen, Su Cheng, and Allen just stand on the equilateral triangle. On the three corners.

Ge Zewen moved his gaze, and after sweeping the faces of Su Cheng and Allen one by one, he nodded gently.

After Ge Zewen nodded lightly, Ge Zewen, Su Cheng, and Allen unanimously stretched their hands to the left waist and put them on the hilt of the left waist.

Huh! *3

Three loud sword-drawing sounds sounded at the same time.

The white sword body, the silver sword body, and the black sword body broke free from each other's scabbard at the same time, exposing each other's bright sword bodies, emitting bright brilliance under the sunlight.

After pulling out each other's swords, Su Cheng and the other three raised each other's swords at the same time again.


3 Only the tips of the swords of different colors were in mid-air, and they touched each other with a force that was neither very light nor very heavy.

After the tips of each other's swords touched in mid-air, the three Su Cheng shouted in unison:

"Bringing glory to Britannia!!!"

After hearing the imposing shouts of the three people, the morale of the recruits underneath was once again improved.

Some recruits have even been too excited and excited to hold their spears tightly.

After shouting these words in unison with Su Cheng and Allen, Ge Zewen put down the imperial sword in his and then walked back to the front of the platform and slammed forward. With the imperial sword in his hand, the tip of the sword only pointed to the south of the empire.

"Go out!" Ge Zewen shouted to the recruits underneath, "Go and win this great war! Then-triumph!!"


The morale and fighting spirit of the recruits, as well as the enthusiasm in the body, have long been elevated to the point where they are almost "exploded at one point."

And Ge Zewen's last "out of the army" successfully exploded the blood that had already boiled in the new recruits.

So the recruits chose to vent their passionate emotions by cheering and shouting.

Not only the recruits were cheering, but even many onlookers outside the white field were shouting in unison with the recruits.

Many onlookers, like the recruits, were excited by Ge Zewen’s speech, Su Cheng’s three ancient rituals, and Ge Zewen’s last "departure", so they too. Like the recruits, cheers and shouts are used to vent the excitement that flows around in the body.

Su Cheng watched the high-spirited recruits underneath, while slowly retracting his sword into its sheath.

The white sword body was submerged in the scabbard again.

While retracting the sword into its sheath, Su Cheng whispered in a voice that only he could hear:

"It's finally about to begin. The'Xia Feng' offensive...Coordinated operations of the 3rd armies...I have never experienced this kind of battle with the commanders of other armies. Coordinated combat between the armies is It's difficult. I'm afraid the offensive this time will not be too easy..."

Although the content of Su Cheng's words was very heavy, the corners of his mouth rose slightly after Su Cheng finished speaking.

A look eager to try.

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