Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 3 Chapter 209: Expedition Ceremony (6)

"Come on! Must win!!"

"Defeat the Luo Linren!!"

"Long live Britannia!!"

"It must be triumphant!!!"


On both sides of the road, there were constant shouts from the people.

After completing the expedition ceremony just now, it was announced that the troops could officially set off!

Now, Su Cheng was riding on Xiaobai, driving Xiaobai under his crotch to walk slowly on the road of Pendragon, walking slowly on the road leaving Pendragon and heading to the southern front of the empire.

And Allen, riding on the black horse that Gozewen rewarded him, walked on Su Cheng's left.

Alisha, also riding a white horse, walked on Su Cheng's right.

However, because Alyssa has a different position from Su Cheng and Allen in this battle, she is not on the same level as Su Cheng and Allen, just like her position in the white field. Go up, but are about half a bit behind Su Cheng and Allen.

Su Cheng's adjutant, Willie, rode behind Su Cheng.

Alan and Dengjiaer walked side by side with Willie, closely following Su Cheng.

By the way, Hai Rouer, who was captured by Alisha in the Weihe Annihilation War and is now her knight's retinue, naturally followed Alisha to participate in the "Xia Feng" offensive.

Harou'er was riding a horse behind Alyssa in a cautious manner.

Looking at her, she seemed very nervous.

The thousands of soldiers who were about to head to the southern front to replace the casualties followed closely behind Su Cheng and others.

Following Su Cheng and others, walked slowly on the road leaving Pendragon and heading to the southern front of the empire.

On both sides of the avenue, people stood on the sidewalk to see off.

In order to maintain order, the mayor of Pendragon specially allocated a large number of hands to form a human wall to separate a large number of people on both sides from the troops entering the central bank in the avenue.

However, the people on the road to see off were so enthusiastic that the wall was almost broken several times.

In addition to chanting blessings, encouragement, and cheers, the people on the road to see off, also continued to sprinkle a lot of tulips on the road ahead of the troops.

This is also an ancient custom of the Britannias.

When the army went out on the march, the people sprinkled a lot of tulips in front of the army's road, and the soldiers of the army stepped on the tulips sprinkled by the people to move forward.

This can be regarded as a kind of blessing, blessing the troop to return triumphantly.

However, because this custom does not stipulate the color of the tulips that are sprinkled, it only says that the tulips are sprinkled. Therefore, the tulips that the people sprinkle on the marching road of the troops come in any color.

White, yellow, pink, red...

However, thanks to the blessings of these colorful tulips sprinkled on the ground, the dark gray stone brick ground on the road where the troops are marching is very beautifully dotted with tulips of various colors.

In addition to hearing the blessings and encouragement from the people on both sides, Su Cheng also heard many people yelling his name.

And most of the people who call his name are women.

"Look! The man in white armor walking in the center is Mr. Su Cheng!"

"Same as the bards said! He looks so handsome!"

"Your Excellency Su Cheng! Your Excellency Su Cheng! Look here!!"

"Please! Please let me pass! I have a gift to give to Mr. Su Cheng!!"


Su Cheng was almost unable to suppress the corners of his mouth that was crazily trying to turn up.

Listening to the praise and admiration of these girls, Su Cheng couldn't help feeling dark and refreshing in his heart.

At this moment, Su Cheng felt like a hero in a harem novel very popular with girls.

Just as Su Cheng was in the dark, a female voice suddenly came from his right side:

"Laugh if you want to laugh. You want to laugh now, but you are desperately holding it back. It's really ugly, and you're so happy? Isn't it just being pursued by some girls."

After listening to this girl, Su Cheng raised her eyebrows, then turned her head, looked to his right back, looked at the owner of this voice, looked at the voice from the beginning of the gathering to the present, has not been able to talk about it together. Someone with a few words—Alyssa.

"Alyssa, I am really happy to be so praised and sought after by the girls." Su Cheng said in a playful tone, "After all, I am also a boy who is less than 18 years old. There is nothing wrong with being excited if you chase after it."

After saying this, Su Cheng still looked at the adjutant behind him, and added:

"Am I right? Willie?"

"That's right!" Willie replied loudly, "I think the coach will have this kind of reaction now particularly normal! If it were me, I would have laughed happily and couldn't stop."

"Willi..." Alisha said in a helpless tone, "Don't protect Su Cheng just because Su Cheng is now your coach..."

At this moment--

"Please! Let me pass! I have a gift that I want to give to Mr. Su Cheng personally!"

——Beside the road on the right, there was again a female voice that had appeared several times since just now.

Compared with the previous few times, this female voice is a little different.

The girl's current voice was a little bit more crying.

Because the girl's voice appeared many times, and the girl's current voice appeared a little bit of crying, it succeeded in attracting Su Cheng's attention.

No, it should be said that it attracted the attention of Su Cheng and others.

Su Cheng, Alyssa, Willie, Alan, Deng Jiaer and others all followed this female prestige.

I found that the master of this female voice was a very petite and lovely girl.

In her arms she held a light blue cuboid wrapped in wrapping paper specially used to wrap gifts.

This cuboid is not thick, and it feels as thick as a finger.

It's not too big, probably as long and as wide as the palm of an adult.

This gift was also tied with a beautiful bow.

This girl clung to this beautifully packaged gift, begging the people who formed the human wall in front of her to let her pass so that she could hand the gift in Su Cheng's hands to Su Cheng.

She followed where Su Cheng led the troops.

She has said this pleading more than a dozen times. In other words, she has already said the same pleading to more than a dozen people who make up the human wall.

However, no one agreed to the girl's request.

The temper is a little better, but she persuades the girl to give up in a good voice, no matter what, she won't let people agree to her request.

The one who had a bad temper directly rebuked the girl and told the girl to stop making trouble.

After being rejected by more than a dozen people in a row and receiving so many severe reprimands, the young girl gradually filled with tears and her voice became a little bit more crying.

However, even so, the girl remained unyielding and continued to closely follow Su Cheng's She followed Su Cheng wherever she went.

Continue to hold the beautifully packaged gift in his arms tightly, and continue to beg everyone who makes up the wall to let her pass.

It's a pity that although the girl's voice has turned into a cry and her eyes filled with tears of grievance, no one agreed to the girl's request.

After all, if they agree to this girl's somewhat unreasonable request, then it will most likely lead to the collapse of order.

Looking at the poor girl who seemed to be able to cry at any time, Alan pursed her lips, then leaned her upper body slightly forward so that she could get closer to Su Cheng, then said in a low voice:

"Brother, that girl feels so pitiful. I have noticed this girl since before. She has followed us all the way, from the white field to the present, and has always wanted to hand the gift in her arms to you. It seems that I really admire you, brother, what should I do?"

"What to do?" Su Cheng smiled, and then slapped her chin at the girl, "Alan, have you seen the gift in this girl's arms? She also specially wrapped the gift in beautiful gift wrapping paper. Wrapping paper is not a bargain. Not only is it wrapped in beautiful wrapping paper, it is also wrapped in a beautiful bow."

"In other words, this girl is very serious about preparing this gift that she wants to give to me."

"People are so serious about preparing gifts for me, so what should I do? It should be very simple, right?"

"Enli!" Su Cheng shouted the adjutant's name.


"Help me hold Xiaobai's rein, I'll be back when I go."

After that, Su Cheng threw the rein in his hand to the adjutant Willie behind him, then rolled over and got off the horse, and walked in the direction of the girl.

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