"Xia Feng" offensive, the East Route Army reinforcements marching positions.

A few days ago, Su Cheng separated from Alisha and Allen.

In this "Xia Feng" offensive, the three men belonged to different armies, so when they reached the fork a few days ago, the three separated and each took part of the recruits to their respective armies. .

Alyssa, who was in charge of serving as the deputy commander of the Central Route Army, naturally went to the position of the Central Route Army.

Allen, who was the commander of the West Route Army, went to the position of the West Route Army, and Su Cheng, who was the commander of the East Route Army, went to the position of the East Route Army.

When Su Cheng and the others led the recruits south to the front line position, the 150,000 army on the front line began to deploy and mobilize.

Now, the 150,000 army has been divided into three groups, and Issel has also been transferred to the eastern front of the empire.

Albert was already ready for the position of the Central Route Army.

Now, waiting for Su Cheng, Allen, the head coach of the East and West Route Army, and Alisha, the deputy commander of the Central Route Army, to lead the recruits who replaced the casualties to the front line. "Xia The "wind" offensive can be officially launched.

Su Cheng did not know whether Alan and Alisa had reached each other's position.

Anyway, Su Cheng knew that he had about two days to reach the position of the East Route Army and take over the 40,000 troops of the East Route Army.

The Eastern Route Army’s need for supplementary forces totaled 1,167. That is to say, the Eastern Route Army’s 40,000 people had 1,167 casualties in total.

Therefore, when they separated from Ellen and Alyssa a few days ago, the three of them divided up the thousands of recruits. Su Cheng took away only 1,167 recruits to fill the gap in the East Route Army's strength.

By the way, Allen took the most recruits, because he took away his 3,000 iron-clad sharp guards in addition to the recruits used to replace the casualties of the West Route Army.

Therefore, in fact, in this "Xia Feng" offensive, the total strength of the Britannia Empire is not only 150,000, but 153,000.

Now, Su Cheng and these 1,167 recruits are camping on a flat ground to rest.

The bunches of hot sunlight that the sun shed, like a whip, hit the ground fiercely, and at the same time hit the 1,000 recruits.

The recruit sitting paralyzed on the ground didn't move much, so big beads of sweat came out of his body continuously.

Every place where the recruits sat was wet with sweat from their bodies.

Fortunately, the supply and reserves of drinking water and other supplies are still sufficient, so there is no need to worry about running out of drinking water.

Therefore, Su Chengte ordered that every recruit must drink more water to ensure sufficient water in the body. Anyway, there is more water, so I am not afraid to drink up.

At the same time, considering the hot weather, Su Cheng gave an order to allow every soldier to take off his helmet.

Of course, it is only allowed to take off the helmet.

Su Cheng also specifically emphasized: If he finds out that a soldier has taken off his armor except the helmet, don't blame him for practicing military law.

According to the military regulations of the Britannia Empire, it would be a very serious matter for a soldier to take off his armor without the permission of the commander.

Although the crime does not lead to death, a severe punishment is definitely indispensable.

If these thousands of soldiers are all veterans who have been in the army for several years, they might have the courage to take advantage of Su Cheng's current situation in the carriage and not notice the outside situation, secretly remove his hand armor or toe armor, etc. Some smaller armors.

But it's a pity that these thousand soldiers are all recruits.

Except for a very few weird things, most of the recruits are very well-behaved.

Therefore, after hearing this order from Su Cheng, all these thousands of soldiers obediently took off the helmets on their heads, and no one dared to take off the armor except for the helmets.

It's just that in such a hot weather, even if you take off your clothes all over, you don't necessarily cool down, let alone just take off a helmet.

Each soldier wiped the sweat from his forehead while pouring water into his mouth.

Drinking water fiercely-this is the only way these recruits can fight the scorching heat in such an environment.


At this time, in a carriage in the heart of a thousand or so people.

"Brother! It's so hot!!"

While holding a piece of paper to fan herself, Alan complained to Su Cheng with a sad face.

"Alan, you are really hard to serve..." Su Cheng smiled bitterly while looking at the pile of papers in his hand, without looking up, "During the rescue battle of the Lund Kingdom at the end of last year, You cried and yelled that it was cold, and in the current'Xia Feng' offensive, you cried and yelled that it was so hot."

"I'm just not very cold-resistant or heat-resistant!" Alan yelled dissatisfiedly.

After that, Alan took a portrait next to him, held it up high, and said in a malicious tone:

"Hurry up and apologize to me! Don't say I'm difficult to serve! Otherwise I will destroy the gift that little girl gave you!"

"Okay, I apologize and I apologize." Su Cheng said in a helpless tone, "I shouldn't say that you are difficult to serve, so return my portrait to me as soon as possible."


After a proud snort, Alan returned the portrait in his hand to Su Cheng.

The portrait in Alan's hands is exactly the gift that the little girl gave to Su Cheng before—a portrait of Su Cheng.

To be precise, it is a portrait of Su Cheng's back.

The portrait was framed and then wrapped in exquisite wrapping paper.

And with this portrait wrapped in exquisite wrapping paper, there is also a letter from this little girl.

In this letter, the little girl mentioned that this portrait of Su Cheng's back was painted by herself.

She originally wanted to paint Su Cheng's front face, but it was a pity that when she was painting this picture, she didn't know what Su Cheng looked like, so she could only paint Su Cheng's back.

And the figure of Su Cheng was also imagined by the little girl herself, because according to rumors, Su Cheng had short black hair and a tall but not very strong figure. This little girl was based on this. A rumor, coupled with my own imagination, drew this picture of Su Cheng's back.

I have to say that the little girl’s painting skills are quite good, and she imagined it quite accurately. Both Alan and Deng Jiaer said that the little girl drew this back view, although it was imaginary, but It really has a high degree of similarity with Su Cheng's back.

And Su Cheng himself was very satisfied with the portrait given by the little girl, and decided to treasure it. When he returned to Pendragon, he put the portrait on the table in his room.

At this time, in this fairly large carriage, besides the two brothers and sisters Su Cheng and Alan who were frolicking just now, there were two other people.

The four people sitting in the carriage were Su Cheng, Alan, and Deng Jia'er, as well as the deputy commander of the Eastern Route Army this time, and Su Cheng's adjutant this time-Willie.

Su Cheng is the head coach of the East Route Army this time, so it is normal to enjoy some privileges.

For example: All recruits have to use their feet to drive, and Su Cheng can sit in a carriage.

As the deputy commander of the East Route Army this time, Willie is naturally qualified to sit in the carriage with Su Cheng.

And Alan and Deng Jiaer, who were Su Cheng's knight rebels, also had the qualifications to sit in the carriage with Su Cheng.

Who told them to be Su Cheng's knights?

This is also the reason why so many people want to become knights' servants-they can enjoy some privileges along the way.

It’s just that, although sitting in the carriage will not be too hard when marching, and will not be exposed to the sun at the same time, the heat is still as hot as the outside of the carriage.

The inside of the carriage is at best a bit cooler than the outside.

The four people in the carriage, like the recruits outside, did not take off any armor except for the helmets.

As the commander of the first army, Su Cheng naturally does not regard military orders and military regulations as trifling.

Therefore, even his sister and friends, he also strictly required Alan and Dengjiaer to be the same as the recruits outside, and only allowed to take off their helmets, and none of the armor in other places.

Of course, Su Cheng himself strictly abides by this military order.

Willie, who respected Su Cheng very much, naturally obeyed Su Cheng's words, and his whole body was still tightly wrapped in armor.

Not to mention Deng Jiaer, who has always listened to Su Cheng's words.

Even Alan, who usually loves to fool around, listened to Su Cheng obediently at this time, did not make unreasonable trouble, obediently put on all the armor parts on her body.

Although Alan had said that she was so hot how many times she had already said that, she never said a word to ask Su Cheng to allow her to take off her armor.

Looking at Alan, whose face was full of sweat, Su Cheng couldn't help but flash through bursts of heartache.

"Actually, you don't have to follow me on the battlefield at all." Su Cheng said in a helpless tone, "Since you are so afraid of heat and cold, don't follow me. You still have time to go back now~www.wuxiaspot .com~Although I know you definitely don’t know the way, now you can’t find the way back."

"How can I leave my brother and you don't care!" Alan said grimly, "If you didn't protect you from my brother, then you are so dangerous! Have you forgotten the last Weihe annihilation battle? You rushed to the forefront personally Command the 3rd Army to carry out a feint attack. If I was not there to protect you at the time, you might have been shot to death by some Liuya who did not know where it came from!"

After listening to Alan's words, Su Cheng smiled bitterly and shook his head, then stopped talking, and continued to look at the stack of papers in his hand.

This stack of papers is the report of the previous "Spring Awakening" offensive, as well as the information about the Luo Lin army and the Luo Lin Empire collected by Issel and others, as well as the new information sent back from the front line since Su Cheng and the others set off. .

On the way to the front line with the recruits south, Su Cheng would carefully watch the reports of the "Spring Awakening" offensive every day when he had time, as well as all kinds of intelligence on the "Xia Feng" offensive.

Any general with a little ability will know the importance of intelligence and analysis of intelligence.

Su Cheng even more importantly regards intelligence.

In Su Cheng's eyes, whether he can collect enough information and analyze it correctly will greatly affect the trend of the battle.

Therefore, Su Cheng has never been sloppy when it comes to intelligence-related aspects such as collecting and analyzing intelligence.

Since leaving Pendragon to the present, almost every day, Su Cheng has to look at and analyze information for nearly 10 hours.

Su Cheng, who continued to look at the pile of intelligence in his hand, suddenly let out a few chuckles, and then murmured:

"This Enli's performance in the "Spring Awakening" offensive is really amazing...He is afraid that he will be promoted to the Fanlan Knight through the battle of the "Spring Awakening" offensive..."

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