Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 3 Chapter 217: Luo Linjun’s Military Discussion (2)

What's the use of knowing the code name of the new offensive?

What the generals most want to know is what is the deployment of the new offensive of the Britannia Empire, what is the goal, and what is the purpose...

It's just that the spies didn't detect any of these useful information.

Barr seemed to know what everyone was thinking and thinking now, and said in a somewhat mocking tone:

"Our country’s spies are really useless. The last time the Britannia Empire’s "Spring Awakening" offensive was the same. After a lot of effort, only the codename of that offensive was found out. What a gang. Waste!"

As soon as Barr's words fell, the generals sitting at the long table nodded in agreement.

What Barr said just now succeeded in expressing their aspirations.

Barr took the cup of water next to him, drank his saliva and moisturized his throat, then continued:

"Compared to spies who do nothing, our scouts are more reliable than these spies."

"These days, we have successfully detected that the 150,000 Britannia Army has made new moves."

"The 150,000 Britannia Army is now divided into 3 army units. From the perspective of the position of these 3 army units, let us call these 3 army units the West, Middle, and East Army."

"And our scouts also succeeded in detecting the strength of the three armies."

"Moreover, even though I said that our spies are just a bunch of rubbish, they still sent back some more useful information."

"For example-our spy successfully found out who the heads of the 3rd army are."

As soon as Barr's voice fell, many generals couldn't help but raise their eyebrows.

The spies have returned a piece of useful information!

——This is the voice of all the generals in the camp, including Barr.

"Yesterday, I sent someone to gather some intelligence and information about the three armies of the Britannia Empire that I have discovered so far."

As Barr spoke, he turned his gaze to a middle-aged man sitting beside him.

After the middle-aged man felt Barr’s gaze, he immediately stood up knowingly, then picked up a small wad of paper placed in front of him, and distributed this small wad of paper to every general officer sitting at the long table. In our hands, each one gets one.

"As for the currently known information about the three-way Britannia army, all the information is summarized on this piece of paper."

When the middle-aged man distributed the paper to the hands of every general officer, Barr said to everyone in the camp.

"Give you 10 minutes to browse in detail. We will discuss in 10 minutes and allow you to discuss with each other, but don't be too loud, and don't disturb my rest."

After leaving these words, Barr leaned back, leaned on the back of the chair behind him, and closed his eyes to calm himself.

When the generals in the camp heard these words from Baal, they immediately began to concentrate on looking at the paper in their hands, and whispered to each other from time to time.


Ten minutes passed quickly.

As soon as 10 minutes were up, Barr opened his eyes immediately and said:

"Well, it's time, map!"


After hearing Barr's last phrase "map", the middle-aged man sitting next to Barr immediately took out a map from under the table, then stood up and spread it out on the long table.

This map is the current combat map for the 150,000 Britannia Army and the 250,000 Rolin Army.

"As you can see from this paper, the 150,000 Britannia army is now divided into three armies."

As Barr spoke, he stood up and leaned on the map, and then took out 15 small black squares from the side.

"Respectively, the Central Route Army-60,000."

Baal divided 6 pieces from the 15 small black squares and placed them in the middle of the map.

"The West Route Army-50,000 people. However, according to the intelligence discovered by the spies, the commander of the West Route Army-the'steel bone' Allen who returned to the Britannia Empire last year, brought him A newly trained elite unit will go to the West Route Army, so the total strength of the West Route Army should now be more than 50,000, but we will now assume that the strength of the West Route Army is 50,000."

Having said that, Baal again divided 5 small black squares and placed them on the west side of the 6 small squares just now.

"In the end, it was 40,000 of the East Route Army."

Barr placed the last remaining 4 small black squares to the east of the 6 small squares representing the Central Army.

"The above is the deployment of the Britannia Army. Issel has returned to the eastern defense line of the Britannia Empire, and the coach of the Central Army-Albert is already in the Central Army. The other two The coaches of the Lu Army, Allen and Su Cheng, are still on their way."

"According to the information sent back by the spies, Alan and Su Cheng should have rushed to the front line at the end of June or early July to take over the army in charge of each other."

"In other words-the Britannia Empire's'Xia Feng' offensive this time-probably started in early July."

"There is not much time left for us."

"We only have an army of 250,000 without a high morale. We must defend against 150,000 Britons on the vast plains."

After all, Barr grabbed a large handful of small white squares and sprinkled them in front of the three small piles of black squares on the map.

Some careful generals also counted the number of white squares that Barr sprinkled on the map.

Exactly 25.

"Then, everyone--"

Barr sat back in his chair.

"Are there any good strategies to defend against the enemy?"

As soon as Barr's voice fell, the entire camp fell silent.

Every officer sitting at the long table frowned and looked at the map placed on the long table.

Barr was not in a hurry, letting the camp continue to be shrouded in an atmosphere called "silence".

Everyone, including Barr, knows this-this upcoming special battle, although on the surface, it seems that the more powerful Rolin Empire dominates.

But anyone with a little bit of military knowledge knows that the Britannia Empire has taken advantage of this upcoming "Xia Feng" offensive!

Although people with more troops have stronger combat power, there is nothing wrong with this.

However, it is not that the party with more troops has the advantage and wins steadily.

In history, there have been countless battles that have won more with less.

There are too many factors related to the victory or defeat of a battle, and military strength is just one of the factors that is not too important.

The Lorraine Empire had just experienced a terrible defeat, so the morale of the 250,000 Lorraine army was not high.

The Britannia Empire was just the opposite. The 150,000 Britons had just experienced a big victory and their morale was high.

Moreover, the Lorraine Empire lost the northern line of defense, and the 250,000 Lorraine army was unsafe to defend. They could only use their flesh as a line of defense on the vast plains to resist the Britannia army.

After such a measurement, it can be found that the Rolin Empire, which is more powerful, is on the inferior side.

And the disadvantages are not too small.

Therefore, because it is so difficult to come up with a good strategy against the enemy in this, the generals sitting around the long table frowned and looked at the people in front of them. The battle map, thinking of good strategies for the enemy, has been silent for a long time.

And Barr waited patiently.

It took nearly 10 minutes before finally there was an old voice that broke the silence of the camp.

"The coach..."

The person who made the noise was an old man sitting on the left hand side of Barr.

"It's Denis." Baldao. "Have you come up with a good strategy against the enemy?"

The old man called Denis by Barr, smiled and said:

"It's not a good strategy for the enemy, I just came up with a general idea."

"That's okay, please feel free to express your thoughts. The strategy of the enemy depends on everyone to discuss it." Baldao.

"Then I will speak out my thoughts."

Having said this, Denis paused, cleared his throat, and then continued:

"Our current situation is not optimistic. Our 250,000 army has no danger to defend. In this situation, the enemy can gallop on the Great Plains and attack wherever they want. So in this situation If we just deploy the line of defense, our defense will be passive."

"Moreover, our troops are not strong enough. If we deploy a line of defense on this great plain, our 250,000 army will be scattered."

"In other words, if our 250,000 army deploys a line of defense on the Great Plains, we will have a very thin line of defense due to the problem of insufficient strength. The enemy will be able to thin us with a little effort. The line of defense is broken."

"So we should not defend! We should take the initiative to attack! We take offense as defense!"

After all, Deney's eyes shot out a terrifying light.

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