Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 3 Chapter 218: Luo Linjun’s Military Discussion (3)

All the generals in the camp were listening carefully to Denis's statement of his thoughts and strategies.

The old man who was talking about it was Denis de Dupont.

In terms of seniority, Denis, like Barr, can be regarded as the group with the oldest seniority in the military of the Rollin Empire.

In terms of status and strength, Denis is also one of the top powerful generals in the Rollin Empire, as well as the deputy commander of the 250,000 army this time.

Therefore, regardless of seniority or status in the army at this time, in the entire coach's account, except for the coach's courage and qualifications to interrupt him, no one has the courage to interrupt Deputy Commander Denis. Words.

Therefore, everyone listened quietly and attentively, not daring to be distracted.

After saying that "offensive for defense", Denis paused, took the water cup next to him, drank his saliva, and moisturized his dry throat, then continued:

"'The best defense is offense.' I think everyone should be clear about this sentence."

As soon as Deney's words fell, some generals sitting at the long table nodded with deep approval.

The best defense is offense-this is a rule that anyone who knows a little bit about the military knows.

Although this rule is not entirely correct, it is correct in most cases.

"We want to make full use of our army's advantages." Denis continued, "Our army is now compared with the Britannia army, what is our biggest advantage?"

"It's troops!" Denis asked and replied.

"The total strength of our army is 250,000! But the Britannia Army has only 150,000. In terms of total strength, our army is 100,000 more than the Britannia Army!"

"Furthermore, the Britannia Army, which is already at a disadvantage compared to our army, even actively dispersed its forces and dismantled its 150,000 army into a 3-way army."

Denis's tone gradually became excited.

"For us, this will be an excellent opportunity and a breakthrough!"

"I think we should concentrate our superior forces! Destroy the three armies of the Britannia Empire one by one!"

After Deney said this long sentence impassionedly, Barr, who was sitting on the main seat, nodded, and then said in a flat tone without any emotion:

"Concentrate the superior forces and defeat them one by one... Then Denis, which army do you think we should attack first?"

As soon as Barr's voice fell, Denis replied without thinking:

"Of course it is the Eastern Route Army with the weakest first attack and only 40,000 troops!"

"We first send a part of our troops to contain the West Route Army and the Central Route Army of the Britannia Army."

While talking, Denis stood up, leaned on the map, and divided the 25 small white squares placed on the map into three piles.

Among them, 2 piles have the least quantity, and the other pile has the most quantity.

"Separate two small units to contain the enemy's Middle Route Army and West Route Army."

After all, Denis piled the two small white squares in front of the two small black squares that symbolized the West Route Army and the Central Route Army, which symbolized the Britannia Army.

"Then, concentrate on attacking the East Route Army of the Britannia Army."

Denis placed the last pile of small white squares, and also the largest pile of small white squares, in front of the four small black squares that symbolized the East Route Army of the Britannia Army.

"Concentrate our superior forces and defeat the East Route Army first! Then defeat the Middle Route Army and the West Route Army one by one, and finally end the battle!"

"The above is my strategic vision."

After saying this, Denis showed a smug smile on his face.

He was confident in the strategy he had conceived of "concentrating superior forces and then destroying the enemy one by one."

Denis believes that in this situation, his strategy is the most correct!

However, just as Denis was enjoying himself, another old man sitting across from him opened his mouth and said:

"Generally speaking, the strategy of Deputy Commander Denis is indeed perfect, but please forgive the officials for impoliteness. The next official believes that Deputy Commander Denis still has some loopholes in your strategic vision."

As soon as the old man's voice fell, Denis frowned and looked at the old man sitting across from him.

The old man sitting across from Denis was named Leo de Foret, and he was also a well-known warrior with profound qualifications in the Rollin Empire.

"General Leo."

Denis sat back in his chair and said:

"You think there are loopholes in my strategic vision?"

"Yes." Leo replied without thinking.

"Then I would like to hear more. General Leo, please tell me in detail what loopholes are in my strategic vision."

"Then please forgive the rudeness of the official."

After Leo cleared his throat, he said loudly:

"De Ni, deputy commander, you just said that you must first attack the East Route Army, which is the weakest among the 3rd Army, right?"


"So, how did you come to the conclusion that Deputy Commander Denis-the East Route Army is the weakest of the 3rd Army?"

"Huh? Isn't that obvious?"

Denis frowned, then said in a somewhat displeased tone:

"The Central Army of the Britannia Army has the strongest strength! There are a full 60,000 people, and the commander of the Rachel Knights, Albert, the most difficult guy, is in charge. You can see from this look. It is the main attack of the three-way army."

"The West Route Army, led by the experienced Alan Jones, has a strength of more than 50,000, second only to the Central Route Army."

"As for the Eastern Route Army, its strength is the weakest, and it is still headed by an inexperienced double oak knight Su Chenglai. After such a comparison, can't you see which army is the weakest? !"

At the end, Denis's tone increased a lot.

Because he felt that the question Leo raised just now was not a problem at all.

Therefore, when answering this question that was not a problem at all, Denis couldn't help feeling a little irritable.

However, as soon as Denis's voice fell, Leo immediately said:

"If you think so, Deputy Commander then the official thinks you are completely wrong."

"Am I wrong?"

"Yes, you are wrong."

Speaking of this, Leo paused, then continued:

"The lower officials believe that, in terms of combat power, the three route troops of the Britannia Army are among the first and second."

Leo said as he poked the piece of paper on the table in front of him.

This piece of paper is the one that Barr sent to the generals just now. It contains information about the Britannia Army that is currently known.

"Just now, everyone saw it on this piece of paper, right?" Leo continued, "The 40,000 people of the Eastern Route Army consist of the 4th and 8th Army of the Rachel Knights. Of."

"These two armies should be familiar to everyone? In terms of combat effectiveness, the 4th and 8th armies of the Rachel Knights rank in the forefront of all the knights."

"So, even though the East Route Army has the least strength, in terms of total combat power, the East Route Army's combat power is not weak!"

"So, just now, Deputy Commander Denis said that the East Route Army was the weakest and the Central Army was the main attacker. The lower officials believed that Deputy Commander Denis was completely wrong!"

"As for the combat power of the army, the East Route Army is not too far behind the other two troops. In fact, each of the three routes of the Britannia Army can be used as the main offensive!"

When Leo said this, Denis' brows were already frowning slowly.

"Furthermore, Deputy Commander Denis just said that the head coach of the East Route Army is served by an inexperienced Double Oak Knight-Su Cheng."

"Here, please allow the ruling officials."

"The officer wants to seriously ask Deputy Commander Denis a word."

"De Ni, deputy commander, don't you know who Su Cheng is?"

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