Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 3 Chapter 224: The laid-back East Route Army

"It's worthy of being a southern country rich in watermelons! It tastes really good!"

Su Cheng chewed on the watermelon in his hand and said in a complimentary tone.

In the recent "Spring Awakening" offensive, Issel not only successfully destroyed the northern defense system of the Rollin Empire, but also confiscated a large amount of the Rollin Empire's luggage.

This large amount of luggage was originally used by the Rollin Empire hoarding on the northern defense line in preparation for the "Spring Counterattack" against the Britannia Empire.

And now, under the nearly victorious "Spring Awakening" offensive of the Britannia Empire, not only did the Rollin Empire completely abort the "Spring Counterattack" plan, even nearly 70% of the everything originally prepared for this plan was lost. Issel was captured.

The huge amount of materials seized from the Rollin Empire is also one of the reasons why the Britannia Empire dared to launch a new large-scale offensive immediately after the "Spring Awakening" offensive had just ended.

The large amount of baggage raised before was also consumed by more than half of the "Spring Awakening" offensive that lasted more than two months.

If the Lorlin Empire had not captured the large amount of luggage, the Britannia Empire would definitely not dare to launch another large-scale offensive against the enemy in a short period of time.

At present, the 150,000 army engaged in the "Xia Feng" offensive used all the food, drink, and use of the seized baggage of the Luolin Empire.

If the Lorlins know that the Britannias are eating their rations and hit them with their weapons, the Lorlins are afraid that they will be suffocated to vomit blood.

In addition to some of the more common materials such as medicines, weapons, and rations, there are also some "luxuries" specially used to reward the army.

For example-watermelon.

Although Su Cheng did not know what the market price of watermelon was in the southern territory of the Britannia Empire and the Rollin Empire, Su Cheng guessed that in the southern territory of the Britannia Empire and the Rollin Empire, the watermelon must be It's cheaper.

After all, the southern territories of the Lorraine Empire and the Britannia Empire were rich in watermelons. When they came to the southern front from Pendragon and passed through the southern territories of the empire, Su Cheng saw a large and large watermelon field.

Watermelon is a very expensive fruit in Pendragon.

Because of the entire empire, only the southern part of the territory is suitable for growing watermelon, and other places are not suitable for growing watermelon.

Therefore, all the watermelons sold in Pendragon were shipped from the southern territories of the empire.

This high freight and management fee makes the price of watermelon to an astounding level.

Pendragon's watermelon is expensive, and it's not very tasty.

Because of the long journey from the southern territory of the empire to Pendragon, the transportation time was too long, so that when the watermelon was transported to Pendragon, it was not very fresh.

Therefore, the natural taste is not very good.

After finding a large amount of watermelons from the confiscated luggage of the Luolin Empire, the people in charge of logistics management decided to give a big hand after discussing it! Send all the captured watermelons to the 150,000 army barracks on the front line, and let them eat watermelons to their heart's content!

Anyway, these watermelons are enemies, and it doesn't hurt to use them at all.

Moreover, these watermelons would not be so fresh if they were not disposed of quickly, so the people in charge of logistics management transported all the watermelons to the military camps of the West, Middle, and East Third Route Army.

So, what's the current situation of the remaining two route troops, Su Cheng doesn't know, anyway, he knows that for the past two days, their East Route Army eats watermelon so much that it is a pleasure.

Su Cheng is also the first time he has eaten such a sweet and delicious watermelon in this other world.

And the 40,000 soldiers of the Eastern Route Army were so enjoyable to eat watermelon for the first time. After eating a meal, everyone would get a sufficient amount of watermelon to taste.

Thanks to these delicious watermelons, the morale of their East Route Army has improved slightly.

After eating the last piece of watermelon in his hands, Su Cheng threw the leftover watermelon shells on the table and grabbed a towel next to him and wiped his hands.

While wiping his hands, Su Cheng said to Willie who was still standing at his desk:

"Well, Willie, stop standing in front of me. I have eaten all the watermelon. You are still standing in front of me and don’t leave. Go out. Today, our East Route Army is just like these two days. Eat well. Melon will do."

After listening to Su Cheng's words, Willie gave a wry smile, and then said to Su Cheng:

"Marshal, our East Route Army has indeed completed our strategic mission now, but are we really just camping here all the time?"

For a while, the Rolin Empire has always sent a large number of scouts and spies to investigate intelligence.

While the Rollin Empire sent a large number of people to investigate intelligence, the Britannia Empire naturally sent a large number of people to investigate intelligence.

Not long ago, the Britannia Army successfully detected the deployment of the 250,000 troops of the Rollin Empire.

The coach of the Luo Linjun, Barr De Lu, personally led the main force to deal with Albert's Central Army.

For the East Route Army and the West Route Army, Barr sent two troops to deal with them.

Responsible for dealing with Allen's West Route Army is the deputy commander of Luo Lin's Army-Denis de Dupont.

And the one responsible for dealing with Su Cheng's East Route Army was a young general of Luo Lin's Army-Roche de Sanchez.

How many people did Rolin's army coach Barr bring to deal with Albert, and how many people did Rolin's deputy commander Denis bring to deal with Allen? All these have found specific information.

However, how many people Roche brought to deal with Su Cheng had already found specific information.

This young general named Roche brought 60,000 troops to deal with Su Cheng's 40,000 East Route Army.

When he received this information a few days ago, Su Cheng smiled so much that his mouth was crooked.

Because before the "Xia Feng" offensive has officially started, the strategic mission of their East Route Army has been completed!

The task of their East Route Army is just to take charge of feint attacks and attract enough enemy troops.

And now, this task of their East Route Army has been completed. Their 40,000 East Route Army has successfully dragged 60,000 of the enemy troops.

40,000 dragged 60,000, which was a pretty good result, and Su Cheng was very satisfied with the result.

Now to deal with the enemy forces of Albert and Allen, there are only 190,000 people left. The pressure can be said to be much less.

To be honest, even if Su Cheng ordered the entire East Route Army to "take roots in place," and kept standing still and paddling until the end of the "Xia Feng" offensive, the senior officials of the Britannia Empire would not say anything about Su Cheng.

Because the task they assigned to Su Cheng was just to take charge of a feint attack and then drag enough enemy troops.

And now, Su Cheng has completed this task, and the number of enemy troops dragged is enough. Therefore, even if Su Cheng is still standing still and firing no arrow, the empire's senior officials will not say anything about him.

After listening to Willie's questioning, Su Cheng's mouth turned up slightly, and then said to Willie in a helpless tone:

"Willie, my good adjutant, although it is a good thing for you to be fighting spirit and eager to fight, don't be reckless."

"The reason why I let the whole army stand still and continue to eat watermelons is not because our East Route Army has now completed the mission, so I want to be lazy."

"What is the most important thing in war? Logistics and intelligence!"

"Our current supply line is very stable, and the luggage is sufficient, so there is no need to worry about logistics."

"But what we lack most now is intelligence!"

"The information we know now only knows that a young general named Roche led 60,000 people to deal with our East Route Army."

"Where are these 60,000 people now? How did you deploy the line of defense? What kind of person is this Roche, and what kind of combat style? We don't know anything now."

Speaking of this, Su Cheng's tone gradually became serious, and his expression gradually became more solemn.

"When I Su Cheng fights, I pay the most attention to intelligence and logistics. If I don't have enough intelligence, I won't start the fight rashly."

"So I am not letting the whole army stand still for the sake of being lazy. I am waiting for more information from the scouts and spies."

"In a few days, more information will come from the scouts and spies. I am waiting for this time. After I have collected more information, I will slowly think about the battle plan."

"So Willie, do you understand?"

After listening to Su Cheng's words, Willie's face showed a suddenly realized expression.

"I see! The coach! So the coach is so far-sighted! Compared with the coach, I really am too superficial!"

Seeing Willie understand, Su Cheng nodded with satisfaction, and then continued:

"Well, it’s fine if you understand it, okay, you go out soon, I have some personal affairs to do, if there is any new information from the scouts and spies, it must be the first time and at the fastest speed. Pass it to me."


"Also, when I go out, help me take away the **** and this plate."


While responding loudly to Willie, who finished the military salute, UU read with very dexterous hands and feet to take away the watermelon shells and plates left over from Su Cheng's table, and then walk quickly. Leaving the coach's camp.

Su Cheng was the only one left in the huge coach Daying.

After watching Willie leave, Su Cheng showed a wry smile on his face.

Afterwards, Su Cheng copied a book and a large stack of papers from under the desk.

On the cover of the book, there are four square Chinese characters-"Zi Zhi Tong Jian" written in the square.

After opening the "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", Su Cheng smoothed out the large stack of papers while taking out his pen and ink from the side.

Su Cheng also brought the "Through Reference to Zizhi".

At present, in Su Cheng's mind, there is nothing more important than the translation of "Zi Zhi Tong Jian".

Therefore, even if he was sent to participate in the "Xia Feng" offensive, Su Cheng still brought a few copies of Zi Zhi Tong Jian and a large amount of paper, pen and ink. During the time, continue to translate "Zi Zhi Tong Jian".

After dipping the quill pen in his hand in ink, Su Cheng let out a few chuckles while looking at the nib that was dripping ink.

Afterwards, Su Cheng muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear:

"Sorry, Willie, the big talk I just said was actually a secondary reason."

"The main reason why I let the whole army stand still and continue to eat melons is actually-I want to be lazy."

"Now that there is no battle to fight and nothing to do, it is most suitable for me to continue translating "Zi Zhi Tong Jian"."

After that, Su Cheng kept the weird smile on his face while gently scraping the excessive ink from the tip of the pen on the mouth of the ink bottle.

Then he leaned on the white paper and the "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", and continued to translate the "Zi Zhi Tong Jian".

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