Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 3 Chapter 225: The whole army on the western front is ready!

Luo Lin army position, the western front.

The deputy commander of the 250,000 Luo Lin Army, Denis, was holding a tea cup, standing outside the camp, sipping the black tea in the cup while looking at the cloudless sky.

Looks preoccupied with thoughts.

Seeing him, he seemed to be thinking about something, even his brows were slightly frowned.

Just as Denis frowned and looked at the sky thinking about something, a familiar old male voice suddenly came from behind him:

"Danny, why is it so preoccupied? What are you thinking about?"

Denis turned his head to follow the sound, and found that it was his old friend and comrade-in-arms who fought side by side this time-Leo.

Seeing Leo leaning towards him with a smile on his face, Denis also squeezed a smile and said hello to Leo:

"Yo, Leo, how about you coming? Would you like some black tea?"

"No!" Leo replied angrily, "I hate drinking black tea! And Denis, how do you talk like a Britannia? When you see someone, you ask if you want to drink black tea."

"Hahaha!" Denis laughed a few times, "I just asked casually, even if you said you want to drink, I won't give you a drink."

Leo, who just walked to Denis's side, couldn't help but laughed dumbly when he heard Denis's words, and then lightly hammered Denis in the chest and said:

"You guy..."

Although the two of them had a fierce debate at the military meeting that discussed the plan to defend against the enemy not long ago, Leo relentlessly criticized the strategic concept proposed by Denis at the meeting.

But in private, the two are actually very good friends. The two of them belong to the type that will be in public places such as meetings, because they disagree, and then they will still have to drink and talk together in private.

After a little fight with his old friend Denis, Leo returned to the topic just now:

"Deni, why do you look so preoccupied? Now that the battle has not officially started, just this expression, if the soldiers see their leader like this, it will affect the morale of the soldiers."

At the end, Leo's tone became more serious.

Because as Leo said, the expression and reaction of the commander-in-chief of an army will greatly affect the morale of the entire army.

If the commander-in-chief of the army has always maintained a calm appearance, even if the enemy is killed in front of them, there is no trace of panic, then the soldiers will see that their commander-in-chief is still so calm, unknowingly they will calm down.

If the commander-in-chief of the army can't keep calm, he will panic when the enemy comes, which will make the soldiers who see the panic of the commander even more panic.

After hearing Leo's slightly critical words, Denis raised his hand, rubbed his cheek, and smiled bitterly:

"Sorry, I will pay attention to it in the future. I was just worried about the situation on the Eastern Front."

"Eastern Front? Are you worried about Roche and the others?"

"Yeah." Denis nodded, "Yes. I am worried about Roche and them now."

The coach of the Luo Lin army, Barr, divided this huge battlefield into three fronts. At the same time, he divided the 250,000 army under his command into three troops, each of which was responsible for one front.

These three fronts are the western front, the central front, and the eastern front.

Each front is responsible for dealing with one of the british army's armies.

On the western front, the deputy commander of Luo Lin's army, that is, Denita, is in charge of with a total force of 60,000. He is responsible for delayed operations against Allen's West Route Army and drags Alan's West Route Army.

In the central front, the leader of the Luo Lin Army, Barr, is personally in charge, leading the main force-a 130,000 army, to deal with the Central Army led by Albert.

On the eastern front, a young general of the Luo Lin army, Roche, who is only 32 years old this year, is in charge. He leads 60,000 people to deal with the Eastern Route Army led by Su Cheng. The task is the same as Denita. Conducted delayed operations and dragged Su Cheng's East Route Army.

After hearing Denis say that he was worried about the Eastern Front that Roche was in charge of, Leo couldn't help frowning, and then said:

"Deni, what are you worried about on the Eastern Front that Roche is in charge of? Don't you think Roche, who is commanding an army of 60,000, is not the opponent of Su Cheng, who has only 40,000 under his command? We were discussing various fronts at the time. When it comes to deployment, don’t you agree to the plan to send young people to the Eastern Front? Don’t you regret it now?”

As soon as Leo's voice fell, Denis replied in seconds:

"Yes, I regret it! I am now worried that Roche and the others are not Su Cheng's opponents!"

Without waiting for Leo to reply, Denis took a sip of the black tea in his cup and continued:

"You should also know why we decided to send Roche in charge of the Eastern Defense Line?"

"We did this to train the younger generation of our imperial military."

"So, for the young people with potential in the imperial military, we not only let Roche, who is only 32 years old, be in charge of the eastern line of defense, but also send the four most promising young people of our empire to the eastern line of defense. Let the four of them help Roche deal with Su Cheng well."

After listening to this long passage of Denis, Leo nodded silently.

He naturally understood the reason for sending this large group of young people to the Eastern Defense Line.

It is to train these potential young people well.

The current situation of the military talents of the Luo Lin Empire is frankly not optimistic.

The generation of talents is very serious, and it is more appropriate to describe the situation of talents in the Luolin Empire's military circles as "green and yellow".

Now the senior generals of the Luo Lin Empire are basically a bunch of old men with white beards and hairs.

Not to mention high-ranking generals, even among the middle-ranking generals, middle-aged and young people are pitifully few.

Therefore, foreign countries headed by the Britannia Empire now laugh at the Rollin Empire as a country that can only rely on old people to fight.

Barr and Denis, the pillars of the Rollin Empire army, are naturally anxious about the current status of the empire's military talents.

Therefore, in order to enable young people in the imperial military to grow up and mature as soon as possible, Barr, Denis and others have deliberately decided to send a large number of young people in the "Anti-Xia Feng" offensive operation. Go to the Eastern Front and let the group of young people headed by Rochet take charge of Su Cheng of the Eastern Route Army.

When discussing the deployment of the front at the time, Denis agreed with this plan very much.

Therefore, after hearing that Denis, who had originally agreed with this plan, suddenly regretted it again, Leo couldn't help feeling curious.

So Leo asked Denis:

"Deni, why do you regret this plan? Isn’t it right to send young people to exercise? If you can’t let young people grow up as quickly as possible, then it’s not a joke. It will not be a strange age to pass away. If there are not enough young people to take our class after we die, it may be the day when our Luolin Empire will be annihilated."

After listening to Leo's very serious question, Denis sighed and explained:

"The reason I regret it is because after the meeting to discuss the deployment of various fronts, I thought about it again."

"I think it might not be a wise decision to let Roche and the others deal with that Su Cheng. I feel that Roche and the others are not Su Cheng's opponents..."

Speaking of this, Denis paused, and then continued to say in a deep voice:

"Leo, that Su Cheng is a monster..."

"He is a monster who can be on the battlefield for the second time, and when he is only 17 years old, he can command nearly 100,000 troops..."

"The Weihe annihilation war he commanded, I still think in retrospect, I still find it unbelievable and scary. The tactic of impounding water to intercept the enemy is simply appalling and subverting people's imagination."

"Looking at the whole world now, this Su Cheng's military talent should be the best among his peers."

"Although Su Cheng currently has only 40,000 people under his command, in terms of the army's combat effectiveness, it belongs to the weakest of the three-way army."

"However, under Su Cheng's command and peculiar strategy, these 40,000 people might have burst out terrifying power..."

"Although the talents of Roche, who is now in charge of the Eastern Front, are not low, the four Gil de Les who were sent to help Roche are all recent stars with great potential and talent. The forces under his command are also much higher. Yu Sucheng."

"But... I always feel... They still won't be Su Cheng's opponent..."

After that, Denis frowned and drank the black tea in the cup in his hand.

After listening to Deney’s big talk, Leo showed a helpless smile, then patted Deney on the shoulder, and said:

"Okay, don't think too much, "Roche and the others are not Su Cheng's opponents" are all your imagination."

"Although Roche is young, he is also an experienced general who has gone through many battles."

"And, haven't we also sent the four empire's recent extremely dazzling new stars to the eastern front?"

"It's Gilles de Rice and the four of them."

"Although the four of them are only about 20 years old, they are undoubtedly talented and potential talents."

"Especially that Gil de He has the highest talent and the most dazzling record. He is the most famous military genius of our empire recently. In terms of talent, I think Gil will not lose to that Soviet Union. Honest!"

"With Jill and the 4 young people to assist Roche, I don't think they will lose to Su Cheng!"

"So don't think too much, give Roche and them a little confidence."

After that, Leo patted Denis on the shoulder again.

After listening to Leo's comfort, Denis sighed, then subconsciously raised the teacup in his hand.

After raising the teacup to his lips, he realized that the black tea in the teacup had already been drunk, so he could only put down the teacup in his hand angrily.

When Denis just put down the teacup in his hand, he saw a scout riding a fast horse, rushing toward him and Leo!


Although the scout had not rushed to the two of them, the scout sitting on horseback had already shouted first:

"Emergency! The West Route Army of the Britannia Army is moving! The West Route Army of the Britannia Army is marching in the direction of our army!"

After listening to this new piece of information from the scouts, Denis and Leo all turned into the same horror.

"Deni, don't think about the Eastern Front for now." Leo said to Denis with a serious expression. "Now let's concentrate on dealing with ‘Steel Bone’ Alan Jones and his 50,000 army."

"Well, I just meant it."

After leaving this sentence faintly, Leo turned and walked into the handsome tent behind him.

As he walked into the handsome tent, he said to Leo:

"Leo, gather all the generals of the Western Front to hold a military meeting in the handsome account! At the same time, prepare the entire Western Front for combat!"


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