Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 3 Chapter 232: Weeping Deng Jiaer (Part 1)

July 12, 290, the Imperial Calendar of the Britannia Empire.

22:46 in the evening.

The Britannia Army, the East Route Army position, the coach's camp.

There were only 3 people left in the huge coach camp of the East Route Army.

They were Deng Jiaer who was already asleep, Alan who was about to go to bed, and Su Cheng who was still not asleep.

Su Cheng was sitting behind a long table at the northernmost end of the coach’s camp, carefully scanning the latest intelligence sent by the scouts in his hand.

In the past few days, the scouts finally found out the deployment of the 60,000 Luo Lin troops who were confronting their East Route Army!

The piece of paper in Su Cheng's hand records exactly the deployment of these 60,000 troops.

After reading the paper recording the deployment of 60,000 Luo Lin's troops, Su Cheng put down the paper in his hand and muttered to himself in a low voice:

"It seems that Roche intends to perform passive defense..."

After talking to himself like this, Su Cheng took out a map from under the table, and then unfolded the map on the table in front of him.

After unfolding the map on the table, Su Cheng took out several small black squares and several small white squares from one side.

Each small black square symbolizes the 10,000 Britannia Army.

The Eastern Route Army now has 40,000 troops. So Su Cheng placed 4 small black squares not far from the north bank of the Shunau River.

——It symbolizes the Eastern Route Army who is now stationed on the north bank of the Shunau River, not far from the Shunau River.

After that, Su Cheng took the piece of paper that recorded the current deployment of 60,000 Luo Lin's troops, which he had just placed aside, and then arranged the small white squares in his hand based on the content shown above.

According to intelligence, Roche, the coach of the 60,000 Luo Lin army, divided the 60,000 army under him into five armies.

The five armies were commanded by Roche himself and his four young deputy marshals.

Roche sent 3 of them, a total of 50,000 people, to the north bank of the Shunau River to build a line of defense against him and the East Route Army.

The deputy marshal Simeon, commanding 10,000 people, is stationed in the western part of the north bank of the Shunau River.

Each small white square symbolizes the 10,000 Luo Lin army.

So Su Cheng picked up a small white square and placed it on the western side of the north bank of the Shunau River.

Deputy Marshal Erde, commanding 20,000 people, is stationed in the middle of the north bank of the Shunau River.

Su Cheng picked up 2 small white squares and placed them in the middle of the north bank of the Shunau River.

Deputy Marshal Gil, commanding 20,000 people, is stationed in the east of the north bank of the Shunau River.

Su Cheng once again picked up two small white squares and placed them on the east of the north bank of the Shunau River.

The deputy commander Eugene, commanding 5,000 people, guards the city of Lyle on the south bank of the Shunau River. From the perspective of the location of the city of Lyle, this city should be the transportation station for the three armies on the north bank of the Shunau River. .

And this Eugene specially commanded 5000 people to guard here, guarding this heavy transfer station.

From the side, Su Cheng took out a few more compact white squares.

These smaller white squares symbolize 5000 Luo Lin's army.

Su Cheng pinched this smaller white square and placed it on the small dot on the south bank of the Shunau River that marked the words "Lyer City".

As for the coach Roche, he led the last 5,000 people and was stationed in Mayin City, which is farther south from Lyle City.

After displaying the deployment status of the 60,000 Luo Lin army on this map, Su Cheng began to look at the map in front of him.

After staring at the map in front of him intently for a while, Su Cheng slowly frowned.

"The three troops stationed on the north bank of the Shunau River are really well deployed..." Su Cheng murmured.

The three troops stationed on the north bank of the Shunau River were commanded by Simeon, Oed, and Gil respectively. The most important feature is that they are very close to the Shunau River.

The Shunau River is not so much a river as it is a very wide stream.

The water flow is gentle and the water level is not high, so you can easily cross the river by foot.

Therefore, it does not take much effort and time to cross the Shunau River.

The three troops stationed on the north bank of the Shunau River are very close to the Shunau River, and the Shunau River is not difficult to cross. Therefore, the city of Lyle, as a transfer station for the luggage, can easily transport the luggage to them, don’t worry. The supply line problem.

Secondly, the three troops stationed on the north bank of the Shunau River are in horns and take care of each other.

Attack any of these three forces, and the other two can quickly come to support.

Therefore, these three troops stationed on the north bank of the Shunau River are deployed at a very high level.

Su Cheng thought to himself: If the deployment of the 60,000 army was invented by that Roche, then Roche would still be of a certain level, no wonder the whole army coach Barr of the Luo Lin army sent him to deal with me.

In my heart, after silently paying tribute to the person who designed this deployment plan, Su Cheng refocused his attention on the map in front of him.

Judging from the position of Su Cheng's East Route Army, if he wants to move south, then he must defeat this line of defense built on the north and south banks of the Shunuo River.

In other words, if Su Cheng fails to defeat this line of defense composed of 60,000 troops on the north and south banks of the Shunau River, he and his Eastern Route Army can only stay in Shunau as they are now. On the north bank of the river, it was impossible to send a division south.

So... what should I do to defeat this line of defense...

Su Cheng thought this way in his heart, while looking at the map in front of him, he started thinking attentively.

Su Cheng secretly said in it:

The large area of ​​the Shunau River is flat plain.

In such a situation where there are large plains around it, it is difficult to rely on the terrain to play tricks.

On such a great plain, the combat effectiveness can be used to the strongest arm...

There is no doubt that it is a cavalry...


Su Cheng muttered the word "cavalry" in his heart.

While chanting this word in his heart, Su Cheng's eyes slowly narrowed slightly.

Thoughtful color flashed in his eyes.

At this moment--

"Brother, go to bed."

——The sleeve of the right hand was pulled by someone, and at the same time, there was a voice from his right hand that could be said to be the most familiar voice in this other world.

"It's late, go to bed." Alan, standing on Su Cheng's right hand, whispered while pulling Su Cheng's sleeves, "If you have anything, just wait until tomorrow to think about it. I'm feeling sleepy. Under the circumstances, it is not conducive to thinking."

After hearing what Alan said, Su Cheng took the pocket watch set aside and checked the time.

I found that as Alan said, it is indeed not too early now.

I am indeed a little sleepy now.

"Well, Alan, you are right."

While talking, Su Cheng rubbed his eyes.

"I am indeed a little sleepy now. Thinking in a sleepy state is asking for trouble. Let's go to I decided to leave the matter of "thinking about breaking the enemy" for tomorrow. After thinking about it energeticly, Su Cheng stood up and rubbed Alan's small head beside him, and then extinguished the oil lamp placed on the table.

After the oil lamp was extinguished, the huge coach Daying was instantly shrouded in darkness.

Like last year's rescue battle for the Lund Kingdom, who Su Cheng, Alan and Deng Jiaer were in the same camp.

There are 3 beds in the coach’s camp. These 3 beds are for Su Cheng, Alan, and Deng Jiaer.

And tonight Deng Jiaer has already gone to bed, and the raised quilt on Deng Jiaer's bed is falling together rhythmically.

After turning off the oil lamp, Su Cheng and Alan went back to their beds in the dark.

After returning to the bed, Su Cheng fell directly onto his bed and fell asleep.

After a while, Su Cheng fell asleep.

And Alan's situation was similar to that of Su Cheng. Not long after lying on the bed, Alan was the same as Su Cheng-fell asleep deeply.

However, it was precisely because Su Cheng and Alan were sleeping too deeply, neither of them found out.

There was no change in Deng Jiaer's bed.

Just after Su Cheng and Alan fell asleep for about two or three hours, a rustling sound came from Deng Jiaer's bed.

Afterwards, the thin quilt covering Deng Jiaer's body was gently lifted.

After Deng Jiaer gently lifted the thin quilt, he directly sat up, and then lightly walked out of the tent.

At this time, Su Cheng and Alan, who were sleeping soundly, did not find Deng Jiaer who had sneaked out of the camp for unknown reasons.

Su Cheng and Alan were still sleeping soundly.

The thin quilt covering the two of them still undulates rhythmically with breathing.

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