Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 3 Chapter 232: Weeping Deng Jiaer (middle)

Hmm... I want to go to the toilet...

Alan muttered like this in her heart, and slowly opened her eyes.

After opening his eyes, the first thing that came into view was the dark roof of the camp.

Alan rubbed his eyes, then lifted the thin quilt covering his body, then sat up and walked out of the camp.

This was because Alan's waking motion and noise were too loud, and Alan's bed was very close to Su Cheng's.

So just after Alan sat up from the bed, Su Cheng's bed made a few murmurs, and then Su Cheng's voice came out:

"...Alan? What's the matter... Why did you get up..."

"Um..." Alan said in a feeble tone while rubbing her sleepy eyes, "Urinary urgency... I'm going to the bathroom..."

"You forgot to go to the bathroom before going to bed again today..."

Even when she just woke up and was extremely unconscious, Su Cheng did not forget to tease her sister.

"It's up to you..." After Alan responded to Su Cheng irritably, he quickly walked out of the camp.

After lifting the curtain of the camp, Alan saw two soldiers armed with axes and guns, standing straight outside the curtain of the camp, guarding the commander's camp.

Su Cheng attaches great importance to the security situation of the army camp.

Alan heard Su Cheng at the military meeting more than once, with his adjutant this time, that is, the person named Willy, and the knights underneath, emphasizing the importance of guarding the camp.

Su Cheng asked them to be on the East Route Army's side, no matter where they were, they should not be sloppy on guard.

While emphasizing the importance of the guard of the big camp with Willie and the knights, Su Cheng also cited the example of the surprise operation of Huming City in the "Spring Awakening" offensive not long ago.

In that surprise attack on Hu Ming City, it was because Hu Ming City was so sloppy on guard that it was so easily captured.

As long as Hu Ming City is more serious about its defenses, even if it is just a good job of lighting on the walls and outside the city, it will not be so easily broken by their Britannias.

After hearing the repeated orders from his own coach, emphasizing the guard of the big camp, and even cited the example of the surprise attack in Huming City, the knights headed by Willy naturally did not dare not pay attention to the guard of their East Route Army.

Now on their East Route Army side, 24 hours a day, no matter when, every important place of the camp, such as stables, granaries and other places, there are a lot of soldiers standing guard and patrolling there.

In addition to many soldiers patrolling there, there are also many generals patrolling there.

It's just that the soldiers are patrolling to guard against foreign enemies.

The generals patrol, but whether the soldiers are lazy.

If the generals find out that there is a soldier who is not standing guard or patrolling properly, they will be deducted from the army's salary, and at the worst they will be lashed and deducted according to the military law.

And Su Cheng's coach camp is arguably the most important place in the entire camp.

Therefore, the defense and guard against the coach's camp are the most rigorous and strict.

In addition to the two elite soldiers standing guard at the entrance and exit of the camp, there are also many soldiers standing guard on the left and right sides and behind the camp.

Not only that, there are patrol teams after another, patrolling a little further away from the coach's camp.

Unless the enemy brought a large force to attack, the assassin alone would not even be able to get close to his brother.

——This is how Alan felt after seeing such a tight defense outside the coach's camp.

After seeing that it was early in the morning, and the soldiers guarding outside the camp were still not slack, Alan couldn't help but smile a little happily.

Alan is most worried about the safety of her brother Su Cheng.

It was precisely because she was worried about her brother's safety that she wanted to be Su Cheng's knight rebel, and went to the battle with Su Cheng, so as to protect him.

Seeing so many people, at such a late hour, still performing their duties, earnestly guarding outside the coach's camp and protecting his brother, why doesn't this make Alan happy?

As a result, Alan gave a non-standard military salute to the two soldiers standing outside the entrance of the camp with axe guns in front of him, and then said in a serious tone:

"Thank you for your hard work."

After hearing Alan's thanks, the two soldiers were taken aback.

The two looked at each other, and then smiled at the same time, and then they responded with a silent military salute to Alan.

After a non-standard military salute to the two soldiers, Alan walked away quickly.

——Alan Ke hasn't forgotten her purpose for getting up and walking out of the account in the middle of the night.

In order to meet the physiological needs of the 40,000 East Route Army, public toilets were set up everywhere in the camp.

Every morning, noon, and evening, there are dedicated personnel to transport the excrement from the public toilets, and then transport them to places far away from camps and water sources for burial.

Because the Britannia Empire achieved equality between men and women a long time ago, women can also do the jobs that men can Therefore, in the Britannia Empire, it is allowed and welcome Women also come to serve in the army.

However, although women can also serve as soldiers, there are not many women soldiers in the army.

Alan once heard his brother Su Cheng say that the ratio of male to female soldiers in the Britannia empire's army is roughly 8 to 2.

Among their current 40,000 army of the East Route Army, there are 5,612 female soldiers.

Because there are men and women in this camp, every public toilet in the camp is divided into men's and women's toilets very intimately.

However, Alan does not plan to go to the public toilet in Daying for the convenience of her. She only plans to find a bush to solve it.

As for why Alan would rather solve it in the wild than in a public toilet, the reason is actually very simple.

Because the purpose of building these public toilets in the camp is only to allow soldiers to "have a place to solve physical problems," rather than to allow soldiers to "have a comfortable place to solve physical problems."

Therefore, the experience of using public toilets in the camp is naturally terrible.

Even if it smells bad, it's particularly dirty.

Unless she is compelled, Alan will never want to go to the stinking public toilets and use the poor experience to solve her physical problems.

It is already early in the morning. Except for the soldiers standing guard and patrolling, there are no other people in the camp, so they are not afraid of being seen by others.

It is suitable for solving physiological problems in the field.

Soon, Alan came to a relatively remote grass.

Alan looked around and looked around. After making sure that there was no one around, he quickly untied the belts, planning to return to the camp and continue to sleep in the camp after quick convenience.

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