Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 3 Chapter 252: Headless Snake Combat (middle)

  Char Vigery-a well-known brawny and warrior of the Luo Lin army.

  The Lorraine Empire is different from the Britannia Empire.

   The Britannia Empire is a martial-arts country. At the beginning of the founding of the country, in order to encourage soldiers and knights in the army to fight bravely, a relatively complete military system was established.

   As long as you can get enough military merit, the reward that should be given to you will not be less than you.

Although this military merit system of the Britannia Empire still has many shortcomings, in the past three hundred years, there are indeed a large number of people who have achieved a class leap by virtue of their military merits. .

   If you don’t say far away, you say near. Su Cheng and Enli, one of the "Twin Generals", are the most ready-made examples.

   Before becoming a knight, Su Cheng was just an ordinary person who could only sleep in the stable when he first came to Pendragon.

   And Enli was not from a nobleman. Before he became a knight, he was just an ordinary rich boy.

   The Luo Lin Empire is different.

   The Lorraine Empire did not have a relatively complete military system like the Britannia Empire.

   At the same time, compared with the Britannia Empire, the aristocratic power of the Lorraine Empire is larger and more rotten at the same time.

  Because there is no relatively complete military merit system, it is difficult for ordinary civilians in the Luolin Empire to become high-ranking generals by virtue of their military merits.

   Therefore, in the army of the Luolin Empire, almost all the middle and high-ranking generals are of noble origin.

  Because the nobles of the Luolin Empire will have a "German" in their names.

   Therefore, almost none of the middle and high-ranking generals in the Luolin Empire has a name without the word "German".ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   And because of the huge and decadent power of the aristocracy of the Luolin Empire, in the army of the Luolin Empire, people of aristocratic origin tend to discriminate and suppress people from non-aristocratic origin in every possible way.

   In this regard, the situation in the Britannia Empire is much better.

Precisely because the Britannia Empire has always had this tradition of "today as a civilian, tomorrow as a general", there are very few people in the Britannia Empire who discriminate against others because of their origin. Others.

  These kinds of reasons make it very difficult for ordinary civilians to get ahead in the army of the Luolin Empire.

   Of course, even in such a difficult environment, there will always be a few people who can succeed, as civilians, successfully squeezed into the ranks of the senior generals of the Luo Lin Empire.

   For example-this Charles Vigery is a good example.

   From the absence of the word "Germany" in his name, it can be seen that he is not of aristocratic origin.

  He is not a nobleman, and he is relying on his own efforts to achieve military exploits with one shot and one shot, and rise to the rank of high-ranking generals step by step.

  Char is a well-known warlord of the Rollin Empire. As the hostile country of the Rollin Empire, the Britannia Empire is naturally very familiar with his brave attitude.

   Over the years, when launching a series of attacks or defenses on the Rollin Empire, he has always regarded this Shire as a figure that needs attention.

   Charles has an extremely strong, tall body, nearly 2 meters in height, and a piece of body that is as solid and large as granite.

   And Shire also has a strange power that matches his figure.

   Charles used a giant axe, wielding a giant axe, and dashing on the battlefield without any one can stop him, he has always been a fearful existence.

   And Shire is also a good friend of Barr.

Although the age difference between the two is much, Barr is 68 years old this year, and Shire is now 34 years old. Barr is twice as old as the Shire, but it does not prevent the two from having a very good conversation. Become good friends.

   The two are not only good friends in private, but also comrades-in-arms on the battlefield.

   The two have fought side by side. I don’t know how many times. In so many fights side by side, Barr also made a more accurate evaluation of his friend’s fighting style:

   Charles is not very outstanding in resourcefulness, his most outstanding is his powerful force and strong on-the-spot command ability, he is the most suitable forward candidate.

   In fact, it is just like Barr's judgment of the Shire. Charr basically did not rely on resourcefulness to become a senior general of the Luo Lin Empire, but relied on his own powerful force to become a senior general.

After he said to the sudden arrival of Charles, "Charr, you want to take care of it? You don't know my habit." After that, Barr continued to use the small bonfire in front of him and roasted himself. Own hands.

   After hearing what Baal said, Charles shook his head with a wry smile, then speeded up his pace, came to Baal's side, and then sat beside Baal.

   "I seemed to have seen the scout just now."

   Charles took a branch next to him, fiddled with the wood in the campfire in front of him boredly, and continued:

   "Is there any important information?"

   "That's right." Bale said flatly, "In this morning, Albert led the 60,000 army after joining forces with the vanguard, and rushed towards us."

   Barr's voice just fell when Shire fiddled with the branches of the wood in the campfire.

   "It's coming..." Charles frowned, "According to the nearby terrain and traffic conditions, perhaps by tomorrow afternoon, Albert will lead his army to come here and start a battle with us..."

"Well, yes, as I expected." Barr continued. "In the early morning of this morning, I received information that Albert's large force and his vanguard would meet up yesterday evening, and I expected it. In the early morning of this morning, Albert will lead the whole army towards us."

  Speaking of this, Albert paused, then chuckled a few times, and then continued:

   "Albert, he can't help it now, right? Can't help but hurry up in a decisive battle with me, and then use this battle to get rid of me completely."

"Great." Charles smiled. "The'Headless Snake Operation' you planned for Barr has gone very smoothly so far. Albert has obediently led the entire Central Route Army to come over, and now he is waiting. Albert is on the bait." New 81 Chinese website updated the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   "It's not just about waiting for Albert to get the bait." Barr smiled bitterly. "Now I also hope that there will be no problems on the western front and the eastern front."

"The reason why I have divided three fronts and dealt with the 3-way army of the Britannia Army is to make the two fronts, the Western Front and the Eastern Front, be able to hold the West Route and the East of the Britannia Army. Route Army, don’t let these two Route Army come over and make trouble. So that my central front can concentrate on launching the'Headless Snake Operation' and annihilate Albert’s Middle Route Army."

   "On this issue, Barr, you don't have to worry about it." Charles continued with a smile. "At noon today, didn't you just receive the battle reports from these two fronts?"

   "On the western front, Alan's West Route Army has successfully blocked the multiple offensives of the West Route Army, which is enough to hold the West Route Army until the end of our ‘Headless Snake Operation’."

"On the eastern front, the Eastern Route Army under the command of Su Cheng has been silent, and Roche has already built a line of defense on the north and south banks of the Shunau River. Roche also said, relying on this. With a line of defense that has been laid out, even if Su Cheng leads the East Route Army to attack in the, he can still drag it until the end of the'Headless Snake Operation' on our side."

   "So, Barr, you don't have to worry about the two fronts. Both fronts must be able to hold the enemy forces responsible for each other well. Just concentrate on the ‘headless snake war’."

   "Well...that's what I said."

   After faintly replying to Shire, Barr continued to follow the heat of the campfire, roasting his hands.

   Looking at Baal who was still baking his hands silently, Charles sighed slightly, and then continued:

   "Then-Barr, the important military information is over, let's talk about something else."

   "Can you tell me why you are grilling here? Is it to relieve some of the tension before the battle?"

  As a close friend of Barr, Charles naturally knows some of Barr's habits.

   He knows-Barr likes to relieve some of the negative emotions in his heart by warming his hands, such as relieving the nervousness, anxiety and other emotions in his heart.

   After listening to Charles's caring question, Barr was silent for a while, and then he said in a deep voice:

   "...No, I'm not trying to relieve the tension in my heart."

   "I am... to relieve the fear in my heart..."

   "I...I am afraid of Albert..."

   After saying this in a deep voice, Barr clenched his fists.

  Because of too much force, the joints were white, and the roots and veins were exposed from Baal's skin.


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