Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 3 Chapter 253: Headless Snake Battle (Part 2)

"Char," Barr continued, "You should know that I am in the country, besides being called the'Empire's Most Powerful General', what nickname is there in recent years, right?"

After hearing these words from Barr, Charles fell silent.

Charles tightened his lips, lowered his head slightly, and stopped talking.

When Charles was silent, Barr chuckled himself twice, and then continued in a calm tone that was almost non-emotional:

"It's really ironic... In the past few years, while people have been honored as the'strongest general', I have also been called the'junk general' and the'commonly defeated general'."

"However, it's not to blame them for giving me these nicknames."

"After all, sometimes, I myself feel that I am very trash... In front of Albert, repeated battles and defeats..."

"Albert, he became the commander of the Rachel Knights and was solely responsible for the southern defense of the Britannia Empire. I remember it almost 8 years ago."

"Eight years ago, Albert was 38 years old and I was 60 years old."

"My nightmare has come since Albert took full charge of the southern line of defense of the Britannia Empire 8 years ago..."

Speaking of this, Barr's already clenched fists tightened even more.

Looking at the white joints on Baal's fists, and the bursting blue veins, even if he saw Baer's fists clenched too hard and bleeding for a second, no one would be surprised.

And Barr's expression gradually became ferocious.

A bit of pain gradually appeared on his face.

"Eight years ago, when Albert took office as the new leader of the Rachel Knights, it was precisely when the Britannia Empire focused on dealing with the Frank Empire and our Rolling Empire."

"The Britannia Empire is more focused on attacking our Lorraine Empire."

"During the eight years that Albert took office, excluding this'Xia Feng' offensive and the last'Spring Awakening' offensive, the Britannia Empire sent us a total of 5 launches of the Rollin Empire. Large-scale offensive."

"These five large-scale offensives, without exception, were all led by Albert as the commander-in-chief."

"Looking back now, I still have a cold sweat on my body."

Having said that, Barr pointed to his forehead with a wry smile and motioned to Charles to look at his forehead.

And Charles immediately moved his gaze to Barr's forehead knowingly.

——Discovered that just as Barr said, a series of cold sweat sprang up on Barr's forehead sitting by the campfire.

And Barr then continued:

"I, Barr, as one of the top generals in our Lorraine Empire, in these five large-scale offensives under the command of Albert, I have naturally been entrusted with a heavy responsibility every time."

"In the five large-scale offensives under the command of Albert, I have faced him no fewer than ten times."

"Although I don't want to admit it, there are people in the world who are more talented than you, and they are better than you..."

Speaking of this, Baal sighed, the pain on his face aggravated a bit.

"In the dozen or so battles against Albert, I basically never beat Albert once..."

"I tried my best, but in front of Albert I still fought and failed again and again..."

"It's really unwilling... There is no way to take a person who is about half my age. I can only keep losing, losing, losing all the time..."

"Don't say that the people in the country think I am a trash general... I think I am really a trash..."

"In these five large-scale offensives under the command of Albert, I was entrusted with a heavy responsibility every time, but every time I was beaten by Albert, he lost his helmet and disarmed his armor, without achieving any results..."

"The worst time was the third large-scale offensive launched by the Britannia Empire against our country."

"In this battle, like the previous one, I was appointed as the head coach of the entire army, responsible for going north to meet the enemy and preventing Albert from his aggression."

"What was the outcome of that battle, I think Charles... No, I think all the generals know?"

"I was defeated again... The 120,000 army was almost annihilated, leaving me with a few cavalrymen who fled in a hurry, and luckily recovered a life..."

"Because of my wasteful performance, in these five large-scale offensives under Albert's command, our empire lost all the territory north of the northern line of defense."

"In so many confrontations between me and Albert, the only battle that can be regarded as past is probably the fifth large-scale offensive of the Britannia Empire."

"Before the Britannia Empire launched this offensive, the Britannia Empire had already reached the northern line of defense of our Lorraine Empire."

"In this battle, I succeeded in blocking Albert's attack by relying on the geographical advantage of the northern defense line."

"This is the only defeat in the five large-scale offensives under the command of Albert. It is also the only battle in which Albert has defeated him in the dozen or so duels between me and Albert."

"It's just that... my only victory against Albert had too much luck, and I still relied on the geographical advantage of the northern line of defense to barely defeat Albert. Albert was at the time. Although I lost, the loss was not too great, so I am embarrassed to use this battle to show off..."

"Albert... really a terrible opponent..."

Speaking of this, Barr retracted his hands that were warmed over the campfire and pressed his elbows on his legs.

Barr's originally straight body came down late, as if there was no bone on his back, and the posture of his whole body was in a state of lack of energy.

"Albert, he is almost a nightmare to me now..."

"I just suddenly recalled the dozen or so duels with Albert, and my body was shaking with fear."

"The only way to suppress the fear in my heart can be through my habit of'warming hands with fire' to reduce stress and relieve emotions..."

"I told you just now? In Albert's third large-scale offensive, I was beaten so that I could only flee with a few cavalry."

"After successfully fleeing to a safe place with these cavalry soldiers, I looked at the soldiers with only a few people around, and then thought of the 120,000 army that had been wiped out in ashes. I was so painful that I wanted to commit suicide..."

"I remember it very clearly. It was the seventh time in a row that I lost to Albert's hands."

"I even pulled out the sword at the time and put it around my neck."

"It's just—after putting the sword around my neck and making a cut in my neck, I stopped again, not wanting to die."

After that, Barr put a smile on his face with a somewhat self-deprecating smile, and raised his head and pointed to his left neck.

Charles, who was sitting next to Barr, looked in the direction of Barr's fingers and found that there was a wound on Barr's left neck that was cut with a sharp tool and then closed.

As a good friend of Barr, Charles naturally knew about Barr's scar, and knew that Barr wanted to commit suicide, but in the end he did not commit suicide.

However, Charles had never known, and at the same time he was embarrassed to ask Barr why he didn't commit suicide again.

So Charles said in a half-joking tone:

"You want to commit suicide, but you don't want to commit suicide in the middle of it. I know it. Was it because you suddenly thought that there were still many wonderful things in your life that you hadn't tried, so you stopped suicide, did you?"

"It's not because of such a boring thing to stop suicide."

After Barr patted Shire on the shoulder angrily, he then said in a melancholy tone:

"I chose to remove the sword that was about to cut my artery because I realized that I still had a mission."

"Mission?" Charles asked strangely.

"Well, yes, it's the mission."

The pain and melancholy on Baal's face gradually disappeared.

A faint smile gradually hung on his face.

"At that time, after putting the sword on my neck and cutting my neck open, I suddenly remembered how I had a big quarrel with my father when I was young, and then resolutely went to join the army. And remembered my original intention of joining the army..."

"When I was young, my father always wanted me to inherit the family's property, but I refused, because I wanted to join the army, and I wanted to use the sword in my hand to protect all the people of the motherland and prevent them from being affected by anything. Attacks from foreign enemies. So when I chose to join the army, I had a big fight with my father because of disagreements with him."

"This is my original intention of joining the army, not for how high a status or honor I get, but just to stand in front of the people and keep foreign enemies out."

"At that moment, I remembered my original intention of joining the army, and remembered that behind me, there are many ordinary citizens who need my protection."

"So, I put down the sword that I planned to commit suicide."

"While putting down the sword, I also swear to my soul."

Barr clenched the right fist that had just been released, and then slowly raised it in front of him.

Looking directly at the clenched right fist in front of him, the eyes that were originally full of pain and melancholy gradually ignited a bright brilliance and a bold flame called "fighting spirit".

"Even if the talent and talent are not as good as Albert, I will stand firm in front of Albert again and again!"

"Even in the confrontation with Albert, I have been defeated and defeated, but I will be defeated and defeated again and again!"

"I will no longer cowardly choose to commit suicide to escape and I will no longer choose to give up. As long as I still have a breath, I will not allow Albert and the invaders to ravage our citizens and Land!"

"I am the general of the Luolin Empire! As long as I can still swing the sword, I will swing the sword again and again for those who can't do it!"

"As long as I think of the countless civilians behind me, I will be as strong as a fountain! When I think of this, no matter how scared Albert is in my heart, I will also have the courage and strength to face him and defeat him! "


Barr moved his gaze away from the clenched right fist in front of him, moved to Charles's face beside him, looked straight at Charles, and then said with a serious face:

"Even if I have been defeated miserably in Albert's hands, I will not give in and give in. Even if I have been defeated by Albert's hands 99 times, I will not give in. I will still rack my brains and find a way. Defeat Albert for the 100th time."

Speaking of this, the corners of Barr's mouth suddenly turned up slightly, revealing an intriguing smile.

"Now, the first stage of the'Headless Snake Combat' that I designed has ended successfully. Albert has already joined his vanguard forces and is coming towards me."

Barr suddenly reached out a hand to Charles, the smile on his face seemed a little more confident.

"Charle, this time in the'Headless Snake Combat', let's let Albert have a taste of what it feels like to be killed by someone who has been pressing and beating him!"

After listening to Barr's words full of momentum and confidence, Charles was stunned for a few moments.

Afterwards, Charles let out a series of hearty laughs, and after shouting "OK", he stretched out his hand and clasped Barr's outstretched hand tightly together.

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