Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 3 Chapter 272: Attack on Lyle City (Part 2)

July 18th, 290th in the Imperial Calendar of the Britannia Empire.

19:27 pm.

Within the Luolin Empire, on the south bank of the Shunau River, Lyle City, Eugene’s office.

Eugene feels very irritable now.

A few hours ago, after reading the military letter passed by Erde, Eugene began to feel very upset.

Thanks to this irritable mood, he is now terribly inefficient in handling military affairs.

The military affairs in his hand have been held in his hands for nearly half an hour. Instead, it only takes about 10 minutes to process this military affairs. But because of his irritability, office efficiency has seriously declined. It took more than half an hour, and he couldn't handle the military affairs in front of him.

After Eugene sighed slightly, he put down the military affairs in his hand, then took the sword placed aside, hung it on his left waist, and strode out of the office.

——He intends to walk outside, relax, and relieve the irritability in his heart.

Eugene himself couldn't figure out where the irritability in his heart came from.

Although the Britannia army that wiped out Simeon’s army seemed to be coming to the south, Eugene didn’t worry that the Britannia army would come over.

Because according to the information transmitted by Erd, the Britannia army that had completely wiped out Simeon’s army seemed to be just a cavalry unit with a total strength of about 4,000 to 6,000.

Eugène dare to be sure--

As long as the commander of this Britannia army has some brains, he will never come to attack him!

He now holds a 5000 army and sits in Lyle City.

Although the city of Lyle is just too small a city, it is always a city.

Therefore, Eugène can be said to have a convenient location.

If the Britannia army intends to attack him, it means that it is coming to attack the city of Lyle.

To conquer a city by force, the force of the siege party must be at least five times that of the defender.

In other words, if the Britannia army intends to attack him, at least 25,000 troops will do.

And this Britannia Army, which seems to be heading south, whose specific movements are unknown, has a total strength of only 4000 to 6000, and the number of troops is equal to him, and this Britannia Army is also full of cavalry!

Anyone with a little brain would not abuse the cavalry so much and let expensive cavalry dismount to attack the city. Even if the strength of their cavalry is far above the defender, no one will do this, let alone on both sides. The situation is about the same.

Therefore, Eugene was certain that this Bretonian army, whose movements were unknown, would never attack him.

Therefore, he is still very safe now, as long as he always wants to continue to guard the surroundings of Lyle City.

However, even if Eugène told himself over and over again in his heart, "I am safe here, and the Britannia army will not come to attack here", Eugène still feels very upset in his heart.

So why am I so upset... There is always an ominous premonition in my heart...

——While maintaining such a question, Eugene walked quickly out of his office and boarded the western wall of Lyle City.

Although the soldiers standing on the west side of the city wall guarding the city wall did not know Eugene, they did not recognize that this young man who suddenly climbed the city wall was now the highest officer and the highest person in charge of the city.

But after seeing the extraordinary long sword that Eugene hung on his left waist, he immediately recognized that this young man must be a high-level general, so he immediately raised his hand and walked towards Roulin. The military salute of the empire.

Eugene waved his hand and signaled that they didn't need to carry luggage with him, and walked quickly to the edge of the city wall.

It is already the evening of July 18th. Because it is summer and the day is longer, so even if it is past 19 o'clock, the sun has not yet completely descended from the mountain, and the sun is still some distance away from the horizon.

The sun, which has not completely set on the horizon, is still working hard to spray the sun outwards.

The afterglow of the setting sun, the sky that was stained dark yellow, the flock of birds slackingly flying in the sky, the shadows of various things on the ground that were dragged by today’s last sunlight... all of this together constitutes A beautiful evening scene.

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, Eugene, whose expression had never been rich, couldn't help but tilt his mouth slightly with joy at this time.

The irritability in my heart also subsides unconsciously.

As Eugène continued to revel in the beautiful scenery in front of him, he suddenly found that something strange suddenly appeared in his sight.

——Some strange black lines suddenly appeared on the skyline in the distance.

What's that?

Eugene asked like this in his heart, while squinting his eyes, staring into the distance.

Not only did something strange suddenly appear in the field of vision, but even the ears heard some strange sounds.

——It is like the sound of thunder, and it feels that the sound is getting louder and louder.

Just the next moment after Eugene stared at the horizon far ahead, at the junction with the ground that day, a cloud of dust and smoke gradually emerged, which soon covered half of the sky.

And the strange thing that suddenly appeared on the skyline slowly revealed his figure.

——That is a thin black line, and forming this thin black line is one cavalry one after another, all covered in black armor.

After seeing the cavalry squadron suddenly appearing to the west of Lyle City and rushing towards Lyle City at high speed, Eugène immediately felt that the chills all over his body should be horrified and treed.

His eyes, which had been half-squinted, suddenly widened because of being too shocked.

However, Eugene is also a leader among the younger generation of the army of the Rollin Empire who has experienced many battles.

So after a brief shock, Eugene reacted quickly.

"The enemy is coming!! Pull up the north gate and the south gate!!!"

Eugene yelled at the soldiers not far from him.

"Yes, yes!"

The soldiers not far from Eugene were a little dazed by Eugene's roar, but they responded quickly, and after a loud answer, they were divided into two groups and walked quickly towards Peking University. Ran to the two places of the gate and the south gate.

After watching these soldiers to carry out his military orders, Eugene turned his head back and stared at the huge cavalry squadrons that had completely "flooded" from the skyline, with a total strength of about 4,000 to 6,000~www. Is the Britannia Army serious..." Eugene gritted his teeth, "Is the commander of this Britannia Army a lunatic? ! Is he really planning to use a cavalry force equal to that of the defender to attack the city? ! "

The cavalry of the Britannia is fast, but the defender of Lyle is faster.

The defenders of Lyle City succeeded in closing the two exits of Lyle City, the North Gate and the South Gate, before the Britonian cavalry rushed to the city.

However, after this british cavalry squadron rushed to the city of Lyle, which had closed its gates, it immediately divided into 4 small units.

These four small forces rushed to the four sides of Lyle City respectively.


At this time, under the west wall of Lyle City.


The commander of the 4th Army respectfully reported to Deng Jiaerhui.

"The whole army has been successfully divided into 4 units, and they have looked at the 4 walls of Lyle City! No one will be allowed to leave Lyle City! Lyle City has now become an isolated city! The people inside! There will never be a way to go out and ask for reinforcements!"

"Yeah. Very good." Deng Jiaer nodded and smiled with satisfaction.

"Okay, Deng Jiaer." Alan, who was next to Deng Jiaer, yawned greatly. "We are now under the city of Lyle. How do you plan to use cavalry with a total force of less than the defender? The team is coming to siege the city?"

"Well, if I follow my plan, it may take a few days to capture the city of Lyle." Deng Jiaer smiled mysteriously, "Anyway-Alan, when you arrive tonight, I can know how I plan to attack the city."

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