Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 3 Chapter 273: Round table meeting (part 1)

Almost as soon as Dengjiaer, who was on the southern front and the eastern battlefield, led his troops to the city of Lyle, he embarked on a siege war, while Albert on the central battlefield was chasing and killing Barr--

The restaurant of the Britannia Empire, Pendragon, Owen.

Since Kylor followed Su Cheng to Pendragon, she has been working under Owen's hands, working in Owen's restaurant.

Owen is a well-known chef of Pendragon. His restaurant has gained a huge popularity because of the delicious food he cooks. When a meal comes, there is basically no space in his restaurant.

Since Kylor came to Pendragon almost a year ago, after working under Owen, the business of Owen's restaurant can be said to have taken a step forward.

Kellore's father was a very skilled chef, and Kellore, who learned from her father, naturally inherited his father's superb cooking skills perfectly.

Irving has said personally more than once that Kylor's culinary skills are not below him.

And because Kellore is a purebred Hiran, her cooking style carries a heavy holy Hiran empire style, which is "exotic style" for the Britannias.

Therefore, because Kellore’s cooking style has a strong "exotic style" compared with Irving, it has attracted a lot of customers who were not interested in Irving's cooking.

Therefore, since Kylor worked under Irving a year ago, Kylor has successfully helped Irving greatly expand the customer base of Irving’s restaurants.

In addition to helping Owen's restaurant greatly expand its customer base, Kylor is also very hardworking and capable.

Kylor was born as a village girl. She was perfused by her parents with the idea that "people must have to work, and those who don’t work are shameful people". So Kylor has been helping her family with things since she was a child, helping her with something. Housework within your power.

It is precisely because of the education of his parents and the exercise of doing housework since childhood that Kylor is very hardworking. While working very hard, he does every job very well.

Kylor is not only capable of meticulous work, but also capable of hard work.

Because Kylor was born as a village girl, his bones are not soft at all. If Kylor bends his arms, you can even see the small muscles on Kylor's arms.

In terms of strength, Kylor was even bigger than Su Cheng.

Sometimes, after some new goods, such as white rice, are delivered, when Owen can’t get out of her body, Kylor will carry that bag after bag of rice bags that are almost half her height. Into the kitchen.

And the efficiency is not low, Kylor, who is quite strong, can carry 2 large packages of rice into the kitchen at a time.

Helping to make more money + being very hardworking = offering it like a baby.

The above formula can be perfectly applied to Kylor in Owen's sight.

Over the past year, Owen has always offered Kylor as a baby.

Precisely because Irving treats Kylor as a baby, Kylor's monthly salary has also risen. From the first few thousand per month, it has risen to 13,000 British langs a month now.

Such a salary, even in Pendragon, is an astronomical figure for a working chef.

But Irving still wondered if it was too low for Kyroll, and was always thinking about whether to give Kyroll another salary increase so that Kyroll could stay in his restaurant well.

In fact, Irving didn't know that even if he hadn't raised Kylor's salary, Kylor would not leave his restaurant now.

Because Kylor doesn't care about the money anymore.

Since defeating the Lund Kingdom rescue battle that was enough to shine through in history, Su Cheng has received a generous reward and has become a small rich man with nearly 10 million assets.

Therefore, even if Kylor does not go to work or make money to subsidize the family, the money they now have is enough to live well for decades.

Therefore, the purpose of Kellore's work now is no longer to "work to make money and support the family" at the beginning, but to "work if you want to work."

——After all, he has been perfused with the idea that "people who don't work are shameful people" since childhood, making Kylor now completely unable to live a daily life without work.

It is now nearly 20 o'clock on the afternoon of July 18, 290, in the British Imperial Calendar.

Now it’s time for dinner, but instead of the past, Irving’s restaurant must have been crowded long ago.

Owen and Kylor are busy in the kitchen, and Lycra, the only waiter in the store, turns around at the various tables in the restaurant.

——However, none of these sights happened tonight.

It was nearly 20 o'clock on the evening of July 18th, and when it was already dinner time of the day, there weren't even a single guest in Owen's restaurant.

However, the reason is actually very simple.

It's not that the old customers in the restaurant are collectively brainstorming and don't want to come here for dinner tonight, but because Owen's restaurant is closed today.

Outside the restaurant, a paper with the words "Closed Today" was posted on a large scale.

Because there are quite a few people who are illiterate, in order to let these illiterate people know that they are out of business today, a big red cross is drawn vividly on this piece of paper.

As for why it is closed today, the reason is also very simple-Irving intends to clean up the restaurant inside and out after a long absence today.

In order to better clean up the restaurant, Owen decided to close the business for one day today to prevent any guests from coming in.

As for the people who do the general cleaning, it is naturally all the employees in the restaurant.

There are not many employees in Owen’s restaurant.

Including Owen, there are only three people: Owen, Kylor, the only waiter in the store, and Lycra, a red-haired girl about the same age as Kylor.

The three of them started to clean the restaurant in the morning today. They cleaned the restaurant inside and out. From morning to night, they finally completed the cleaning of the entire restaurant at about 20 o'clock in the evening.


"Ah... I'm so tired... So cleaning is so tired... The manager, for my hard work today, give me a bonus. I just happen to have a dress that I really want to buy. "

The only waiter in the store and Lycra, who has a very good relationship with Kylor, after completing the "cleaning" task, she was like a puddle of mud, lying limp on a certain table in the restaurant, while He moaned, and after the painful groans, he asked Owen, who was sitting not far away, for his salary.

"Huh? It's just for sanitation. Are you embarrassed to ask me for a bonus?"

Owen, who was sitting not far from Lycra, fanned herself with the palm of her hand, and said so irritably.

Although Owen and Lycra are the relationship between the boss and his subordinates, the two are actually friends at the same time, so they are often not very polite when they talk in private.

After rejecting Lycra's bonus request in one mouthful, Owen paused, and then continued:

"It's not impossible to want a raise. I will consider giving you a bonus when your cleaning efficiency can reach the level of Kylor's next time you do another cleaning."


Lycra's face collapsed instantly after hearing Owen's words.

"Kellore is too good! How could I be able to achieve the cleaning efficiency of Kellore?!"

"You can go to Kylor and ask her how to clean more efficiently."

After hearing Owen's words, Lycra turned his head and asked pitifully Kylor, who was also resting not far away from her:

"Kelor, how can you be able to clean up like you? Is there any secret? I want to learn a few tricks!"

"Eh? The secret to cleaning..."

Kylor was a little confused on his face, after scratching his hair, an apologetic smile appeared on his face, and then he said to Lycra:

"Sorry, I don't have any cleaning tips... If you insist, practice makes perfect. After all, I have been helping with housework since I can remember."

Today, Owen and Lycra can be regarded as seeing how powerful Kylor is in cleaning ~ ~ Not only does the cleaning efficiency far exceed the two of them, even the effect is far better than the two of them.

Kylor arranged at least half of the sweeping and cleaning activities today.

Lycra's face collapsed again after hearing Kylor's words.

"Hey...Is there any secret...I really want to work hard next time to improve hygiene, and then use the bonus to buy skirts..."


——As soon as Lycra's voice fell, there was a sound of carriages outside the restaurant.

The sound of the carriage was very loud, so the attention of the three people of Kylor in the restaurant was all absorbed by it, and the three of them all followed the sound of the carriage and looked out.

At this time, the door of the restaurant was not closed, so all three of them saw a luxurious carriage passing by outside the restaurant.

Judging from the style of the carriage, it can be seen that this carriage is not a carriage at the Central Horse Station, but a private carriage.

In this world, people who can own a private carriage are undoubtedly either nobles or wealthy people who are too rich.

In other words, just having your own private carriage is a very incredible thing, let alone owning a very luxurious private carriage.

"That car just now is so luxurious..." Lycra murmured, "I feel like I can't afford one without eating or drinking for 10 years..."

"Huh? Do you think your salary will be doubled in the future?" Irving said grumpily, "Your current salary, let alone 10 years, even if you don't eat or drink for 20 years, you can't afford that carriage. "

"Um... you hate the manager!"

While Owen and Lyle were bickering daily, Kylor murmured:

"It feels like a lot of luxury carriages have driven into Pendragon recently..."

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