The next day, early morning.

  Although the enemy is now, Abbott still slept well. When he got out of the bed while yawning, a soldier broke into his camp and shouted:

   "Chief Abbott! The Britannia Army has taken action! It seems to have launched an offensive!"

   After hearing the words of the soldiers, Abbott’s remaining sleepiness disappeared, and he walked out of the camp in three steps and two steps quickly.

   Looking outside, he found that the soldiers of the Britannia Army were slowly moving and forming a formation.

   "The order goes on! Let the soldiers be prepared! Prepare to resist the enemy's attack!"


   Abbott watched the Britannia army with all his attention, his brows gradually frowned.

   "Strange," he murmured, "How come the Britannia army is so small? It looks like there are only about 3,000 people..."

   But soon his brows stretched out again.

   The Britannia Army defeated 15,000 of the Central Route Army with 5,000 men. Although it has a brilliant record, it is normal to suffer heavy casualties. After all, it is 1 to 3 troops.

"I don't know what happened to Abel's Left Army..." Abbott continued to murmur, "According to time calculations, he should have arrived in Cordoba. I don't know if he has arrived in Cordoba now. Still say..."

   Thinking of this, Abbott shook his head abruptly, and muttered in his heart: Don’t think about these many and not! Regardless of whether Abel's left army is intact, it is not what I should consider now. I should concentrate on defeating the Britannia army in front of me now!

   Soon, the Britannia army under the hill set up a formation and attacked the hill with a neat pace!

   Abbott suddenly pulled out the war sword from his waist and shouted:

   "The whole army is ready!!"

   The soldiers of the Abbot Army on the hill also tensed their nerves and became concentrated.

   After the Britannia Army approached a certain distance, the crossbowmen prepared on the hill threw their arrows towards the Britannia Army.

   Suddenly, many soldiers of the Britannia Army were shot by arrows and fell while crying.

   Even so, the soldiers of the Britannia Army still marched toward the hill in a neat step, lined up in formation, and headed toward the hill in a rain of arrows.

   After a while, the Britannia Army successfully arrived under the hill and began to try to climb the hill.

   However, the Abbots occupied a favorable position, and a variety of emergency fortifications were placed on the hills, which severely hindered the offensive of the Britannia Army.

   And to the surprise of the soldiers of the Abbots Army, the soldiers of the Britannia Army's offensive was so soft that they easily blocked their offensive.

   The Britannia army began to retreat after discovering that the offensive was unfavorable.

   When the Britannia army retreated, it did not have the tight and neat formation of the previous attack, and the team and formation became loose.

   The Britannia army retreated to the spot in a mess.

   On the hill, Abbot and other generals of Abbot’s army witnessed all this.

   "Chief Abbott," the lieutenant next to Abbott said to Abbott, "it seems that this Britannia army is not too powerful, the attack is soft, and the retreat is messy."

   And Abbott still kept his face calm and did not say a word. But seeing the soft offensive and terrible retreat of the Britannia Army, I still raised my eyebrows.

   However, after the initial offensive was unfavorable, the Britons did not seem to be discouraged. They reorganized their soldiers, formed a formation, and continued to march toward the hills at a neat pace to launch an offensive.

   It's just that the process and result are exactly the same as in the first attack.

The Britannia army stared at the arrow rain and rushed to the hill below. After the actual offensive began, it was blocked by the Abbots on the hill. The Britannia army was frustrated again. Withdrew back.

   Looking at the Britannia army who had withdrawn again in a mess, Abbott no longer kept his face calm, and a smile began to appear on his face.

He turned his head and said to his lieutenant: "It seems that the Britannia Army is really not so good. I thought their coach would do something to attack this hill. I didn't expect it would only be a brainless attack. That’s all, let’s take a strong offense. The offensive strength is also soft. Like cotton, the retreat is also disorderly. It seems that the coach of this Britannia army is really nothing extraordinary, a mediocre one."

"Leader," the lieutenant said, "Since the Bretonian army retreats disorderly, how about we rush down the hill to attack them when their next attack is frustrated and begins to retreat? Order wars are disorderly, and we will be able to win a big victory. We have been nesting on the hills and stalemate with the Britannia army is not a way. If they give up the aggressive attack and fight with us, we will be in danger. ."

   After hearing the deputy's suggestion, Abbott closed his mouth tightly, without saying a word, a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

   After the second attack was frustrated, the Britannia Army seemed to have not given up. It continued to organize soldiers and re-arranged a neat formation.

   Looking at the Britannia Army who was about to launch a soft offensive again, many soldiers of the Abbot Army began to sneer.

   Soon, the Britons lined up and marched towards the hill. Repeat the previous two offensive processes and results:

The Britannia Army came to the bottom of the hill under the rain of arrows, and when it attacked the hill, it was still a soft attack. It was easily blocked by the Abbots, and the frustrated Britannia attacked again. Withdrew in a mess.

   And this time when the Britannia Army was withdrawing, the Abbots on the hill burst into bursts of laughter, and even Abbots smiled.

  Many soldiers laughed loudly while uttering unbearable abuse and mockery:

   "What are you doing? Didn't you eat? How to attack the softness?"

   "I just saw that in your Britannia army, most of them are male soldiers. Why do you start fighting? There are no female soldiers powerful yet, do you have no eggs?"

   "Learn how to swing a gun vigorously and come and fight us again!"


   The Britannia army launched 3 consecutive attacks, one come and two, and it was over in the morning, and it was noon.

   The Britannia Army also stopped the offensive and began to eat lunch. Seeing that the Britannia army began to rest and eat lunch, Abbot also ordered the army to rest, eat lunch, replenish physical strength, and prepare for the afternoon battle.

While eating, Abbot also quietly approached his lieutenant, and said to his lieutenant: "In the afternoon, if the Britannia army launches another offensive, when the offensive fails and begins to retreat, you will rate 4,500 people down the mountain to attack. The Britannia Army, I will lead 500 people to stay on the hill. This important task is entrusted to you. Don't let me down."

Hearing that the leader entrusted such an important task to himself, the lieutenant was overjoyed and said: "The leader can rest assured, I will complete the task! The Britannia army under the mountain now has about 3,000 people, and I command 4,500 people, which is far more than that. They, and they retreat disorderly, we seize the opportunity of their retreat to attack them, and fight disorderly in an orderly manner. Chief, tell me how to lose? Just attack directly!"

   Abbott smiled and patted the lieutenant on the shoulder.

   "It's impossible to lose, don't live up to my expectations, play beautifully, and prepare after dinner. We will wipe out the Britannia army here this afternoon!"



   In the afternoon, after UU reading, the Britannia army was full of food and rest, and, as expected by Abbott, once again slowly formed its formation and was ready to attack.

   Seeing that the Britannia army was about to attack again, the soldiers on the hill burst into laughter again.

   The Britannia army set up the formation again to repeat the previous process and results.

   advance, attack, and then retreat disorderly.

   While on the hill, the lieutenant who had been prepared for a long time saw that the Britannia army had finally begun to retreat, and it was still retreating in a mess like before, his face was full of joy that could not be covered.

   pulled out the war sword from his waist, and shouted: "Clash with me! Kill the enemy!!"

   "Oh oh oh!!"

   The Abbots, who had long been full of contempt for the Britannia Army, also actively responded loudly.

   Then, under the leadership of the lieutenant, a total of 4,500 people rushed down from the hill, preparing to eat the Britannia army that was retreating in a mess.


   At this moment, in the Britannia army that is retreating in a mess.

   Su Cheng looked at the rebel army rushing down the hill, squinted his eyes and turned his mouth slightly upwards.

   "You finally got fooled, Abbott. It's not wasted that we acted for a long time, and so many soldiers died."

   At this moment, somewhere hidden in another direction of the hill.

   Deng Jiaer, who has been closely watching the movements on the hill, flashed with excitement after seeing a large number of rebels finally rushing down from the hill.

   turned his head and said to Alan next to him:

   "Alan! It's now! Take the 1500 soldiers here and take all the flags to attack the mountain!"

   Alan twisted her neck and made a "click" sound of joint movement.


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