Last night, the crusade army commander camp.

   "In the afternoon, I circled the hill where the rebel army was stationed."

Su Cheng sat on a chair, tapping the table rhythmically with his fingers, and slowly said: "How can I say, the fortifications of the rebel army are well arranged. After two encounters with the enemy's Central Army and the Left Army, During the Great War, the total number of our army dropped from 5,000 to 4,500, which is slightly less than the enemy's number. When the number is slightly less than that of the enemy's army, there is no way to use a strong attack to attack this hill."

   After listening to Su Cheng's words, the five captains of the Thousand-man team looked at each other.

   A captain of the Thousand-man team with conspicuous red short hair asked: "So, General, what should we do now? Do you want to ask for reinforcements?"

  As soon as the red-haired captain of the Thousands of Talents spoke, the other Thousands of Talents captain immediately said:

"General! Why don't we ask for reinforcements. Five-sixths of the rebel army has been defeated by us. This battle is now a victory for our Britannia empire! The enemy is now There are only 5,000 people trapped on a small hill, and there is no big storm. I think the best strategy now is to ask for reinforcements and supplies, and then fight the rebel army! Let’s surround it for a few months, The rebel army without supplies will destroy itself without attack!"

   The proposal of the captain of the Thousands of People led the other captains of the Thousands of People to nod frequently, expressing their agreement with this captain's strategy.

   However, only Su Cheng did not nod.

   Su Cheng narrowed his eyes and chuckled lightly.

"You don't need to be so troublesome as a war of soldiers and food." Su Cheng waved his hand. "I have already had a plan after I circled the hill. If it goes well, we will be on the hill tomorrow night. Have dinner!"

   Su Cheng's words surprised Deng Jiaer and the five thousand-man team captains.

   Deng Jiaer looked at Su Cheng in surprise and said: "Sir, have you come up with a strange strategy so soon?"

   "Ah, yes. But it's not a miracle."

"The enemy army is on this small hill and has many fortifications. The enemy army is like a tortoise staying in the shell of a tortoise. If we attack this shell of a tortoise, we will only suffer heavy casualties, and in the end it may happen. It’s impossible to break the shell. So we have to find a way to get the tortoise inside the shell out of the shell, as long as it comes out, it’s easy."

   "But..." the captain of the Redhead Thousands of People asked, "How can we get the enemy out of the tortoise shell?"

   "Let them feel that there is no need to stay in the tortoise shell anymore."

   Su Cheng continued to tap the wooden table rhythmically and began to make arrangements.

   "We will now divide our 4,500-man army into two parts, one part is 3,000 people, and the other part is 1,500 people. I will personally control the 3,000 people, and we will storm the hills tomorrow morning!"

   "Strike the hill?!" the captain of the Redhead Thousands of People exclaimed, "Isn't it said that the hill can't be attacked by a strong attack?"

"Yeah, so I didn’t plan to attack this hill with 3,000 people alone. Not only did I not intend to do it, but I didn’t intend to fight it seriously. Tomorrow’s 3,000 people will pretend to be vulnerable, and attack softly. Mian weak, panic when retreating. The purpose is to confuse the enemy and make the enemy feel that our Britannia army is vulnerable."

"The leader of this rebel army, if he has a bit of brains, he should also be able to see how bad his situation is now. According to this small hill, it is only a helpless move. After all, he is not clear about the enemy's movements. , Reckless action will only be easier to summon destruction."

"And if our Britannia army fought him a war of arms, he would be in trouble, so he must be very anxious now, eager to defeat our Britannia army, and then break this The deadlock, as long as we beat us, he still has a chance to grow the team and make a comeback."

"Furthermore, their rebel army generally has the problem of being arrogant and underestimating the enemy. When fighting the Anton Army and the Abel Army before, they all had this problem. I observed the previous movements and achievements of the Abbot Army and found that He has a great probability of having this problem."

"A person who is eager to win and has pride and underestimation of the enemy, sees the enemy's performance is very bad and vulnerable, what will he think? He may rush down the mountain to cover and kill us, and if he wants to cover up our 3000 Human forces require him to deploy more than half of his troops, and at this time the strength of the hills will be extremely empty."

"At this time, our other 1,500 troops have come to play. We will arrange these 1,500 troops in a hidden place overnight tonight. When we find that the enemy troops are all rushing down from the hills. , These 1,500 people rushed to the already empty hill with the fastest speed, controlled the hill, and removed all the enemy flags on it, and replaced it with our Britannia Empire. Flag, and then descend the mountain and the 3,000 people under the hill will attack the enemy force that rushes down the mountain together."

   "At this point, we have almost won. Imagine that the army rushing down the mountain finds that its base camp is full of the flag of the Britannia Empire. What do you think?"

   After finishing all his tactics, Su Cheng took his own cup next to him and drank some water, moistened his a little dry voice, and by the way gave the five thousand-man team captains and Deng Jiaer some time to cushion.

   The five captains of the Thousand Team and Deng Jiaer swallowed at the same time.

   "Sir," Deng Jiaer said, "Your strategy, a big part of it is to bet that Abbot will be arrogant and will send troops down the mountain."

"Yes, I am betting." Su Cheng readily admitted, "There is no battle that will definitely be won in this world. Any battle has a gambling element. Every famous player is an excellent gambler. It’s just that they will try their best to increase the probability of winning their bet. I think this strategy has a success rate of more than 50%, so I think it’s worth the bet."

   The captain of the Red-Haired Thousands of Team thoughts for a while, and took the lead to speak:

"I agree with the general's strategy. Although there is a gambling element, the general is right. No battle is guaranteed to be won. If other countries know that our Britannia army will deal with a group of peasant rebels, it will pay. We need to fight a war of attrition, I'm afraid it will make a big ridicule of our Britannia Empire."

   "I also agree with the general's strategy! We don't need to fight any war with the peasant rebel army!"

   "Yes! I agree too!"

   "Me too!"

   Su Cheng's strategy was unanimously agreed by the 5 thousand captains present.

   "Since all the captains have agreed to my strategy, the next step is to make specific combat deployments."

   "Tomorrow, I will personally direct the 3,000 people responsible for deceiving the enemy, as for the 1,500 people responsible for surprise attacks..."

   Su Cheng pondered for a while, then turned his head to Deng Jiaer.

   "Deng Jiaer, you will be in charge."

   "Me, me?" Deng Jiaer pointed at himself in surprise, "Don't you let the five thousand-man team captains command?"

   "It's up to you to command. Bring Alan with Alan, which is equivalent to one hundred and one thousand five hundred people attacking the mountain."

   Deng Jiaer shook his hand hurriedly.

   "But, but, I have never commanded troops, how could I suddenly command 1,500 people! And it is such an important battle, I will mess it up, no way! Can't let me command!"

   "I haven't commanded troops before, and I was suddenly asked to command 5,000 people. Now I still destroy five-sixths of the enemy's troops."


   "It's nothing!"

   Su Cheng interrupted her roughly, then stood up and patted Deng Jiaer on the shoulder.

"Believe in yourself, you also have a good commanding talent. Under the observation of this period of time, I have discovered this of yours, and you can do it. Moreover, your dream is not to become a Megatron. The general or general? If you want to become a general or general in the Britannia Empire, you have to become a four-imperial knight or even a unified knight. If you are even these 1,500 people Don't dare to command, let alone unite the knights, you can't even do the Four Royal Knights!"

   After listening to Su Cheng's words, the color of resistance on Deng Jiaer's face gradually dissipated, and the color of determination gradually appeared.

   "Hmm!" Deng Jiaer nodded hard, "Tomorrow I will do my best to take down the hill!"


   On the hill, Abbot triumphantly watched his Britannia army under the hill conceal the 4500 army.

   There was a smile on his face, and he felt that he could already see the sight of this Britannia army being wiped out.

   Suddenly, behind him came a series of rapid footsteps and a voice full of panic:

   "Boss, something big happened!!"

   "What are you panicking." Abbott said flatly without turning his head back, "No matter what happens, don't panic. Keep calm."

   "Boss! An enemy rushed up the mountain... Ahhh!!"

   Before he could finish speaking, the people behind him let out a scream.

   Abbott turned his head abruptly, and found a blood hole in the heart of the soldier behind him. Seeing that the wound was pierced by a weapon similar to a spear, the wound was still bleeding out.

   And behind this soldier is a cute little girl with a **** spear, short brown hair and green eyes.

   The murderous little girl raised her eyes and looked at Abbott. Abbott instantly felt a feeling of being stared at by ferocious animals such as tigers and bears.

   Abbott hurriedly raised his right hand and went to probe the war sword hanging around his waist.

   However, he just touched the scabbard of the sword with his right hand and pulled it out a bit, then he felt a sharp pain in his throat.

Abbott moved his eyes with difficulty and looked down, and found that the long spear in the little girl's hand had pierced his throat, and only a little bit of the spear tip was still exposed. It seems that most of the spear tip had entered him. Throat.

   Abbott felt that his consciousness was gradually blurred, and his eyes were getting darker and darker, and slowly he could no longer see the scenery in front of him.


   When Alan saw that the person in front of him who was stabbed in the throat was dead, he turned his spear and drew out the gun in his hand.

   The person whose neck was pierced by her, there is only a big hole in the throat, and only a little skin on the neck is connected to the head.

   "Quick, quick! Replace all the flags on this hill with the flag of our Britannia Empire!"

Dunjaer, who followed Alan, divided the soldiers into two parts. One part was responsible for killing the defenders on the hills, and the other part was responsible for pulling out the enemy's flags on the hills and replacing them with the Britannia Empire. Ensign.

   Under the orderly command of Deng Jiaer, the two groups of soldiers cooperated very well and quickly completed the tasks that each other was responsible for.

   "Deng Jiaer," Alan turned his head and talked to Deng Jiaer, "I just pierced the man in the neck. He is well dressed. It seems to be the leader of the enemy army, Abbott."

   After hearing Alan's words, Deng Jiaer showed joy on his face, walked quickly to Alan's side, and looked at Abbott who had just been stabbed to death by Alan.

Seeing Abbott who died in a miserable state, Deng Jiaer's face became ugly, but he still resisted the desire to vomit, and said: "I don't know if it is Abbott, if it is Abbott, then That’s great, we can already be considered a win."

   Followed Deng Jiaer and assisted the red-haired Thousand-man team captain under Deng Jiaer's command, came to Deng Jiaer's side, and said:

   "Miss Deng Jiaer! We have successfully replaced all the flags on the hills with the flags of our Britannia Empire! And we are also ready to rush down the mountain and flanking the enemy forces that rushed down the mountain with the general!"

   "Okay! Later, the whole army will shout in unison: The base camp is broken! Quickly surrender!"



   under the hill.

   "Asshole! Why have these guys' attacks become so sharp!" the lieutenant scolded.

   Just now when he commanded 4,500 people to rush down the mountain to cover up the 3,000-man Britannia army, originally according to his assumption, this retreating Britannia army must be defeated by him.

   And when this Britannia army saw them rushing down the mountain, they were retreating disorderly, and they immediately set up a neat and tight army at an amazing speed to meet them.

   The speed of the formation of the Britannia Army made the lieutenant dumbfounded.

   Not only that, the combat effectiveness of the Britannia Army is also completely different from the combat effectiveness it showed when it attacked the mountain before.

   The fierce fighting power of the Britannia Army made the entire Abbots army startled.

   What about your soft attack before? !

   Now, the lieutenant’s original idea has been overturned, and the 4,500 people on his side and the 3,000 people of the Britannia Army have fallen into a stalemate and see-saw.

After realizing this, the lieutenant has also realized that there is no point in fighting anymore. Although there are more people on his side than the Britannia Army, the single combat power of the Britannia Army is far greater. Far surpassing them, and then they will lose the Abbot Army.

   Although very unwilling, the lieutenant can only order the withdrawal of troops and return to the hill.

   However, when the lieutenant turned his head, the sight that appeared in his eyes made him stupid directly in place, and even forgot to breathe.

   There are now no flags of their Abbots on the hills, and the hills are now all the flags of the Britannia Empire!

   It was not only the lieutenant who found out, but most of the soldiers discovered The anxiety and panic spread to the army like a plague.

   "Look! Our base camp is now full of the flags of the British Empire!"

   "Why is this?"

   "Could it be that our base camp was captured?"

   "What shall we do now?"


   Various uneasy voices rang from the army.

   At this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded on the hill:

   "The base camp has been broken!!! Quickly surrender!!!"

   "The base camp has been broken!!! Quickly surrender!!!"

   "The base camp has been broken!!! Quickly surrender!!!"


   yelled over and over again on the hill.

   The anxiety and panic of the Abbot’s army under the hill became more serious. Morale had fallen unknowingly, and the army slowly began to lose ground.

   Lieutenant General didn't know what to do at this time, his mouth opened wide, and he froze in place, not knowing what to do next.

   At this time, Su Cheng planned to play the finale for the messed up enemy army.

   He drew the war sword from his waist, raised his head high, and shouted:

   "The enemy's base camp has been captured by us!!!"


   The 3,000 people led by Su Cheng also saw the hills filled with their military flags and cheered.

   Su Cheng suddenly swung down the war sword that was raised high.

   "The whole army advances!! Give the enemy a final blow!!!"


   At the same time that Su Cheng issued an offensive order, the 1500 people commanded by Deng Jiaer on the hill also rushed down from the hill, and Su Cheng commanded 3000 people to flanking the enemy army that was already in chaos.

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