"Is Mr. Secretary practicing Xi strokes?"

Hearing Ambassador Longguo's words, Secretary of State Lighthouse instantly blushed.

This is a blatant mockery, a mockery of the state of the Secretary.

But the secretary of state has no intention of fighting back now, and the suspension of his body puts the secretary in great fear.

After all, the secretary of state has never been trained as an astronaut, nor has he any psychological preparation, and he is suddenly in a state of weightlessness, and the whole person is not good.

"Help, help!"

The Secretary of State shouted, his voice full of nervousness.

Ambassador Long shook his head and reached out to pull the Secretary of State out of the air.

After holding the hand of Ambassador Longguo, the Secretary of State had a point of focus, which stabilized his body.

Holding on to the railing next to him, the Secretary of State gasped for air.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Did you Dragon Kingdom do it on purpose?"

The Secretary of State Lighthouse looked at Ambassador Long with hostile eyes.

Zhang Feng, the ambassador of the Dragon Kingdom, raised his eyebrows and responded.

"Didn't Mr. Secretary of State drop the electromagnetic boots just now?"

As he spoke, Zhang Feng raised the soles of his feet to show the adsorption power of electromagnetic boots.

Only then did Secretary of State at the lighthouse understand that Zhang Feng had indeed not lied to himself just now.

This so-called metal shoe cover is really a necessary equipment for boarding the Kunpeng.

As the two spoke, the previous audience passed by the Secretary of State.

Everyone walks by with a sweaty, undressed secretary of state.

Although no one spoke to mock, the Secretary of State could tell from their eyes what they meant.

The look in his eyes seemed to say again, this is the dirt bun from there, and it is embarrassing to come here.

The Secretary of State of Lighthouse has been in politics for many years and has long developed an invulnerable face, but at this moment, the Secretary of State just wants to find a crack to get into.

"Mom and Dad, this foreigner is so funny, that action just now."

After walking away, Jiang Yao couldn't help but talk about the picture she had just seen the Secretary of State swimming in the air.

This reached the ears of the Secretary of State, and although he could not understand Chinese 937, the Secretary of State could know what they were talking about without thinking.

It wasn't until the rest of the audience had passed that the secretary finally spoke.

"Can you give me another pair of electromagnetic boots?"

The Secretary of State asked in a low voice.

If under normal circumstances, the Secretary of State would have made such a big fuss, and he would definitely have to retire.

If you lose such a big face, isn't it a joke for others to see if you don't leave?

But this time the secretary of state really can't go.

Today, this opportunity to board the Dragon Country aircraft carrier, if you miss it, you may never see it again.

For the aircraft carriers of the Dragon Country, the lighthouse can be said to know very little.

Except for the information that the Dragon Kingdom voluntarily disclosed, almost nothing is known.

For example, the field that has just given the Secretary of State a big eye is very valuable for research.

"Of course, we have this thing."

Zhang Feng, the ambassador of the Dragon Kingdom, said, and took out a pair of electromagnetic boots from his back, which was the pair that the Secretary of State had just lost.

The Secretary of State watched Ambassador Long pull out his electromagnetic boots, and his heart was full of resentment.

Zhang Feng has always been wearing electromagnetic boots, but he only took them out when he opened his mouth to ask for them, which was obviously playing tricks on himself.

But what can the secretary of state do, without electromagnetic boots, it can be said that it is difficult to move an inch on the Kunpeng.

The Secretary of State had just experienced it, and he didn't want to suffer that kind of crime again.

Taking a deep breath, the Secretary of State squeezed a sentence out of his teeth.

"Thank you."

Struggle to put on your electromagnetic boots.

After the boot was activated, the Secretary of State finally had a down-to-earth feeling.

It was only then that the Secretary of State recovered from the horror and embarrassment he had just had.

Then the Secretary of State realized something.

There are far more secrets of the Kunpeng than you imagined.

The experience of just floating in mid-air is enough to prove the special thing about the Kunpeng.

When you are on the ground, you can go into weightlessness, which is something that the Secretary of State could not have imagined before.

But he experienced it himself, and he had to believe it even if he didn't believe it.

The feeling of weightlessness all over his body is also a constant reminder of the current situation of the Secretary of State.

"Let's go, Mr. Secretary, we'll be late for a moment."

Ambassador Long Guo spoke.


The Secretary of State hurriedly followed.

Once you board the ship through the aisle, you will be taken directly to the spectator rest cabin, which has been prepared for a long time.

The route of embarkation avoided all potentially classified cabins.

What the audience can see is inconsequential and has no risk of being secret.

The control room of the USS Kunpeng.

"Report, all the relevant personnel have boarded the ship."

"Report, the boarding gate hatch is closed."

With all the spectators boarding the ship, the preparations for the Kunpeng before take-off have been completed.

The audience is allowed to board the boat to see the next Spring Festival special program.

There is a distance between the Tiannan Shipyard and the Jinwu Nuclear Power Plant.

The two specials may seem like little to do so, but they are actually inseparable.

After the Kunpeng's maiden flight, it will head to the Jinwu Nuclear Power Plant for the next round of special programs.

"How's it going over there?"

Standing in front of the console, Jiang Yuanzhou asked.

Soon, the reply from the Jinwu nuclear power plant came back.

"Jiang Guoshi, everything is normal with the reactor."

"The superconducting transmission network is also ready to take on current shocks at any time."

Listening to the reply from the Jinwu Nuclear Power Plant, Jiang Yuanzhou's mouth also brought a smile to the corner.

Everything is ready, and the rest is simple.

"Kunpeng, ready to take off!"

Jiang Yuanzhou's voice echoed in the Kunpeng's control room, and all the staff cheered up to deal with the Kunpeng's first ascension.

At the same time, this order was also transmitted to the Spring Festival program group along the communication channel.

Director Chen Da, who is the first director of Spring Night, is hurriedly directing dozens of cameras at this time.

"Aircraft No. 1, fly directly above the Kunpeng and take a panoramic view of the Kunpeng's takeoff."

"Aircraft No. 3 and No. 4, you are shooting from the side of the shipyard, and you want to take pictures of the Kunpeng slowly rising from the shipyard."

"There are also ground cameras, and the lens of the upward angle angle cannot be lost."

Director Chen's mind is all on how to shoot the Kunpeng better and make the picture more impactful.

"Roger, arrived at the intended location."

The Canglong fighter, who was in charge of shooting, quickly arrived at the location arranged by Director Chen and hovered in mid-air. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Looking at the stable picture transmitted back by the lens of the Canglong fighter, Director Chen sighed silently in his heart.

"It has to be thoughtful from above."

When he knew that the military would equip him with fighter planes for filming, Director Chen was quite flattered.

After all, being able to mobilize a helicopter to shoot is already Director Chen's highest expectation, and directly dispatching fighter jets has a feeling of overkill.

But after really seeing the Kunpeng take off, Director Chen understood the intention of arranging the fighter to shoot.

Because of the general shooting angle, it is impossible to capture the posture of the Kunpeng after takeoff.

Open the communication channel of the Spring Festival program group, Director Chen said in a deep voice.

"Everyone is ready to shoot, if anyone drops the chain, I can't spare him."

Director Chen's communication channel only links the people he brought, and these people are also the main person in charge of the shooting.

You can have a live broadcast accident at any time, but you can't do it at this time.

While the film crew was busy.

The host Zhao Zhongxiang also came to the Kunpeng and continued to explain the situation of the special program to the audience.

Lighthouse Nation, White House.

Office of the President.

Looking at the satellite images taken by the spy satellite, the commander muttered to himself.

"What are you going to do?"

Putting down the satellite image, the Grand Commander turned his attention to the television again.

"Forget it, let's wait and see."

The Grand Commander watched the live broadcast of the Spring Festival in the Dragon Kingdom and said silently in his heart.

Since the people of the Dragon Kingdom are going to make the first voyage of the live broadcast, no matter what they do, they can be seen in the live broadcast screen.

I just need to wait for the Spring Festival of the Dragon Kingdom to be broadcast.

While watching the live broadcast, the Grand Commander's heart was in a trance.

Such an important enemy situation, his own source, is actually a live broadcast conducted by the Dragon Kingdom itself?

In other words.

As the number one man in the Lighthouse Nation, the Grand Commander can see the same things as any other ordinary viewer.

It's all something that the people of the Dragon Kingdom want the audience to see.

"Fake, are we all shit?"

The dissatisfaction of the Beacon Commander grew in his mind, and it was a dissatisfaction with the intelligence agencies of the Beacon Nation, especially the CIA newspapers.

With the phone in hand, the commander just wanted to call the CIA to ask them to be held accountable.

was attracted by the picture in the live broadcast of Long Guo's spring evening.

"What is this doing?"

I saw that the picture of the spring evening of the Dragon Kingdom was stretched further.

This time, it not only shows the whole picture of the Kunpeng, but also shows the background of the Tiannan Shipyard.

At the same time, the host of the Dragon Kingdom spoke again and read an ancient text.

"There is a fish in the North Underworld, and its name is Kun."

"The Kun is so big, I don't know how many thousands of miles it is."

"Turned into a bird, and its name is Peng."

"Peng's back, I don't know how many thousands of miles it is."

"Fly in anger, and its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky."

Zhao Zhongxiang's rich voice recited ancient texts, which had an antique charm.

Even the lighthouse commander who doesn't know how to travel freely can feel a different kind of charm.

But here comes the problem.

Now is the maiden voyage ceremony of the first aircraft carrier of the Dragon Kingdom, is it time to recite ancient texts?

Even if it has something to do with the name of the Kunpeng, that's the score, right?

The translator had told the Grand Commander about this ancient passage before, and the Grand Commander had a problem at that time.

Now hearing the recitation of the host of the Dragon Kingdom, the question resurfaced in the heart of the Grand Commander.

In the first half of this ancient text, when describing Kun, it can be regarded as related to the current situation.

But does the later transformation into a bird have anything to do with aircraft carriers?

The Grand Commander looked up at the translator, who could only smile awkwardly.

Obviously, this is not a question that translation can answer.

However, the Great Commander's doubts did not last long.

Soon, the live broadcast of the Dragon Kingdom made the most correct answer to the question of the Grand Commander.

I saw that the screen switched again, and this time the camera was aimed at the bottom of the Kunpeng.

Pale blue flames spawned at the bottom of the Kunpeng.

That's the high-velocity plasma stream from the electric thrusters at the bottom of the Kunpeng.

Under the action of several small electric thrusters.

In the chanting of "Getaway".

The Kunpeng, which is in the anti-gravity field, is slowly moving away from the ground.

From the perspective of the live broadcast, that is, the Kunpeng, which was originally stationary on the ground, flew directly.

The Grand Commander, who was sitting in his chair, stood up suddenly.

Skirting his desk, the Commander ran to the TV as fast as he could.

Holding the TV, the Grand Commander stared at the picture inside.

Said incredulously.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Am I right?"

"The Kunpeng flew up???"

"A million-ton warship can actually fly??".

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